Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

Wow, Gazan civilians are literally watching Hamas cinema shows of their terrorist atrocities back on October 7 and cheering like it's a football match. Utterly depraved.

I am going to check Telegram as well, but so far there seems to be a lack of evidence of what you are affirming.
Again, the Palestinians are Hamas, and Hamas are the Palestinians.
By your logic, all Americans and other Anglophone countries are woke.
You try to tell people this, and they immediately try to dismiss it as "bigotry" and "racism" despite the fucking facts being pounded into their very faces from even MSM (which is biased).
People as "liberal progressive" cunts? I do not know about you, but us Italian and Iberians (and to some extent, Latinos in Europe) natives are already tired of this crap, it is Anglophone, France, the Low Countries and the Nordics (which probably not for long) are tolerating this bullcrap.
Even Italy didn't see this amount of bullcrap in it's most progressive and university-like cities as you mentioned above and below. Your politicians are allowing it from Johnson to Biden.
Hell, they're even celebrating in other countries' cities by defiling their landmarks (look at London, for example), assembling rallies, attacking natives, and committing crimes which'd get anyone else arrested.
Because your politicians, academia and so on allow it.
Are there outliers? Yes, but that's what they are -- outliers. Anomalies.

And since Hamas are worse than fucking rabid animals... do the math.

Fuck Palestine and the Palestinians.
I could say the same about Israel considering how the seemingly want Europe to take in Gazans despite it's their damn problem not ours.
Just like when they supported the FSA in Syria and Europe had to deal with the refugees from Syria despite the problem was created by Israel and the same European scum politicians.
Not to mention that Israel and pro-Israeli individuals seem to have the notion that Europe and North America (and sometimes even the whole word it seems) that Israel is permanently owed something, but actually no.
Or the fact that Israel supported a government as barbaric, murderous and anti-European like Hamas as Alieyv's stratocracy with weapons and intelligence against Armenia and the soon to be defunct Republic of Artsakh.
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When your choice is flexibility or death you get flexible.
Yes.Jews lost three uprising to romans,they must be flexible to survive.Muslims win,and for next 600 years only serious enemies were other muslims.
Their success is root of their problems now.Becouse you could not run modern country using laws which was good for nomads in Arabia 1300 years ago,and expect any progress.

The idea that wars have to kill roughly equal numbers of people on both sides or the side that kills more is "evil" is absurd leftist nonsense that that has killed vast numbers of people by freezing conflicts forever.

It's not Israel that doesn't do Jews a lot of favors, it's American leftist Jews, that are suddenly shocked that all the leftist groups they have funded and led over the last few decades aren't perfect tools and want to exterminate them too. Their surprise is amazing since I could swear there's an entire Jewish myth about this, something something golems.

The fact is that American Jews are the most privileged ethnic group in America, with vast nepotistic circles in numerous industries and institutions. Anti-Semitism is almost entirely powerless griping, except from the very leftist groups that Jews have long exercised power over and often empowered. Even today with Universities and such blatantly advocating Jew murder, I notice strong pushback that I don't recall ever seeing against the same groups discriminating against White or Asian males. I don't know what radicalized that ridiculous Hamas supporting Chinese American at Cornell, but I wouldn't be surprised that the immense difference that affirmative action and DIE in general treat Jews and Asian men played a part.
Revolution kills its own children.Happened many times,and would happen again.
I don't know why so many people act surprised at the tiny hat mafia's bloodthirst, as a people they have a sizable list of prior proper genocides, none of that cuck reservation shit either. They are not going to stop until the Palestinians are erased as a people and that sweet sweet real estate is finally ''theirs'' no matter how much anyone bitches.

The same people in politics,media,fbi,etc who have lied repeatedly about every major event(covid,elections,etc) of the past several years are now expecting everyone to think all of Palestine as members of Hamas. I don't buy it, if anything i think they would turn all of the west into a gaza strip. 15 minute cities sound much more ominous now🤔🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁

That is the law, both domestic and international, today, for NATO, the US, and the EU (to the extent that the three are not overlapping). That differentiation between what individuals can do and what states can do is the basis of (among many other things) the Westphalian (sic?) conception of the state, diplomacy, and entire concept of international law.

You might not like that the laws are this way as it stands today, you may feel the applicable portions of the laws should be changed. You might even be right. But that does not change what the law is currently.
Read theory of Cyvilization wroten by Felix Koneczny.Western/latin/ civilization had one morality for everybody,when byzantine cyvilization to which german protestant belonged had other morality for rulers.

Most important book:

Practice - my late grandmother was exiled after germans burned Warsaw in 1944 to german work camps.Bavarian catholics treatet her like humans,but for protestants she was demihuman or animal,becouse german law said so.
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Again, the Palestinians are Hamas, and Hamas are the Palestinians.

You try to tell people this, and they immediately try to dismiss it as "bigotry" and "racism" despite the fucking facts being pounded into their very faces from even MSM (which is biased).

Hell, they're even celebrating in other countries' cities by defiling their landmarks (look at London, for example), assembling rallies, attacking natives, and committing crimes which'd get anyone else arrested.

Are there outliers? Yes, but that's what they are -- outliers. Anomalies.

And since Hamas are worse than fucking rabid animals... do the math.

Fuck Palestine and the Palestinians.
The thing is, vast majority of the foreign supporters are not Palestinians. It's a worldwide Islamic cause, one that's hard to compare to anything in the West since the crusades themselves.

It would be one thing if just Arabs from the region did it. But you also see similar outrage from central Asia, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia even distant diasporas in Americas and Australia that are supposed to be westernized, Muslims who have nothing in common with Palestinians besides being Muslims.

Of course due to the ages of somewhat successful immigration politics, the left is willing and able to tolerate is, and besides, their Soviet handlers back in the day ended up supporting Arabs over Israel anyway and were quite clear on that fact with their geopolitical support.
It's not like defiling landmarks, committing crimes and attacking natives is something shocking to them, look at antifa, they do the same themselves.
I am going to check Telegram as well, but so far there seems to be a lack of evidence of what you are affirming.
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The thing is, vast majority of the foreign supporters are not Palestinians. It's a worldwide Islamic cause, one that's hard to compare to anything in the West since the crusades themselves.

It would be one thing if just Arabs from the region did it. But you also see similar outrage from central Asia, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia even distant diasporas in Americas and Australia that are supposed to be westernized, Muslims who have nothing in common with Palestinians besides being Muslims.

Of course due to the ages of somewhat successful immigration politics, the left is willing and able to tolerate is, and besides, their Soviet handlers back in the day ended up supporting Arabs over Israel anyway and were quite clear on that fact with their geopolitical support.
It's not like defiling landmarks, committing crimes and attacking natives is something shocking to them, look at antifa, they do the same themselves.
Barbarians stick together
Eh, not really how it goes, when the people involved are purposefully using the civies as human shields, and threatening any Gaza citizen who doesn't stay on top of their ammo caches and launch locations.
Which is why I've purposely changed this for this situation:
At the very least, they [Israel] do bear some responsibility, and for some attacks, they bear all the responsibility. They definitely bear full responsibility for the destruction of housing, for example.
Like Hamas so unusually bad that they bare some responsibility for Israeli caused civilian deaths, but Israel still does need to take some responsibility as well (i.e. 100% for the destroyed buildings, partial for the people in them, because there would always be some innocents in the building. Hamas bears the responsibility for the people they've forced to stay).
It's really more like the Felony Murder Rule, but applied to groups and organizations; the people killed in Gaza are a consequence of Hamas using Gaza as it's cult camp/accessory.
I have a ton of legal issues with the felony murder rule, and the felony murder rule is morally iffy, just legally useful for a just society.

Again, the felony murder rule would assign the fault of Hiroshima and Dresden to the Axis Powers. Now I don't actually have a moral issue with Hiroshima, it was very necessary, but also the US is 100% responsible for those deaths.

Look, I'm simply saying to not shy away from the consequences of what horrors are done, even if they are justified. Do what must be done with clear eyes and a heavy heart, lest one start doing unjustified horrors.
I don't know why so many people act surprised at the tiny hat mafia's bloodthirst, as a people they have a sizable list of prior proper genocides, none of that cuck reservation shit either. They are not going to stop until the Palestinians are erased as a people and that sweet sweet real estate is finally ''theirs'' no matter how much anyone bitches.

The same people in politics,media,fbi,etc who have lied repeatedly about every major event(covid,elections,etc) of the past several years are now expecting everyone to think all of Palestine as members of Hamas. I don't buy it, if anything i think they would turn all of the west into a gaza strip. 15 minute cities sound much more ominous now🤔🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁
...I'm trying to figure out if you're trolling, or actually believe this nonsense.
Which is why I've purposely changed this for this situation:

Like Hamas so unusually bad that they bare some responsibility for Israeli caused civilian deaths, but Israel still does need to take some responsibility as well (i.e. 100% for the destroyed buildings, partial for the people in them, because there would always be some innocents in the building. Hamas bears the responsibility for the people they've forced to stay).

I have a ton of legal issues with the felony murder rule, and the felony murder rule is morally iffy, just legally useful for a just society.

Again, the felony murder rule would assign the fault of Hiroshima and Dresden to the Axis Powers. Now I don't actually have a moral issue with Hiroshima, it was very necessary, but also the US is 100% responsible for those deaths.

Look, I'm simply saying to not shy away from the consequences of what horrors are done, even if they are justified. Do what must be done with clear eyes and a heavy heart, lest one start doing unjustified horrors.
The Felony Murder Rule exists for a reason, and every death in Gaza is blood on Hamas's hand for the same reason.

Israel is only responsible for the safety of it's citizens, and tried to go hands off on Gaza for decades, and look what it got them.

The Felony Murder Rule being applied to Hamas as an organization is completely and utterly justified, and Israel is not responsible for Hamas deciding to use human shields.
The thing is, vast majority of the foreign supporters are not Palestinians. It's a worldwide Islamic cause, one that's hard to compare to anything in the West since the crusades themselves.

It would be one thing if just Arabs from the region did it. But you also see similar outrage from central Asia, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia even distant diasporas in Americas and Australia that are supposed to be westernized, Muslims who have nothing in common with Palestinians besides being Muslims.

Of course due to the ages of somewhat successful immigration politics, the left is willing and able to tolerate is, and besides, their Soviet handlers back in the day ended up supporting Arabs over Israel anyway and were quite clear on that fact with their geopolitical support.
It's not like defiling landmarks, committing crimes and attacking natives is something shocking to them, look at antifa, they do the same themselves.

And? Why should I care obviously they will cheer on their side. Do you not think Israelis or neo cons aren’t cheering on videos where Israel bombs Hamas fighters?

Hamas supporters stormed a base in Oakland, headed to Tacoma, with a US Defense Reserve ship departing with aid for Israel.

Sounds like many arrests and a 6 hour delay in the ship departing.

Edit: Misread the departing port as Tacoma, no Oakland.
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The Felony Murder Rule exists for a reason, and every death in Gaza is blood on Hamas's hand for the same reason.
No, those are completely different reasons. The Felony murder rule exists to make conviction easier, and to discourage criminals from getting more violent. It's not a moral rule, it's a legal rule. Different ruleset.

In contrast, morally, you are responsible for what your actions do. Israel is responsible for what Israel does, Hamas is responsible for what Hamas does.

When Hamas forces people to stay in a place that is getting bombed, they are responsible. When Israel hits a place and there wasn't enough time for civilians to escape, Israel is responsible.

Now the question comes is the action morally bad? This is a separate thing from who's responsible. Hamas' actions are obvious morally bad. Israel is trying to stop attacks, and aren't any more morally bad than the war itself (which isn't morally bad).

Israel is only responsible for the safety of it's citizens, and tried to go hands off on Gaza for decades, and look what it got them.
You again are using the English language to mix different meanings of words (here, two types of 'responsible', governmental and moral responsibility). If Israel unprovoked nuked the US, Israel would be morally responsible for the people it killed, even though those killed weren't its citizens, so it is not governmentally responsible for their well being. So no, your statement is clearly wrong.

One could say that "Israel's governmental responsibility is only the safety of its own civilians." You could also argue that "Israel has no moral responsibility to protect Gazans, but if it actively harms them, it does bear moral responsibility." But you can't say that when Israel kills civilians that weren't being used as human shields (and there are many times this happens), that they are not morally responsible for the harm it does. This isn't an argument, you just don't seem to understand what I'm saying.

You seem to also be under the mistaken belief that I'm saying Israel is bad because they are responsible for civilian deaths. This is also not true. Judging the morality of actions is separate from determining who is at fault for them.

The Felony Murder Rule being applied to Hamas as an organization is completely and utterly justified, and Israel is not responsible for Hamas deciding to use human shields.
The Felony Murder rule is no more applicable to Hamas than saying that Israel's Iron Dome is committing a goal tending violation like in basketball. It's completely nonsensical as it's been pulled out of its context. The Felony Murder rule is not a moral thing. It simply exists as it serves a societal useful purpose.

People belive that antisemitic mean only jew hatred - so what?

Arabs are still semites.When you have arab-jewish conflict,you must be antisemite no matter who would you support.
Well,unless there are russian jews,they are no semites,but chazars.
You think Jews eat people. You should probably shut up about what antisemitism means, because you absolutely hate Jews:
What else do you expected ? for orthodox jews all no-jews are goim,which literally mean cattle.It strange,that he do not eat any catholics there.
2.Orthodox jews belive that all others are goim,which mean cattle.If i belive so,i would eat goim.That is all.Cattle is for being eaten.If i belive that other people are cattle,i would eat them.
I am sure,that they could legally eat people from time to time.
They had right to belive that i am cattle,and - if law abide so - to eat me.
Also, maybe you should also shut up about how language works, given your demonstration of how little you understand about it.
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Hamas supporters stormed a base in Tacoma with a US Defense Reserve ship departing with aid for Israel.

Sounds like many arrests and a 6 hour delay in the ship departing.

Seems likely the ship wasn't even carrying arms to Israel, what with it being in Oakland of all places.

Likely a PsyOp.

Benghazi 2.0, anyone?

How much you fellows want to bet that, while selling Israel arms under the table, they’ll send some more cargo planes full of pallets of cash to Iran, so they can keep funding Hamas and Hezbollah and ISIS and launch rockets into Israel so Isreal uses up more missiles and ammo and needs to buy more from the US?
And? Why should I care obviously they will cheer on their side. Do you not think Israelis or neo cons aren’t cheering on videos where Israel bombs Hamas fighters?
No, not really.
And to give you an idea how odd that is for modern civilizations, it would be as unusual as if Christians from Canada, Australia and Argentina were united in cheering on some Christian militia in Africa doing warcrimes to neighboring non-Christians.
I'd say that in current time it's pretty much an Islam unique phenomenon.
No, those are completely different reasons. The Felony murder rule exists to make conviction easier, and to discourage criminals from getting more violent. It's not a moral rule, it's a legal rule. Different ruleset.

In contrast, morally, you are responsible for what your actions do. Israel is responsible for what Israel does, Hamas is responsible for what Hamas does.

When Hamas forces people to stay in a place that is getting bombed, they are responsible. When Israel hits a place and there wasn't enough time for civilians to escape, Israel is responsible.

Now the question comes is the action morally bad? This is a separate thing from who's responsible. Hamas' actions are obvious morally bad. Israel is trying to stop attacks, and aren't any more morally bad than the war itself (which isn't morally bad).

You again are using the English language to mix different meanings of words (here, two types of 'responsible', governmental and moral responsibility). If Israel unprovoked nuked the US, Israel would be morally responsible for the people it killed, even though those killed weren't its citizens, so it is not governmentally responsible for their well being. So no, your statement is clearly wrong.

One could say that "Israel's governmental responsibility is only the safety of its own civilians." You could also argue that "Israel has no moral responsibility to protect Gazans, but if it actively harms them, it does bear moral responsibility." But you can't say that when Israel kills civilians that weren't being used as human shields (and there are many times this happens), that they are not morally responsible for the harm it does. This isn't an argument, you just don't seem to understand what I'm saying.

You seem to also be under the mistaken belief that I'm saying Israel is bad because they are responsible for civilian deaths. This is also not true. Judging the morality of actions is separate from determining who is at fault for them.

The Felony Murder rule is no more applicable to Hamas than saying that Israel's Iron Dome is committing a goal tending violation like in basketball. It's completely nonsensical as it's been pulled out of its context. The Felony Murder rule is not a moral thing. It simply exists as it serves a societal useful purpose.
And you are so caught up in trying to be pedantic about the subject that you miss the bigger picture. The Felony Murder Rule is just a useful shorthand for the situation, but you are so up your own ass with you pedantic arguments you don't even get that and go off about 'legal vs moral' bullshit.

All the blood in Gaza is on Hamas, no amount of pedantic handwringing about 'guilt vs responsibility' will change that.
No, not really.
And to give you an idea how odd that is for modern civilizations, it would be as unusual as if Christians from Canada, Australia and Argentina were united in cheering on some Christian militia in Africa doing warcrimes to neighboring non-Christians.
I'd say that in current time it's pretty much an Islam unique phenomenon.
That’s because there are few people who actually have Christian’s as their in group they pick race or whatever instead.

we’ve had people on this very site atheists even cheerleading the idea of Jews ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.
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