Africa The Locust Horde Invades Somalia

Air burst thermobarics would be the best against the locust cloud.
One news was the Chinese getting told to get back to work which was to develop lots of bio engineered fungus or some kind of fungal product to poison the locusts to be sold to Africa. I guess that's one way to do it.
The Locust horde has swept over East Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, devastating all that have stood in their path. Now China is next. Looks like the Chinese are preparing for a massive battle on the Western border of the Xinjiang province and have assembled an army of not just thousands... but tens of thousands!

This is the battle that will end an age... and be directed by Zack Snyder.
Someone call Marcus Fenix!
It surprises me how nobody has talked about the real context of this.

Desperate Africans are responding with “time-tested” methods: whistling and shouting loudly, banging on metal buckets, waving blankets and sticks, crushing the bugs – perhaps even roasting and eating them, under UN-approved nutrition programs. In Eritrea, they are using “more advanced” methods: hand-held and truck-mounted sprayers. In Kenya, police are firing machine guns and tear gas into the swarms!

Fenitrothion is a highly effective pesticide against locust swarms. But only in Ethiopia, it seems, are they spraying pesticides from small airplanes. Fenitrothion supplies are extremely limited – and aerial spraying is too expensive for cash-strapped countries, too dangerous in areas wracked by radical Muslim insurgencies, and minimally effective against such massive swarms with so few available aircraft. And it takes days for pesticide-phobic farmers to move cattle and goats out of areas that could be sprayed.

In this era of incredible modern agricultural and insect control technologies, when American farmers get 3-5 times more crop yields per acre than 50 years ago – how is it possible that Africa remains perpetually on the brink of starvation? That Africa faces yet another locust plague of biblical pharaoh proportions? That Africans must rely on absurd “time-tested,” almost totally ineffective locust control methods?

Incredibly, this looming catastrophe is due to policies and programs that have been officially adopted and deliberately implemented by the very UN agencies that are now crying loudest about the horrific situation.

For years now, the FAO, UN Development Programme and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) have been working in cahoots with some of the most radical environmentalist pressure groups on Earth to devise and impose “agroecology” – a perverse combination of socialism, pseudo-ecology and primitive, anti-technology agriculture. The program is financed and advanced by the UN, by European governments via their development agencies and funding of environmentalist NGOs – and even by US taxpayers, who provide 22% of UN funding and underwrite grants to and tax-exempt status for environmentalist groups.

Agroecology is above all political. It rejects virtually everything that has enabled modern agriculture to feed billions more people from less acreage. It rabidly opposes monoculture farming, hybrid seeds, synthetic/non-organic insecticides and fertilizers, biotechnology ... and even mechanized equipment like tractors! It claims Dr. Norman Borlaug’s Green Revolution, which saved a billion people from starvation, did little more than put global food production “under the control of a few transnational corporations.”

Acceptance of agroecology tenets and restrictions has become a condition for poor farmers getting seeds, and their countries and local communities getting development loans and food aid. Mid-level bureaucrats get cushy jobs overseeing and propagandizing agroecology campaigns, while ruling elites get more opportunities to siphon off additional millions in international aid money. They still erect roadblocks to Golden Rice, which could save 2 million parents and children a year from blindness and death.

AgroEcology advocates extol “food sovereignty” and the “right to subsistence farming.” They promote “indigenous agricultural knowledge and practices,” to the exclusion of knowledge, practices, technologies and equipment that have been developed in recent decades – and could help end Africa’s perpetual poverty, malnutrition, disease, joblessness and early death. They sow fear about pesticides and GM food.

Instead of transforming and modernizing African agriculture, the UN, FAO, UNEP, and radical groups like Food First, La Via Campesina, Greenpeace and IFOAM Organics International demand “culturally appropriate” food produced through “ecologically sound and sustainable methods,” as only they can twist those terms to serve their sick determination to negate and roll back human progress.

FAO Steering Committee member Miguel Altieri insists that all this will promote “resiliency” in African food production. The locust plague and imminent starvation underscore just how “resilient” agroecology has made East Africa. There’s barely enough food for good times, much less days of droughts and locusts. Modern agriculture could turn much of Africa into a bread basket – but the lunatics won’t allow it.

What this boils down to is the enforcement of a primitive way of life on the poorest peoples on Earth in the name of racial essentialism, anti-science Luddism, socialism, and the perpetuation of the neocolonial "third-world aid" industry, which provides cushy jobs for self-important UN bureaucrats and NGO managers and millions in ill-gotten gains to corrupt local politicians and dictators.
It surprises me how nobody has talked about the real context of this.

What this boils down to is the enforcement of a primitive way of life on the poorest peoples on Earth in the name of racial essentialism, anti-science Luddism, socialism, and the perpetuation of the neocolonial "third-world aid" industry, which provides cushy jobs for self-important UN bureaucrats and NGO managers and millions in ill-gotten gains to corrupt local politicians and dictators.
Shieeet actually shooting at locusts with guns?

Also fuck them. This is blatant neo colonism forcing people to be third rate shitholes.
Also fuck them. This is blatant neo colonism forcing people to be third rate shitholes.

Without it ... if Africa was actually prosperous and developed, what would all the "international aid" NGOs actually get to do? Where would the UN bureaucrats get their kickbacks and feeling of smug self-satisfaction? Where would celebrities get starving children to adopt to show how much they care? /s
Without it ... if Africa was actually prosperous and developed, what would all the "international aid" NGOs actually get to do? Where would the UN bureaucrats get their kickbacks and feeling of smug self-satisfaction? Where would celebrities get starving children to adopt to show how much they care? /s
Two faced bastards.

It's a world organisation backed racket.
Without it ... if Africa was actually prosperous and developed, what would all the "international aid" NGOs actually get to do? Where would the UN bureaucrats get their kickbacks and feeling of smug self-satisfaction? Where would celebrities get starving children to adopt to show how much they care? /s
Two faced bastards.

It's a world organisation backed racket.
It also ensures that these regions keep their high birth rates which produces millions of young men who can then be helped to immigrate to places like the US or UK or Europe or Asia to replace the aging natives.
Aren't locusts edible? Or is that only certain kinds? Are some poisonous?

I mean they need food a lot of times right? Kill 2 birds one stone and what not. Protect your crops while eating massive, meaty locusts. I mean while not my first choice I don't think I would have a problem eating fried or battered locusts ,they look and probably taste like some kind of chicken nugget, especially with some condiment or something.
It surprises me how nobody has talked about the real context of this.

What this boils down to is the enforcement of a primitive way of life on the poorest peoples on Earth in the name of racial essentialism, anti-science Luddism, socialism, and the perpetuation of the neocolonial "third-world aid" industry, which provides cushy jobs for self-important UN bureaucrats and NGO managers and millions in ill-gotten gains to corrupt local politicians and dictators.
What gets me is the focus on maintaining "indigenous farming practices". Like fuck, can you possibly be more condescending and fetishizing of the "noble savage" at the same time. When conservatives talk about liberal racism-this is exactly the shit they mean.

I doubt farmers in Kenya care much for "indigenous farming practices" that are imposed on them. By white Europeans telling them how their "traditional" agricultural methods which are far less effective than modern technique is good for them, because of their heritage.
So recently news reported China would send 100.000 ducks to combat the locust plague in Pakistan enroute to China.

Except it turns out these were fake news, and China considered it but decided against it.
Talk about a canard.
This thread sucks.

I opened this thread expecting stories of the hilarious misadventures of Chinese tourists in Mogadishu, but all I get are behind-the-scenes stories from a Starship Troopers remake?

How can anyone farm in Africa with locust swarms?

There has to be some way, like GMOs that are inedible to them, maybe
The answer lies in more money and skilled farmers needed for the chemicals and fancy shit you need to deal with locusts.

In other news Prince Harry is now like an Ubers driver. Shame he can't do it closer to home.

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