Five minutes of hate news

1. You can absolutely look at the facts from a study and then draw different conclusions than the authors of the study did.
Sure, you could. But that's not what happened here. New facts without evidence were introduced. That's my issue. You can toss a studies evidence, but just adding new evidence without a study backing it, because you think the evidence fits, is bad science (despite scientists doing it a ton).

2. I did not go around cherry picking facts from studies on the subject.
I merely stated that it is "suspecious".
I currently am uncertain whether it is legit or not and will remain uncertain about it unless and until I perform much more research on the subject. Which frankly I don't have the time to do at the moment.

I believe I was clear and explicit in my communication that I am merely suspicious of the content of said study. Rather than saying explicitly which is fact and which is fiction.
I'm not addressing your arguments here, more @DarthOne , who made a logical error. I quoted you because you defended Darth's point, which made this error.

Specifically, IIRC you are incorrectly remembering and the studies did not claim "3rd sons are born gay".
Somewhat agree here. My recollection of the study was initially wrong in my first post, before I relooked it up. I had claimed off hand that 3rd sons were more likely to be gay. It turns out instead it was each subsequent son was significantly more likely to be gay than the one before (if the first kid is gay at a 2% rate, then the next would have a 3% chance of being gay, and a third son a ~5% chance etc, if the increase is ~50% per son. Obviously ball park and example figures).

Take a look at Stalin's USSR.
Stalin let most sciences flourish but had a chip on his shoulder for biology.
He denied genetics as "racist nazi propaganda" and executed thousands of biologists who believed in genetics.
And promoted a conman called trofim lysenko who spouted utter nonsense.

My point was that currently in the western world we live under something similar to Lysenkoism.
Very similar actually because we too deny various sciences as "racist nazi propaganda".

Anyone who tries to publish a wrongthink study (for example, something that goes against the official LGBTQP narrative) will find himself homeless in the USA or in prison (for hatespeech) in any western country that isn't USA.
This I agree with, but there are ways to gather solid info from dubious sources. One key way is to look for information found prior to their complete capture, the earlier data tends to be more reliable in this respect (though sometimes less reliable in other things, but all else equal, older study is better).

That's something the Fraternal Birth Order stuff has going for it: there's evidence for it from the 50s and it was studied in the 90s.

Another is stuff that contradicts what they want to be true. They (initially) wanted there to be a gay gene. That Fraternal Birth Order doesn't present this is an issue for the ideologically captured scientist, but not much of an issue, as it's close enough.

But now, in a more modern sense (think 2015 on), that it's not a choice is an issue for an ideologue. They want sexuality to be a social construct, but it doesn't appear to be. Why? Because they want to shame people who won't sleep with trans people. They hate anything that reeks of biology working as intended, such as this.

Pointing out that there's actual biological reasons behind people being immutably gay, and the sheer lack of evidence for trans stuff, is telling, IMO.
Aren't medical malpractice and mistakes like the fifth leading cause of death?

Edit: Basically, if someone tells you the healthcare system fucked up and killed a bunch of people, it's super believable. So even without looking at the evidence, if you told me there was infected blood, and the NHS knew about and didn't do anything? I'd believe you.
Aren't medical malpractice and mistakes like the fifth leading cause of death?

Edit: Basically, if someone tells you the healthcare system fucked up and killed a bunch of people, it's super believable. So even without looking at the evidence, if you told me there was infected blood, and the NHS knew about and didn't do anything? I'd believe you.
Yep, malpractice kills more people than a shitload of other things.

I mean how else are we supposed to get all the organs we need to sell?

(NOT part of the video. but context you need)
the "infected blood disaster" of the UK is basically
> homophobia! you can't not take blood donations from gays!
> it costs a bunch of money to test every blood sample given. just test some. and what little tests we have are imperfect.
> why do people keep on getting infected with HIV and other horrific STDs from infected blood transfusions in hospials is anyone's guess. (and if you say why you get cancelled for homophobia. or possibly even jailed for hatespeech if a british citizen)

there are similar disasters happening across all western countries. but AFAIK they use different names or are completely unnamed due to memory holing.

the video is a guy saying
> the disaster was no accident
> over 33k people died from recieving infected blood in UK hospitals
> people put their trust in the govt and that trust was betrayed
> the govt then compounded the harm by telling them nothing wrong was done.
> therefore the govt must pay monetary compensation

he dances around what the actual issue was of course.
also I have no idea who this guy is
Evolutionarily? Two sons are suboptimal vs the alternative of having a son and a daughter. There's rapidly diminishing marginal returns to additional sons. It's much less valuable than a daughter at that point. You only need one male child to go and spread the genes among many females, so evolution has adapted to this. But in general, having as many kids as possible to support is evolutionarily better.

Morally, no. Also, it isn't certain, but basically each son is more likely to be gay than the son before. It's also a son-per-mother effect, not a son-per-father effect, so if you have kids by different women, there's no effect.

All this means is that gay behavior is natural. It doesn't make it moral or immoral (there's a lot of natural behavior that is one or the other). The key thing is that this, looking at it logically, is actually an argument against trans stuff, because that doesn't appear in nature (no, the clownfish stuff doesn't count, as there's no biological analogy for humans). Note, I even support adult transition, but I'm also capable of seeing arguments against my own positions.

Seriously, conservatives could use this argument fairly well, but they don't want to because 'gays are bad' or some bullshit. Again, I'd point out that fighting every battle offered is a great way to lose a war. You fight battles where you have advantages or you need to fight them. Not every single one offered.
It would make my theory about my father potentially being a closet homosexual slightly more likely. Because he was the second male offspring, and got the name from the first who didn't survive childbirth.
He denied genetics as "racist nazi propaganda" and executed thousands of biologists who believed in genetics.
And promoted a conman called trofim lysenko who spouted utter nonsense.
Stalin wanted his "equality" paradise bullshit no matter what.
Lysenko was party-connected and his idiocy costed the lives of millions (and at best, dozens of thousands to hundred thousands by VERY conservative estimates) and he is sometimes cited as an "author" of the Holomodor (and consecutively, one of the reasons why many Ukranians welcome the Third Reich in the initial stages of Barbarossa).

TLDR : Melinda French, formerly known as Melinda Gates, admitted publicly on television that ONE of the causes of her divorce with Bill Gates was INDEED, the fact that HE DID MEET with JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the child-trafficking PEDO, MULTIPLE TIMES.

Color me unsurprised. I'm not sure that Bill Gates actually sees other people as persons.
Here's a perfect one for today's two minute's hate

Germany just can't help being evil, can they?

Luther and Protestantism messed with their heads, I swear. Hitler didn’t make things better with his nonsense either.

Also, if all this leftist nonsense ends up largely resetting western civilization to back where it was socially in the late 1800’s- early 1900’s due to backlash, I will laugh myself stupid.

As for why those time periods, it’s before WW1 and the psychological reaction to it and later WW2.
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Luther and Protestantism messed with their heads, I swear. Hitler didn’t make things better with his nonsense either.

Also, if all this leftist nonsense ends up largely resetting western civilization to back where it was socially in the late 1800’s- early 1900’s due to backlash, I will laugh myself stupid.

As for why those time periods, it’s before WW1 and the psychological reaction to it and later WW2.

What you just said is typically what happens when a modern period ends.

The endless social experiments come to an end and people tire of chaos and the people who bring it and reaction is the final winner of the civilizational battle.

At that point pray your civilization has good traditons to fall back on.
:rolleyes: No, this is just you using any excuse to bash on protestants again. This has to be one of the dumbest takes I've ever seen on the topic, and I'm not even religious. This is just Leninism in action and has fuck-all to do with religion.

…I don’t think I’ve ever said anything bad about Protestants before, out side of commenting on how they’ve gone woke.

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