Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

Why do you try to interpret what I say in the dumbest way possible? Obviously help your allies, if they are attacked defend them. But you don't cry and piss and shit yourself because they are being harrased by their rivals. I mean will you bitch and moan and suck off Saudi Arabia if they suffer a setback from one of their rivals?
Saudi Arabia is more of a frenemy than ally tbh.
Undermining the legitimacy of every move of every member of an enemy coalition and all of their policies is a perfectly reasonable move though, and our enemies double and even triple down on that with a copious amount of lies.
Also Russia and China and Iran do act in the way you wish your enemies to act the way that I said. They will provide aid to those that help their interests and cultivate good relations as that benefits them. But they won't take it personally when their ally in another region suffers a setback.
Absolutely wrong, they do join their allies propaganda campaigns, even when they have nothing to do with the conflict themselves.
The fuck does Xi care about a ceasefire in Ukraine or Israel? Oh, wait, it's about his ally in one case, and an ally of his ally in another.
And do you really think Putin is oh so concerned about civilians in Gaza when his ally Assad killed more Arab civilians with his own help recently?
Of course even if he isn't, he's going to say he is to help the propaganda of his coalition.
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I mean using that logic the only group he should still dislike is China because it’s currently fucking with the Philippines. And he should get over his Russia hate boner since Russia isn’t the Soviet Union and is not trying to export communism or to colonize the far east.

Russia is trying to get an empire in Eastern Europe yes but that is something that Eastern Europeans should be worried about just like Arabs should be worried about American empire building in the Middle East and Asians should worry about Chinese empire building in Asia.
I wish,that it was real.Unfortunatelly,Russia died under soviets,and what we have is postsoviet people lead by KGB mafia - and,unfortunatelly,they are lead not by smart general,only very stupid colonel.

Result? he would try to conqer Europe,becouse that is what his idol Sralin tried and failed to do.
Remember Putin supportint Catalonians ? Spain is not in East Europe - but,Sralin tried and fail to take it.

Sad thing is - german idiots belive,that he is their ally,and would help him,and Biden is trying to sell him Europe for...notching again,just like FDR once.

So,he could still win - but,since China would eat Siberia,and Turkey Caucasus till then,Moscov would fall,too.
Only fter destroing Europe again.....
I wish,that it was real.Unfortunatelly,Russia died under soviets,and what we have is postsoviet people lead by KGB mafia - and,unfortunatelly,they are lead not by smart general,only very stupid colonel.
We have been over it already.
The new postsoviet KGB mafia country is also called russia.
Yes it is distinct from the old russia which died under soviets.
Which was in turn distinct from the tsarist russia which preceded it.
and so on.

successor states often keep the same name. not always, but often. and in colloquial conversation people are referring to the current state not the one that died 100 years ago
We have been over it already.
The new postsoviet KGB mafia country is also called russia.
Yes it is distinct from the old russia which died under soviets.
Which was in turn distinct from the tsarist russia which preceded it.
and so on.

successor states often keep the same name. not always, but often. and in colloquial conversation people are referring to the current state not the one that died 100 years ago
successor states which belong to the same civilization - like,for example,China under another dynasty.

But,in case of Russia,we have territory who get few states which had notching to do with each other.
1. - old Kiev Russia.It died under mongol boots.Both Russia and Ukraina have notching to do with them.
2. - Moscov state made on mongol ideas - it ,among serfs,survived till 19th century.
3. - Russia made by Peter the great and later german tsars - they really civilized locals,althought were still barbarians.Still lives among exiled russian aristocrats.
4. - Soviets - they had notching to do with past,and want power over Earth,not old Russian Empire

Now,we have postsoviets which are soviet empire successor state,but pretend to be long dead russians.Dunno why.
They could pretend,that it is real,but why should i care about it?
successor states which belong to the same civilization - like,for example,China under another dynasty.

But,in case of Russia,we have territory who get few states which had notching to do with each other.
1. - old Kiev Russia.It died under mongol boots.Both Russia and Ukraina have notching to do with them.
2. - Moscov state made on mongol ideas - it ,among serfs,survived till 19th century.
3. - Russia made by Peter the great and later german tsars - they really civilized locals,althought were still barbarians.Still lives among exiled russian aristocrats.
4. - Soviets - they had notching to do with past,and want power over Earth,not old Russian Empire

Now,we have postsoviets which are soviet empire successor state,but pretend to be long dead russians.Dunno why.
They could pretend,that it is real,but why should i care about it?
Russia still is around the Soviets did not kill every Russian. Also the Russians were lucky enough to have the Eastern Orthodox Church around which preserved lots of it's culture. And because of the true faith they did not die out.
I wish you had the same hatred for the Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese too. At least you wouldn’t be called Tuta ng Kano. Or not really hating the Japanese, but more hatred towards Spaniards and Americans.
And we call you a Chinese bitch. Why don't you susup on Xi's chupa some more. Or go join your Abu Sayaff relatives.

The survival of the clans depends on China dying and the Jihadi being exterminated. That means an alliance with Americans and Japanese. If you think we can survive alone with our outdated equipment and lack of a military industry. You can take your lowlander ass and go to hell. You've been listening to the Chinese instigators that traidor Duterte brought in.

The Americans gave the clans the guns and artillery we use when Manila, the Jihadi and the various communist groups China and Russia started and continues funding, forget just who they're fucking with. We're autonomous for a reason city boy. We Hate and We Don't Forget. But we hate some groups more than others.
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And we call you a Chinese bitch. Why don't you susup on Xi's chupa some more. Or go join your Abu Sayaff relatives.

The survival of the clans depends on China dying and the Jihadi being exterminated. That means an alliance with Americans and Japanese. If you think we can survive alone with our outdated equipment and lack of a military industry. You can take your lowlander ass and go to hell. You've been listening to the Chinese instigators that traidor Duterte brought in.

The Americans gave the clans the guns and artillery we use when Manila, the Jihadi and the various communist groups China and Russia started and continues funding, forget just who they're fucking with. We're autonomous for a reason city boy. We Hate and We Don't Forget. But we hate some groups more than others.
Putang ina mo, unggoy ng Kano.

I don't like Duterte any more than you do, but I honestly despise the fucking politicians that made things awful enough that they had to drag that asshole into power. I don't like the Islamist groups that arose, but their rebellion was caused by the fuck up that Macoy did back in the day. Remember the Jabidah Massacre, unggoy?

And do remember what the Americans and Japanese, plus the Spaniards did to our ancestors back in the day. Take your highlander ass and go fuck yourself, unggoy. How many of our own people did the Americans exterminate back in the day when we were fighting against them!? Don't forget, it was your precious Americans that are constantly dumping old equipment on us.

For your information, I grew up at a farm in central Luzon. Far from being a city boy myself, I actually enjoy living in the countryside. We practically grow your fucking food for you highlanders.
Russia still is around the Soviets did not kill every Russian. Also the Russians were lucky enough to have the Eastern Orthodox Church around which preserved lots of it's culture. And because of the true faith they did not die out.
Yes,there are survivors in Siberia and Petersburg - but less then 10%.Rest - soviet people.Why they wave red banners? russians hated them.
And KGB officer Ciril,who is leading so called "russian church" is KGB,and loyal to KBG,not God.
And,it look like that since soviets murdered last real Primarch,i think Tichon.And most priests,too.
Russia still is around the Soviets did not kill every Russian. Also the Russians were lucky enough to have the Eastern Orthodox Church around which preserved lots of it's culture. And because of the true faith they did not die out.
Yeah you can see why liberals and leftists hate Russia and the Russian people with every fiber of their being. I'm not a simp for Kremlin/Putin but I find it ironic how they "but muh brown people" when talking about Iran despite the fact that most Iranians are more related to South Russians/Caucasians than they are Arabs or even most Israelis (despite being Muslims as opposed to Christian)
There is a rumor that pier will be used to ship Palestinians around the world. First stop Europe of course...because we have to take the fuckup of another country.
The elites really can't fucking make up their minds as to whether or not the Palestinians are frothing-rabid orks or not can they? They've lost all their credibility, best to think for yourself and do your own research as opposed to relying on what someone else told you.
The elites really can't fucking make up their minds as to whether or not the Palestinians are frothing-rabid orks or not can they? They've lost all their credibility, best to think for yourself and do your own research as opposed to relying on what someone else told you.
Do not matter if they are orcs or not - Palestine belong to them,and jews had no right to steal it,even if they were orks.
The elites really can't fucking make up their minds as to whether or not the Palestinians are frothing-rabid orks or not can they? They've lost all their credibility, best to think for yourself and do your own research as opposed to relying on what someone else told you.

Or, here's an idea- it won't much matter what they are if we don't let them into our nations.

Hamas terrorist admits to using Israeli hostages as sex slaves, via terminology used for them in a video spread around the net recently.

TL;DR, Hamas are fucking evil.

The West Bank Authorities really need to get round to cutting ties. Gaza is a theocratic rogue state and a lost cause that has been a massive stumbling block in the way of Palestinian statehood.

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