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I don’t get it.

Son of a…Never mind!
it is actually kinda weird looking at that. on the one hand my parents held off on getting internet and cable for a long while so a fair amount of the millennial stuff I got exposed to late. still liked it though. we picked up a fair amount of stuff via garage sales so I actually got exposed to a bunch of the gen X stuff too. Grandma kept an old Atari with so much of their shovel ware it was hilarious.
same. it is so weird that some things can last for decades but for some reason we need to replace so many things after a couple years of use.
Stuff made in recent decades is meant to wear out quickly or become obsolete quickly so consumers will buy a replacement/upgrade; they're cheap and of poorer quality, so why spend money repairing or trying to repair when it's easier just to buy a new one, even if only for a few months/years?

Older stuff, however, ran on the principle of being repairable to make it last.

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