Immigration and multiculturalism news

Yes and no, many had retirement accounts that were wiped out in the market crash of 2007-09 and there's no rebuilding in only ten years what was supposed to be in those accounts after twenty to thirty years. They were told not to "save" per se, but use those investment accounts, along with SS. The market crash screwed them unexpectedly and it really wasn't there fault.
If you mean they were forced to raid their retirement accounts to stay afloat, saving per se would only have been better in that they wouldn't have run into the penalties withdrawing from retirement accounts incurs. Otherwise, it did recover in ten years, didn't it? For older boomers already on the cusp of retirement I think the advice was then what it is now, to transition to safer investments over time to avoid exactly that risk.

It also would not surprise me if, say, an attack occurred that the perpetrator was either glowing quite brightly or was being manipulated by those who are.

Not that it would necessarily be the case if it was one of the usual suspects of course. Islam doesn't need much excuse to target the homosexual crowd.
Then they will claim he is a 'white' heterosexual 'conservative' who committed the crime.
exactly. And if they get caught they will breifly mention it then memory hole it, leaving people with the initial impression that their masters wanted.
It just gets too awkward to pull that off when they would want to convince the public that the guy was a white supremacist, Trump loving southern good ol' boy, but his name is Hassan, Abdul or Muhammad.

The state of Massachusetts announced a gigantic new shelter for illegals in the tiny conservative town of Norfolk.
HUNDREDS of illegals will be sent to this community. The school system and the emergency system could collapse.
Local leaders & residents aren't happy:

Norfolk is an all-white small country town 20 miles south of Boston. They voted 2 to 1 for Biden in 2020.

Yeah, they're getting what they deserve, most of them at least.
Known to the FBI and coincidentally removed from their list a month beforehand.
As someone who knows how this shit works.
I doubt it was on purpose
The three letter crowd knew about them and did nothing.
Because unless they have evidence they committed a crime or were attempting too and had actual evidence that could be used in court...what could they do on US Soil?
Almost like majority of people follow the law
9/11 was not some conspiracy for middle East bullshit.
It just gets too awkward to pull that off when they would want to convince the public that the guy was a white supremacist, Trump loving southern good ol' boy, but his name is Hassan, Abdul or Muhammad.
They count on media.Average Democrat voter could buy it.Besides,they used similar tricks in the past,and it worked.Why should it not work this time ?

They are not stupid - they count on our stupidity.And,so far,they are winning.Why they should change what is working for them ?

UN: 800,000 Palestinians Have Evacuated Rafah

The United Nations confirmed Saturday that 800,000 Palestinians have left the town of Rafah, in southern Gaza, as Israel begins its attack on Hamas battalions there.

Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner-general of the controversial United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), announced the number of evacuees — and warned of the risks they face.

The number of evacuees far exceeds the estimates that were discussed in advance of the Israeli operation, which began on May 6, amid U.S. opposition.

Coming soon to a western neighborhood near you, no doubt.

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