Immigration and multiculturalism news

He's recording a crime. Let's say you just keep hold of your drink and walk away. If you comes after you, then defend yourself. It's not rocket science here. -_-
American police are regularly thrown in prison for 'killing' (arresting) black people who swallow their drug stashes in a frantic irresponsible move. One could be threatening your life and the judge will still pull some bullshit out of his ass to throw you in prison.
No. No they're not. There's an entire industry dedicated to documenting the ridiculous shit cops get away with on camera. Plus, this is Europe not America.
Europe, America, controlled by the same creeps who hate the natives. And there was recently one such incident, cop smeared in the media for arresting an ODing junkie.

Does democracy actually exist in the West?
Does democracy actually exist in the West?
Yes, but not in the way "we the people" believe, and not in the way we have been told it does.

The (D)emonrats keep saying it: "our democracy", and they keep meaning "we (the demonrat leaders) have the vote, to hell with everyone else"

IE, they believe, and act, as if they alone have the power of the vote.

And by technicality, they do, at least, here in the US.

We elect people to make decisions for us, because direct democracy (even just to chose the president) was not feasible at the time our founders founded our nation.

That's what make us a "republic".

(if I'm wrong, blame the department of edumakayshun for failing to do their damn job)
and the boomers did not save for their retirement
Yes and no, many had retirement accounts that were wiped out in the market crash of 2007-09 and there's no rebuilding in only ten years what was supposed to be in those accounts after twenty to thirty years. They were told not to "save" per se, but use those investment accounts, along with SS. The market crash screwed them unexpectedly and it really wasn't there fault.

That was during the GOP's heyday, wasn't it?
Despite what people think, the GOP has never had a "heyday" even when Reagan was President, throughout his Presidency and HW Bush's the Democrats controlled at least the House, often both the House and Senate as the shift of the Appalachia and the South from Democrat to Republican hadn't completed by the 1980s. The stretch of Republican dominance of the Presidency from Nixon to HW Bush featured MANY split ticket voters, voting Republican top of the line, but then voting for Dems for House and Senate. Remember the Democrats controlled the House from the 1930s to 1992.

Thus the media and Democrats basically claimed credit for the Amnesty in the 1980s and because this was before the rise of alternative media, that's how the general population received and accepted it.

The rise of alt media and the the Appalachian/Southern shift gave Republicans dominance of the House in the 1990s (from 1992 to 2006), but by that point the President was Clinton, who staunched the major reforms the Republicans wanted to complete. Then W came to power in 2000 but his reform efforts were stymied by media backlash and distraction of his administration with the War on Terror.
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Yes and no, many had retirement accounts that were wiped out in the market crash of 2007-09 and there's no rebuilding in only ten years what was supposed to be in those accounts after twenty to thirty years. They were told not to "save" per se, but use those investment accounts, along with SS. The market crash screwed them unexpectedly and it really wasn't there fault.

Despite what people think, the GOP has never had a "heyday" even when Reagan was President, throughout his Presidency and HW Bush's the Democrats controlled at least the House, often both the House and Senate as the shift of the Appalachia and the South from Democrat to Republican hadn't completed by the 1980s. The stretch of Republican dominance of the Presidency from Nixon to HW Bush featured MANY split ticket voters, voting Republican top of the line, but then voting for Dems for House and Senate. Remember the Democrats controlled the House from the 1930s to 1992.

Thus the media and Democrats basically claimed credit for the Amnesty in the 1980s and because this was before the rise of alternative media, that's how the general population received and accepted it.

The rise of alt media and the the Appalachian/Southern shift gave Republicans dominance of the House in the 1990s (from 1992 to 2006), but by that point the President was Clinton, who staunched the major reforms the Republicans wanted to complete. Then W came to power in 2000 but his reform efforts were stymied by media backlash and distraction of his administration with the War on Terror.
Bush - you made him too much credit.I doubt,that he even tried to reform anything.He is member of oligarch family,after all,and have no reasons to change what profit them.
Bush - you made him too much credit.I doubt,that he even tried to reform anything.He is member of oligarch family,after all,and have no reasons to change what profit them.
. . .

I'm guessing you didn't pay much attention to W Bush's term while he was in office, but it was a huge deal that he tried and failed to reform Social Security while in office. It was a huge effort that ended up failing. He also pursued other efforts that saw varying degrees of success but in the end in many respects W.'s biggest failure was that he bought into two myths of DC: "Bipartisanism is essential" and "Democrats mean well". This meant he kept trying to cooperate and build bipartisan consensus while not strongly delivering on what the Republican base actually wanted.
. . .

I'm guessing you didn't pay much attention to W Bush's term while he was in office, but it was a huge deal that he tried and failed to reform Social Security while in office. It was a huge effort that ended up failing. He also pursued other efforts that saw varying degrees of success but in the end in many respects W.'s biggest failure was that he bought into two myths of DC: "Bipartisanism is essential" and "Democrats mean well". This meant he kept trying to cooperate and build bipartisan consensus while not strongly delivering on what the Republican base actually wanted.

Dubya was very much the last president of the old republican party.

It died under his watch floundered and now its being remade in trumps image as a populist party.
. . .

I'm guessing you didn't pay much attention to W Bush's term while he was in office, but it was a huge deal that he tried and failed to reform Social Security while in office. It was a huge effort that ended up failing. He also pursued other efforts that saw varying degrees of success but in the end in many respects W.'s biggest failure was that he bought into two myths of DC: "Bipartisanism is essential" and "Democrats mean well". This meant he kept trying to cooperate and build bipartisan consensus while not strongly delivering on what the Republican base actually wanted.
That.He treated enemies of Republic as partners.Do not matter,if he was useful idiot or Clinton hidden friend - he acted against USA interests.

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