Most common alternate history tropes?

JFK Lives - Seriously, this one's been done to death. Granted, I can somewhat empathize with the "martyrdom" aspect that comes with a handsome, vivacious fella like Kennedy being taken out so unexpectedly, though digging into his various health issues and escapades over the years will tell you that's more public image than it was reality. That's something people taken in by the idea of a two-term Kennedy presidency forget, I imagine — especially since future battles over civil rights and the brewing counterculture of the Sixties would've tested his metal.

Would we get as many Vietnamese and other Indochinese refugees in this TL once Vietnam and Laos fall to the Communists? (I think that Cambodia might actually escape Communist rule in this TL due to the US not bombing it.)
Would we get as many Vietnamese and other Indochinese refugees in this TL once Vietnam and Laos fall to the Communists? (I think that Cambodia might actually escape Communist rule in this TL due to the US not bombing it.)

Not sure, since it hinges on whether JFK escalates in Vietnam like LBJ did.

Have heard it claimed that Kennedy was more "cautious" than his successors (especially with the Bay of Pigs fiasco probably haunting him), but find that line of argument somewhat apocryphal — especially with Bobby as a surprisingly hawkish influence within his cabinet alongside the usual suspects (like Curtis LeMay and Robert McNamara).
Not sure, since it all hinges on whether JFK escalates in Vietnam like LBJ did. Have heard it claimed that Kennedy was more "cautious" than his successors (especially with the Bay of Pigs fiasco still haunting him), but find it somewhat apocryphal — especially with Bobby as a surprisingly hawkish influence within his cabinet alongside the usual suspects (such as Robert McNamara).

I'm actually inclined to believe that JFK would have withdrawn from Vietnam by 1965:

But wouldn't a lot of Vietnamese and Indochinese have still wanted to escape Communism?
The book in question is Agent of Byzantium. (Linked wiki article might contain spoilers; caveat lector.)

Actually a set of spy stories set in an ATL 14th century, but with "Mohammed becomes a Christian saint" as the background POD. I think he later added a stort shory featuring Mohammed's conversion to later editions, but I own an edition without that later elaboration, I'm afraid.

Yes,they were spying on Franks to get recipe for blackpowder if i remember correctly.And byzantine MC get hot waifu in process!/Not from France,thought/
Good work,but nothing special.
Somewhat debatable conclusion. See this for an alternative viewpoint.

It is not vievpoint,but facts.First intact Evangelions are from 2th century - the same like ours.But fragments,older from 40-50AD,are also the same as our fragments.
When fragments of older Koran from Jemen differ from current version

Yes,there are so called gnostic evangelions - all writen after 2th century.
Yes,they were spying on Franks to get recipe for blackpowder if i remember correctly.And byzantine MC get hot waifu in process!/Not from France,thought/
Good work,but nothing special.

Who was the hot waifu?
It is not vievpoint,but facts.First intact Evangelions are from 2th century - the same like ours.But fragments,older from 40-50AD,are also the same as our fragments.
When fragments of older Koran from Jemen differ from current version

Yes,there are so called gnostic evangelions - all writen after 2th century.

That's your viewpoint.
What's her name?
Sorry,forget.Just like MC name.

That's your viewpoint.

Nope.We have fragments of our 4 Evangelions wroten before 150AD,which do not differ from canon,and whole text writen after 150AD,which also do not differ.
When oldest modern Koran was wroten 200 tears after machomet,and earlier versions found in Jemen differ in 20% from it.

You could hate Chrystianity,but it not change facts that 4 canonical Evangelions was,as far as we knew them,always the same.
Sorry,forget.Just like MC name.

Nope.We have fragments of our 4 Evangelions wroten before 150AD,which do not differ from canon,and whole text writen after 150AD,which also do not differ.
When oldest modern Koran was wroten 200 tears after machomet,and earlier versions found in Jemen differ in 20% from it.

You could hate Chrystianity,but it not change facts that 4 canonical Evangelions was,as far as we knew them,always the same.

What does MC stand for?
Sorry,forget.Just like MC name.

Nope.We have fragments of our 4 Evangelions wroten before 150AD,which do not differ from canon,and whole text writen after 150AD,which also do not differ.
When oldest modern Koran was wroten 200 tears after machomet,and earlier versions found in Jemen differ in 20% from it.

You could hate Chrystianity,but it not change facts that 4 canonical Evangelions was,as far as we knew them,always the same.

As I say the evidence suggests otherwise. But then we will have to agree to differ. ;)

I don't hate Christianity. I'm just aware of human nature and hence how disastrous totalitarian systems can be - which is what all the Abrahamic faiths are in practice when corrupt groups get hold of them and use them to maximize their own power. Which again is drastically different from what we have Jesus saying in the bible. There are a lot of good people who are Christians, as with many other faiths but that's largely because of their personality rather than what the institutions and power structures preach.
As I say the evidence suggests otherwise. But then we will have to agree to differ. ;)

I don't hate Christianity. I'm just aware of human nature and hence how disastrous totalitarian systems can be - which is what all the Abrahamic faiths are in practice when corrupt groups get hold of them and use them to maximize their own power. Which again is drastically different from what we have Jesus saying in the bible. There are a lot of good people who are Christians, as with many other faiths but that's largely because of their personality rather than what the institutions and power structures preach.

Then show how many fragments of 4 Evangelions from ancient times/and older fragments were written before 60AD/ differ from our version.

You are right about human nature - and judaism and islam,too.
But Cgrystianity,at least Western,is only religion in which you are person.Evary ither - you are part of group,or even do not really exist/hindu/
Then show how many fragments of 4 Evangelions from ancient times/and older fragments were written before 60AD/ differ from our version.
Read the article I linked to. Plus I will repeat what I said in another post. Are you claiming to have read those documents in their original Aramaic or Greek or just accepting what your been told?

You are right about human nature - and judaism and islam,too.
But Cgrystianity,at least Western,is only religion in which you are person.Evary ither - you are part of group,or even do not really exist/hindu/

Except that while some aspects of Jesus's teaching suggest that its a point that most religious insititutions reject. You yourself have done so repeatedly, demanding total and unquestioning submission to the Papacy in your case as others might do to reactionary Islam, communism or any other fanatical belief. Just as your said the bible is far less important than church doctrine.
That like saying there's no difference between pricked with a pin and having your arm cut off. All institutions involve power and hence should be treated with caution. Totalitarian ones reject any check on their demands.
Yes on that last statement, no on your reading of my comment.

Your statement was (re-arranged for clarity): "When corrupt groups get hold of them and use them to maximize their own power, all the Abrahamic faiths are in practice totalitarian systems."

My correction was: "When corrupt groups get hold of them and use them to maximize their own power, all possible hierarchy systems are in practice totalitarian systems."

My position isn't that totalitarian systems aren't worse. It's that the danger of totalitarianism isn't particularly unique to the Abrahamic faiths, nor even notably more pronounced in their specific context. Rather, it's a result of fundamental human nature, as you noted yourself. Any faith, any organisation, and structure or hierarchy, can be warped towards that totalitarian direction. And given enough time, it will be. Because humans are involved, and humans are often individually pleasant, but not so much collectively.
Read the article I linked to. Plus I will repeat what I said in another post. Are you claiming to have read those documents in their original Aramaic or Greek or just accepting what your been told?

Except that while some aspects of Jesus's teaching suggest that its a point that most religious insititutions reject. You yourself have done so repeatedly, demanding total and unquestioning submission to the Papacy in your case as others might do to reactionary Islam, communism or any other fanatical belief. Just as your said the bible is far less important than church doctrine.

1.Nope - but she did.And,thanks to her books,we knew,that 4Evangelions are the same which was in 2 or 1th century.
Here,Anna Świderkówna:

2.Nope.If you read New Testament,you would knew,that he never openly named HIMSELF as God - but he gave power of keys to first pope.

3.Poor,naive child.You fight popes,and do not knew what they teached.Certainly not blind submission like muslims - only few dogma which must be used to clarify what NT said.
Becouse if you use only NT,you would end with 100.000 sects,like in USA.
Somebody must clarify problematic fragment - and that somebody is pope.

P.S reactionary - please,stop using soviet speech.

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