Breaking News Not a private platform: US Government colluded with social media to censor people

I suspect that those things existed, and were doing their jobs, well before they got put under some organizational umbrella of unrelated things.

Every state with a shoreline having its own separate Coast Guard you mean?
Or maybe they could agree to have one such service for all of them, and all contribute funds for it? How about that?

I agree that modern government is bloated, and has lots of people doing things that either could be done better by private industry - or better still, not done at all!
But rescuing people from sinking ships in a storm is not one of those things.
They were also funded by nations. Navies existed.
If you ever notice though, private navies did what they wanted, and if it meant ignoring someone sinking...
Private means competition and that means fuck everyone but your profits
They were also funded by nations. Navies existed.
If you ever notice though, private navies did what they wanted, and if it meant ignoring someone sinking...
Private means competition and that means fuck everyone but your profits
Based on real life, we have a pretty good idea of how private navies operated.

Yes. It's a useful Shibboleth to determine if the person is arguing purely from an emotional/ideological perspective or if they are actually trying to take facts into account. If they demand reality change to conform to their ideology rather than accepting reality and making an ideology that accomodates it, if you will.

Or alternatively, they have no idea how economics actually works, since again these are things anybody who has taken even the most basic economics class will have an understanding of by the end of their first week.
My experience is that most AnCaps seem to care more about philosophical chest beating and personality conflicts, than about adapting to the realities of 'not everything is better privatized, some things need more than local gov, and some things are public goods that are not for profit making'.
They were also funded by nations. Navies existed.
If you ever notice though, private navies did what they wanted, and if it meant ignoring someone sinking...
Private means competition and that means fuck everyone but your profits
As I've said elsewhere, AnCaps are basically the Ferengi of the modern politics, except their ideology is even less coherent or based in reality than the Rules of Acquisition.
I don't hate the coast guard, I just see them as law enforcement/first responders, and wonder why the hell the feds are doing this not states?
The Constitution. Article 1, Section 8. Specifically: "To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed in the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;" Congress can't do that with sea-based Officers of the Law now can they? Although the USCG duties also could be argued to hit a bunch of other clauses in Section 8.
I will also add the the cost of a decent Coast Guard Cutter is 670 million dollars to build. This does not include Fuel, Food, Crew pay and yearly upkeep cost. And this is just one Cutter. When you get into the numbers the Coast Guard has it gets into the multiple billions dollars. So yeah not cheap.
I wanna point out that it's very likely this and the KiwiFarms drama are connected. Call it a hunch but the sort of informal nudge nudge wink wink of "Hey you might wanna deplataform these guys for reasons" by backroom deals is exactly what Null is dealing with.

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