The Consoomer Menace

The problem is simple, people have abandoned pursuit of God, or put another way, pursuit of Truth.

Pursuing Truth is hard. You find all kinds of unpleasant things when you chase after it, many of them truths about yourself.

And in this insanely prosperous modern era, there are so many cheap, easy, and pleasurable diversions people can distract themselves with. To go the easy, pleasurable route, over the difficult route, is simply the way humans tend to choose to go.

I absolutely believe in fighting that. The question is how.

By your own metric, I'm a producer. I write stories. I work damned hard to try to have deeper substance and meaning in my stories, to have them be fun and engaging enough to easily draw people in, but then have more profound lessons in there as well. In other words, I try to fight shallow consumerism, by making a product that can appeal to the shallow consumer, but then help push them towards becoming more mature.

What are you doing?
He wrote a star wars story about Plagueis surviving Palpatine's assasination which was entertaining. Not sure if it's still being updated.
The problem is simple, people have abandoned pursuit of God, or put another way, pursuit of Truth.

Pursuing Truth is hard. You find all kinds of unpleasant things when you chase after it, many of them truths about yourself.

And in this insanely prosperous modern era, there are so many cheap, easy, and pleasurable diversions people can distract themselves with. To go the easy, pleasurable route, over the difficult route, is simply the way humans tend to choose to go.

I absolutely believe in fighting that. The question is how.

By your own metric, I'm a producer. I write stories. I work damned hard to try to have deeper substance and meaning in my stories, to have them be fun and engaging enough to easily draw people in, but then have more profound lessons in there as well. In other words, I try to fight shallow consumerism, by making a product that can appeal to the shallow consumer, but then help push them towards becoming more mature.

What are you doing?

That's the million-dollar question, ain't it?

I don't believe that the consoomer meme is supposed to be someone who happens to consume products, but rather someone beholden to consumerism. Consumerism is the contemporary face of avarice, which drives individuals to define themselves and judge their value in terms of material acquisition and the social status that it confers. The consoomer is a pitiable figure, a slave to his passions and whoever can satisfy them. His corporate overlords despise him while he waits on hand and foot for the next product to buy. Nerd culture is dominated by these kinds of people.

I would suggest taking a look at the Distributist's videos on nerd culture on YouTube. Very good stuff.
Fundamentally the culture isn’t trying to change or at least restrain human nature anymore, but instead meet it at its base.

Human beings have always desired pleasurable consumption over hard work or the pursuit of spiritual truth(with a few noble exceptions throughout history.

In times past, hard work and pursuing truth were glorified and hedonism condemned.

Now in our secular post grand narrative world-the only thing that matters is one’s own satisfaction however attained.

This is made all the easier because technology means we don’t have to do back breaking field or factory work anymore.

The Protestant work ethic no longer appeals to people.

Why work your back till it breaks? For what? Financial security in your old age? Why not enjoy the pleasures of life now?

Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we all may very well die.

That is the ethos today. Unfortunately.
He wrote a star wars story about Plagueis surviving Palpatine's assasination which was entertaining. Not sure if it's still being updated.

Glad you liked it. Sadly, I decided to kill that story when my school commitments started getting more serious, and the Star Wars SI fic I noodle around with for fun often goes months without updating.

Part of the reason I update my fanfiction stories so infrequently is because I had a crisis about this exact issue, about the balance between production and consumption in my own life. So I've pivoted from making consumption of Star Wars the dominant feature of my life to producing original fiction (fantasy novel, original setting) and producing success in my day job. As for that day job? I'm a high school social studies teacher. I produce future citizens.

For those who say I'm just a holier-than-thou dehumanizer, I'm not speaking about anything I haven't struggled with myself these last two years.
Glad you liked it. Sadly, I decided to kill that story when my school commitments started getting more serious, and the Star Wars SI fic I noodle around with for fun often goes months without updating.

Part of the reason I update my fanfiction stories so infrequently is because I had a crisis about this exact issue, about the balance between production and consumption in my own life. So I've pivoted from making consumption of Star Wars the dominant feature of my life to producing original fiction (fantasy novel, original setting) and producing success in my day job. As for that day job? I'm a high school social studies teacher. I produce future citizens.

For those who say I'm just a holier-than-thou dehumanizer, I'm not speaking about anything I haven't struggled with myself these last two years.
I never read a book of the EU except for the Thrawn trilogy and bits of Obi Wan before and after he was a padawan so the adventures of Plagueis, the vong, his apprentice and the other version of the clone wars with duros was a fun read.

You can act holier than thou as you want from me. The site is to foster dialogue. Just don't expect a quick change in opinions.
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Glad you liked it. Sadly, I decided to kill that story when my school commitments started getting more serious, and the Star Wars SI fic I noodle around with for fun often goes months without updating.

Part of the reason I update my fanfiction stories so infrequently is because I had a crisis about this exact issue, about the balance between production and consumption in my own life. So I've pivoted from making consumption of Star Wars the dominant feature of my life to producing original fiction (fantasy novel, original setting) and producing success in my day job. As for that day job? I'm a high school social studies teacher. I produce future citizens.

For those who say I'm just a holier-than-thou dehumanizer, I'm not speaking about anything I haven't struggled with myself these last two years.
So we'll never get Part 2, Plagueis and the Vong Bio boogaloo? Dang. You crushed me.

Also I would say fanfiction is production-your just repurposing somebody else's finished product(to use an industrial analogy, whereas original fiction is using raw materials.)
You could write a story about the producer and consumer if that title hasn't been coined yet. Plenty of life stories to draw inspiration from.
Christians authors alike suffer from a tendency to have "boring characters"
...Imma have to argue here.

Chronicles of Narnia does not suffer from "boring characters" and neither does Lord of the Rings, Christian Authors, LordsFire doesn't write boring characters, Christian Author.

I'm going to be honest, I've read a LOT of very preachy "Christian Fiction" and been highly engaged because the stories are actually good and the characters are PEOPLE. SJW's have boring characters because they are totally unwilling to permit their "icons" to have interesting flaws. Meanwhile, go read the Bible, even JESUS has flaws, there's not a single character in the Bible who is without flaw, even GOD'S "flawlessness" is an informed attribute that was attributed later. If nothing else, the God of the Old Testament's promise in the Rainbow is an indication that the Flood was itself a manifestation of a flaw. Flaw's are not FAILINGS in Christian works, it's your REACTION to the flaw that can be a failing in the Christian works I've read.

And even then, Christian authors tend to be of the opinion that to fail is human, so their characters CAN fail. They CAN fall. They CAN be wrong. In fact, it's likely they'll do all three. Because those authors grasp that it is in the failing, in the falling, in the being wrong, that their characters can grow. Just like people.
Not really. How are you going to enforce the NAP, once you've eliminated all possible enforcement mechanisms as inherently evil and unprincipled? The true test of an ethical code is whether you can live by it, and your ideology is an embroidered piece of needlework to hang in the front parlor: pretty to look at, but useless.

So many words to say so little. Bottom line is that I and millions like me will die and kill (and HAVE died and killed) to protect the freedoms we believe in. Your views represent yet another tyranny that we will ruthlessly crush if it rears its ugly head too far. Nothing we haven't seen before.
@YeahOkayCool, I have an inquiry about where you place this consumer/producer line, and the finer nuances.

As my signature shows, I'm a writer by hobby and, in a way, by profession, with three novels self-published on Amazon under contract and a fourth being written. Over the past 20+ years on the internet (specifically Spacebattles) I've probably written several million words of fanfiction (I've written 3 million+ since mid-2013 easily), some of it solo and some of it collaborative and discussed over internet messenger services (usually).

I'm also socially awkward (probably emotional trauma from bullying in school, particularly my middle school years) while I still socialize with co-workers at times (at one job many on the evening/closing shift used to go out every other Friday to a restaurant dinner together, for instance; my current job is overnight and thus precludes such socialization usually, but I try to at least talk with them on various subjects where possible). I also socialize friends I've made online, mostly through internet messaging but including meeting them in person where possible (when they live in Ohio, Oregon, New Hampshire, and Arizona, and the closest is still 100 miles away with a full time job as well, face-to-face can be difficult). I lay this out for the purpose of establishing my level of socialization.

With the latter in mind, where would you rate me on this "Consoomer/producer" scale on the issue of spending my time writing so many fics?

(I have a further question but I'd like your answer first, since it might determine how or if I ask the question)
So many words to say so little. Bottom line is that I and millions like me will die and kill (and HAVE died and killed) to protect the freedoms we believe in. Your views represent yet another tyranny that we will ruthlessly crush if it rears its ugly head too far. Nothing we haven't seen before.

I don't think it's time to raise the bloody flag and start singing the Marseillaise just yet?
I don't think it's time to raise the bloody flag and start singing the Marseillaise just yet?
I think it's just a vent on the net like everyone else with a need to air their views online which is part of the purpose of the internet.

Some succeed more than others in sharing it successfully.
@Big Steve I don't want to be too harsh on you, because from your description it sounds like you're trying to keep from being socially isolated and have a creative hobby that allows you to both express yourself and make money. The very fact that you've produced novels that have actually been self-published shows that you're not the sort of passive waste the consoomer meme derides. Granted, it would probably be better if your work schedule allowed you to socialize more, but you're doing what you can. You're a producer, just an introverted one.

Again, I'm not a therapist or psychiatrist so take this with as much salt as you require.
So many words to say so little. Bottom line is that I and millions like me will die and kill (and HAVE died and killed) to protect the freedoms we believe in. Your views represent yet another tyranny that we will ruthlessly crush if it rears its ugly head too far. Nothing we haven't seen before.
Willing to kill and die for your ideas, but not willing to argue for them or engage with your opponents intellectually.
@Big Steve I don't want to be too harsh on you, because from your description it sounds like you're trying to keep from being socially isolated and have a creative hobby that allows you to both express yourself and make money. The very fact that you've produced novels that have actually been self-published shows that you're not the sort of passive waste the consoomer meme derides. Granted, it would probably be better if your work schedule allowed you to socialize more, but you're doing what you can. You're a producer, just an introverted one.

Again, I'm not a therapist or psychiatrist so take this with as much salt as you require.

Fair enough. But if I didn't have those novels on Amazon, and I just had the fanfic I've written so far, would you slide me further over on the "consoomer" side of the scale?
Fair enough. But if I didn't have those novels on Amazon, and I just had the fanfic I've written so far, would you slide me further over on the "consoomer" side of the scale?

Closer to Consoomer than producer, but of course you'e right that it is a spectrum. I'd need to know more about your life to really make a solid judgement, and I don't really feel comfortable doing that.
How not to be a consoomer:

Don't spend your time binge watching shows online, scrolling through social media, or playing video games. Instead, try learning a useful skill or a language, creating art, etc.

Don't spend all day behind a desk at work only to come home and sit on the couch. Instead, exercise at least an hour a day four days a week.

Don't stay indoors all the time. Instead, go out and experience nature.

Don't fill your head with pop culture trivia. Instead, learn more about history, philosophy, literature, and science.

Don't waste your money on the latest Marvel movie or the latest Triple A Game. Instead, try spending it on improving yourself if aren't going to try and save it (though I realize how difficult saving money is in an era of negative interest rates).

Don't spend your time by yourself or on your computer. Prioritize spending time with family, friends, and acquaintances. Doing everything above will be doubly helpful because you'll have actual interests that bring value to the people around you.

Finally, don't hang out with people who will disparage you for not being a consoomer. Find people who will appreciate the value you bring into their lives.

Sound good, @YeahOkayCool?
For those who say I'm just a holier-than-thou dehumanizer, I'm not speaking about anything I haven't struggled with myself these last two years.
Just as I'm sure your average SJW "struggled" with their own "White Privilege" before lecturing others on theirs. I'm sorry, but that's not a valid excuse for acting like a jerk. Whatever your "struggle" entailed; you clearly came out the other side a worse person for it.

Ironically there is a decent argument buried underneath all the rhetoric and condemnation; a lot of people have come to believe that corporations have a right to your time and money. Thing is, I don't think you can blame that on consumption; they're not addicts trying to protect their dealers. It's simply an exercise in elitism. That some people are just better than everyone else by merit of their wealth, station, or popularity, and therefore deserve to have total control over every facet of your life. The corporation is always right, not because it produces things that you consume, but because they are a corporation, and thus more important than you.
Just as I'm sure your average SJW "struggled" with their own "White Privilege" before lecturing others on theirs. I'm sorry, but that's not a valid excuse for acting like a jerk. Whatever your "struggle" entailed; you clearly came out the other side a worse person for it.

You're acting like a jerk. Stop acting like a jerk.

Ironically there is a decent argument buried underneath all the rhetoric and condemnation; a lot of people have come to believe that corporations have a right to your time and money. Thing is, I don't think you can blame that on consumption; they're not addicts trying to protect their dealers. It's simply an exercise in elitism. That some people are just better than everyone else by merit of their wealth, station, or popularity, and therefore deserve to have total control over every facet of your life. The corporation is always right, not because it produces things that you consume, but because they are a corporation, and thus more important than you.

Consumerism and corporate elitism go hand-in-hand though. Large corporations want you to get addicted to their shitty products so that they can keep insulting you while expecting you to wait on hand and foot to buy the next product. See, nerds and geeks were a large part of the Progressive Hierarchy; they constituted a group of "oppressed" people, freaks shunned by society in spite of their intelligence. However, around the time of Gamergate, the Progressive hierarchy decided to backstab geeks and nerds. "Gamers are dead" they said. That's why there's a tension where there wasn't before. The Gamergaters are basically people who want the Left to go back to how it was in the 90s because then they'd be left alone to play their video games and consume their products in peace. But the corporate overlords are like "NO, BUY THIS SJW NONSENSE AND LIKE IT!" Most nerds go along with it too. Why? Because they're consoomers who can't live without their consumer products. Even if it's crappy SJW stuff.

Stop obsessing over the latest trends made by corporations and do something productive. I made a list.

How not to be a consoomer:

Don't spend your time binge watching shows online, scrolling through social media, or playing video games. Instead, try learning a useful skill or a language, creating art, etc.

Don't spend all day behind a desk at work only to come home and sit on the couch. Instead, exercise at least an hour a day four days a week.

Don't stay indoors all the time. Instead, go out and experience nature.

Don't fill your head with pop culture trivia. Instead, learn more about history, philosophy, literature, and science.

Don't waste your money on the latest Marvel movie or the latest Triple A Game. Instead, try spending it on improving yourself if aren't going to try and save it (though I realize how difficult saving money is in an era of negative interest rates).

Don't spend your time by yourself or on your computer. Prioritize spending time with family, friends, and acquaintances. Doing everything above will be doubly helpful because you'll have actual interests that bring value to the people around you.

Finally, don't hang out with people who will disparage you for not being a consoomer. Find people who will appreciate the value you bring into their lives.

Sound good, @YeahOkayCool?

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