Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

So a different combination of policies that both sides as far as political lobbies go would hate, what's the point of advertising it, i don't know.
Flouting? it is just his opinion on what USA foreign policy should be on this subject.
Everyone is sharing theirs, so he shared his.

He wants to change the form of aid USA gives from "usa taxpayer money" to instead be "sell weapons at a profit, and use political clout to counteract those who would impede israel war efforts".
while changing the diplomatic policy from "usa forbids XYZ for humanetarian reasons. tries to negotiate peace" to "usa lets israel kill the muslims"

It is a perfectly sensible position for a USA taxpayer to have. His reasoning is very straightforward. he does not want his money sent to foreigners. if israel is allowed to kills them, they won't come over into his country as rapefugees.
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Flouting? it is just his opinion on what USA foreign policy should be on this subject.
Everyone is sharing theirs, so he shared his.

He wants to change the form of aid USA gives from "usa taxpayer money" to instead be "sell weapons at a profit, and use political clout to counteract those who would impede israel war efforts".
Which between the politicking, weapon testing opportunities and weapon market schemes those are used for, is just a way to tie own hands in something USA is still decent at.
while changing the diplomatic policy from "usa forbids XYZ for humanetarian reasons. tries to negotiate peace" to "usa lets israel kill the muslims"
We both know the international politics of that are not that easy as they make it sound.
It is a perfectly sensible position for a USA taxpayer to have. His reasoning is very straightforward. he does not want his money sent to foreigners. if israel is allowed to kills them, they won't come over into his country as rapefugees.
So basically insisting the world of politics works in simpler way than it does while not caring that because it doesn't and there is no easy way to remove the reasons why it doesn't, his plans are useless in reality.
literally read the 3rd line from your post
> "these should have been done months ago"

there was months of delay due to biden forbidding israel from entering rafah with land troops.

I don't know if he rescinded the ban or if israel flounted it. but months of delay occured because of it.
There was always bound to be some sort of delay as Israel had to prepare for the operation.
Israel was also always clear that they are going in pretty much no matter what.
If Biden's whinging added any meaningful amount of delay, hard to say without classified info.
So basically insisting the world of politics works in simpler way than it does while not caring that because it doesn't and there is no easy way to remove the reasons why it doesn't, his plans are useless in reality.
1. Evil != Complex.

2. His position is what the ideal he wants. it is a reasonable one.
All it takes is enough people believing in his position and it can happen.

Would you go
> noooo! ISIS can't implement sharia! politics is too complex for that!

Obviously not because we have seen them implement sharia.
even though to you it is unthinkable and "muh complex politics" and "they offend the female voters" and all other kinds of nonsense.

Or what about
> you can't ban abortion! this will never happen. much complex politics.

and yet, a bunch of states banned abortion.

Heck, the EU is literally engaging in the most blatant of genocide towards caucasians. despite "muh complex politics".

there is no complexity here. He holds a view that is currently opposed by:
1. the current ruling oligarchy
2. the majority.

that minority position will not occur at the moment because of that.
but it could occur in the future if it gathers enough support.
very simple.
1. Evil != Complex.

2. His position is what the ideal he wants. it is a reasonable one.
All it takes is enough people believing in his position and it can happen.

Would you go
> noooo! ISIS can't implement sharia! politics is too complex for that!

Obviously not because we have seen them implement sharia.
even though to you it is unthinkable and "muh complex politics" and "they offend the female voters" and all other kinds of nonsense.
They did it in a part of the world where some countries do have sharia, and in fact those other ones aren't getting bombed to stone age by half of the world. So guess they have a better strategy for implementing sharia than ISIS.
Or what about
> you can't ban abortion! this will never happen. much complex politics.
Different states have different politics of course, but that doesn't apply here.
Heck, the EU is literally engaging in the most blatant of genocide towards caucasians. despite "muh complex politics".

there is no complexity here. He holds a view that is currently opposed by:
1. the current ruling oligarchy
2. the majority.

that minority position will not occur at the moment because of that.
but it could occur in the future if it gathers enough support.
very simple.
This is a schizo plan that cannot get much support no matter which way public views shift.
The same people who obsess about not sending even a little money to Israel are also people who won't want to support Israel diplomatically.
Meanwhile the people who want to let Israel do whatever it wants diplomatically won't obsess about not spending money on it.
So no matter which factions gets more support, none will care about his list of wishes.
So it's nonsense and i'm pointing that out.
This is a schizo plan that cannot get much support no matter which way public views shift.
The same people who obsess about not sending even a little money to Israel are also people who won't want to support Israel diplomatically.
Meanwhile the people who want to let Israel do whatever it wants diplomatically won't obsess about not spending money on it.
So no matter which factions gets more support, none will care about his list of wishes.
So it's nonsense and i'm pointing that out.
You are making the assumption that idealogies are merely a collection of randomly selected end positions. and those end positions, once picked at random, are now owned by "left" or "right".
different idealogies can reach the same conclusions for different reasons.

His idealogy is not schizo, it is very much a coherent one.
"America First" sums up his idealogy.

Let us look at an individual position he had mentioned. "USA sending money to israel".

> oligarchs who use it to line their pockets
> jewish dual citizens
> christcucks "I <3 Israel"
> simps of the oligarchs "the american economy benefits if we send our tax money there so they can then use it to buy weapons from our military industrial complex
> NPCs programmed into this position by a news outlet

> american tax payers who do not want their money stolen and given to other people
> muslims living in america
> literal nazies
> woke retards
> pacifists
> isolationsits
> NPCs programmed into this position by a news outlet
and various other groups.

there are a wide variety of groups on each side of the issue. No single group "owns" either position.

the fact that woke retards/nazies/isolationists/whatever agree with him on one issue and disagree with him or another issue does not make him a "schizo".

Nor does it mean his views can never become reality.
If a majority of the populace and oligarchs can be won over to his position, he can win.
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You are making the assumption that idealogies are merely a collection of randomly selected end positions. and those end positions belong to "left" or "right".
different idealogies can reach the same conclusions for different reasons.

His idealogy is not schizo, it is very much a coherent one.
"America First" sums up his idealogy.
Take the marketing shit to someone who cares.
"Stupid pet peeves first" is what sums up this ideology, i can play this game too.
Let us look at an individual position he had mentioned.

people who want to send money to israel include:
> oligarchs who use it to line their pockets
> jewish dual citizens
> christcucks "I <3 Israel"
> simps of the oligarchs "the american economy benefits if we send our tax money there so they can then use it to buy weapons from our military industrial complex
> NPCs programmed into this position by a news outlet

people who want USA to not send israel money:
> american tax payers who do not want their money stolen and given to other people
> muslims living in america
> literal nazies
> woke retards
> pacifists
> isolationsits
> NPCs programmed into this position by a news outlet
and various other groups.

as you can see, there are a wide variety of groups on each side of the issue. No single group "owns" either position.

the fact that woke retards/nazies/isolationists/whatever agree with him on one thing and disagree with him or another does not make him a "schizo".
Yes it does. Any of the existing group will call his policy schizo nonsense and will want a different one. The first group will think the obsession about not sending money is retarded - nothing wrong with sending military aid to allies, which by supporting diplomatic help he even agrees Israel is, USA sends aid to more questionable countries like Pakistan, Iraq and at least half of Africa yet he doesn't obsess about that.
The other hate giving any help to Israel, even diplomatic, and most of it would in fact want USA to oppose Israel instead. This plan is an attempt to form a coalition out of people who hate what the other half stand for.
It's also stupid from rational purely fiscal conservative side, because the sums of money involved are ridiculously small in the scale of US budget, small fractions of a percent, so they aren't worth much attention and trying to form practically impossibly coalitions just for that.
Nor does it mean his position is an impossible one.
Merely that it will be harder to achieve his goal.
"Harder" taken far enough is indistinguishable from "impossible".
As he would need to convince a lot more people if he wishes to have hope of it becoming the actual policy of the USA.
Yes, he would need to create set up his own faction and t hen make it outnumber half of the many you mentioned above, taken together. Not happening, considering how bad he is at arguing his position even here, and how you need to scrounge for weak arguments to even make it sound reasonable.
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In 2017...
Because you can't tell Gaza Strip from Gaza (city) located in Gaza Strip.
Even going by 2024 estimates (which I updated) it has still collapsed far more than you zionists will ever be willing to admit
In 2022, the U.S. government estimated the population of the Gaza Strip to be 2 million, while the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) estimated it to be 2.17 million. The PCBS also estimated that 41% of the population in Gaza was aged 14 or younger, compared to 36% in the West Bank.
Were all those kids your precious nation-state and far-right government elite extremists killed Hamas terrorists too?
It's a rhetorical question, I already know you're going to unequivocally deepthroat and regurgitate the Israeli state's propaganda like you all do. "Everyone I Don't Like Is Hamas: An Emotional Child's Guide to Political Debates"
Even going by 2024 estimates (which I updated) it has still collapsed far more than you zionists will ever be willing to admit

Were all those kids your precious nation-state and far-right government elite extremists killed Hamas terrorists too?
It's a rhetorical question, I already know you're going to unequivocally deepthroat and regurgitate the Israeli state's propaganda like you all do. "Everyone I Don't Like Is Hamas: An Emotional Child's Guide to Political Debates"
Maricón after Malawi I'm a lot closer to the Genocide option for several problem tribal groups that subscribe to radicalized Islam. I'm not a Zionist. I'm a Pinoy. I hate Communists, Jihadist and the mainland Chinese(West Taiwan) and Russians.
Even going by 2024 estimates (which I updated) it has still collapsed far more than you zionists will ever be willing to admit

Were all those kids your precious nation-state and far-right government elite extremists killed Hamas terrorists too?
If they don't like their kids being killed they are welcome to stop using them as human shields.
It's a rhetorical question, I already know you're going to unequivocally deepthroat and regurgitate the Israeli state's propaganda like you all do. "Everyone I Don't Like Is Hamas: An Emotional Child's Guide to Political Debates"
And you are free to deepthroat islamists who would hang your useful idiot kind if they had to share a country with you.
Maricón after Malawi I'm a lot closer to the Genocide option for several problem tribal groups that subscribe to radicalized Islam. I'm not a Zionist. I'm a Pinoy. I hate Communists, Jihadist and the mainland Chinese(West Taiwan) and Russians.
I wish you had the same hatred for the Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese too. At least you wouldn’t be called Tuta ng Kano. Or not really hating the Japanese, but more hatred towards Spaniards and Americans.
I wish you had the same hatred for the Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese too. At least you wouldn’t be called Tuta ng Kano. Or not really hating the Japanese, but more hatred towards Spaniards and Americans.


The Spanish are long gone, the american's more or less left peacefully after the second world war and the Japanese have been pretty plesant neighbors after the very nessary reforms that came after getting wreaked in the second world war.

In all honesty the Philipines more or less won in all 3 cases.

The Spanish are long gone, the american's more or less left peacefully after the second world war and the Japanese have been pretty plesant neighbors after the very nessary reforms that came after getting wreaked in the second world war.

In all honesty the Philipines more or less won in all 3 cases.
I mean using that logic the only group he should still dislike is China because it’s currently fucking with the Philippines. And he should get over his Russia hate boner since Russia isn’t the Soviet Union and is not trying to export communism or to colonize the far east.

Russia is trying to get an empire in Eastern Europe yes but that is something that Eastern Europeans should be worried about just like Arabs should be worried about American empire building in the Middle East and Asians should worry about Chinese empire building in Asia.
I mean using that logic the only group he should still dislike is China because it’s currently fucking with the Philippines. And he should get over his Russia hate boner since Russia isn’t the Soviet Union and is not trying to export communism or to colonize the far east.

Russia is trying to get an empire in Eastern Europe yes but that is something that Eastern Europeans should be worried about just like Arabs should be worried about American empire building in the Middle East and Asians should worry about Chinese empire building in Asia.
Someone finally explain to this guy what alliances are, why were they invented, and what alliances currently exist in the world...
Honestly, blindness to alliances, their meaning and their value, both own alliances and enemy's alliances, is something anyone would wish to inflict on one's enemies.
Someone finally explain to this guy what alliances are, why were they invented, and what alliances currently exist in the world...
Honestly, blindness to alliances, their meaning and their value, both own alliances and enemy's alliances, is something anyone would wish to inflict on one's enemies.
Why do you try to interpret what I say in the dumbest way possible? Obviously help your allies, if they are attacked defend them. But you don't cry and piss and shit yourself because they are being harrased by their rivals. I mean will you bitch and moan and suck off Saudi Arabia if they suffer a setback from one of their rivals?

Also Russia and China and Iran do act in the way you wish your enemies to act the way that I said. They will provide aid to those that help their interests and cultivate good relations as that benefits them. But they won't take it personally when their ally in another region suffers a setback.

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