The Americas The Tyranny of Trudeau's Canada

that was a very good Jordan Peterson video. I hope he doesn't get targeted too bad for his support. Its hard to tell at this stage.
The thing is that most of his work is, well, boring. They only go after him when he does something interesting and gets attention from the masses.
I wouldn't be surprised. We are living in dark times, my friend.
Reminds of Belarus. Dictator said "we're going to have a free election, everyone who wants to run get your followers and make parties" then right before the election he arrested them all.
If you are Canadian member of this forum and have an account that just got unfrozen, start pulling out your money and planning your political asylum destination.

God willing, we may meet up in some corner of the world.
I’m not so fortunate in this case as the other guy who posts on this thread, but I can’t afford to flee to another country, as I don’t have the skills a foreign nation needs. I’m probably going underground and join any resistance groups that may pop up.
You may not have the skills now, but it's never not a good idea to try and develop new ones when you have the opportunity. Besides; there are some countries where, if you know what you're doing, you can make a few thousands dollars stretch for years.
If you are Canadian member of this forum and have an account that just got unfrozen, start pulling out your money and planning your political asylum destination.

God willing, we may meet up in some corner of the world.

I don't have the resources, nor inclination to leave Canada. I have too many ties: blood (family and more), history, love of the land, animals that I adore, community, duty, honour and more.

I'll stay, and I'll shape up my life. Hopefully get involved in that peaceful and passive resistance on the intellectual end and write, write, write. Take up the pen if I can.
You may not have the skills now, but it's never not a good idea to try and develop new ones when you have the opportunity. Besides; there are some countries where, if you know what you're doing, you can make a few thousands dollars stretch for years.
True, although the whole "learn to code" meme comes up in this case. At the very least, I could learn how to become an ESL teacher, just so I could find a good English teaching job somewhere. Maybe Armenia, Kazakhstan, or Azerbaijan.

I wouldn’t say that, pretty much everyone has a skill that is useful somehow when used properly, again do your research if that is something you want, including that link I posted above.
The one made by Nomad Capitalist?
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The senate is his, the house of common is his.

Conservatives are mostly liberals with blue ties.

Turdeau-Castro is in a better position than Palps, NGL.

USA is in a similar situation, except the US have enough privately owned guns to ward off this evil day.

We have no guns

I intend to flee to Kazakhstan with what little money I have as a university student.

Because at least stuff is cheap there, the people are welcoming, and they're strongly against the alphabet people shit that Turdeau-Castro loves sucking on!

I'll probably become an English teacher over there.
Worth noting that Canada is #7 in the world for estimated gun ownership. We have 12 million gun owners in the country, of whom 10 million are unregistered - and liberal urban bugman types are not likely to be among those ten million. As far as I can tell, even a probable glowie (and certain RCMP informant) going on a shooting rampage in Nova Scotia two years ago to conveniently justify the regime's latest gun grab hasn't really had an impact on gun ownership here. I'm not a gun owner myself, but a good friend from my high school years is (entirely legally) and he basically does not give a shit what Trudeau has to say about guns: I suspect many other gun owners, registered or otherwise, feel the same way.

Suffice to say, in case Trudeau absolutely insists on loading the national Minecraft server, I do not believe freedom-loving Canadians will be totally helpless.

In any case, I've never been much of a fighter, but I'll contribute as best I can to passive resistance efforts here before I bail out to join my extended family in Georgia. At the very least I don't plan to let Trudeau drive me out of my adopted home without trying mightily to defend it from his, Freeland's and Schwab's grasping claws first.
True, although the whole "learn to code" meme comes up in this case. At the very least, I could learn how to become an ESL teacher, just so I could find a good English teaching job somewhere. Maybe Armenia, Kazakhstan, or Azerbaijan.

The one made by Nomad Capitalist?
Yep. Their site includes a lot of info for anyone who wants to be an expat either for taxes or other reason
Reminds of Belarus. Dictator said "we're going to have a free election, everyone who wants to run get your followers and make parties" then right before the election he arrested them all.

Hey now. That’s not on him for being evil. It’s on them for being stupid.
Yep. Their site includes a lot of info for anyone who wants to be an expat either for taxes or other reason
That is only if those people have an actual business or money in hundreds of thousands. Looks like it's time to learn e-commerce then.
for all of America's issues, I'm glad we still have our guns and some governors with spine's good luck to all those in Canada. it's going to get rough.
That is only if those people have an actual business or money in hundreds of thousands. Looks like it's time to learn e-commerce then.
There are articles there that cover other items for instance cambodia doesn’t require much if I recall, again the articles also include details about what it takes, for instance Russian citizenship isn’t actually expensive per the debate earlier where people said you couldn’t get it
You may not have the skills now, but it's never not a good idea to try and develop new ones when you have the opportunity. Besides; there are some countries where, if you know what you're doing, you can make a few thousands dollars stretch for years.
Interestingly enough Russia actually needs more skilled farmers, they even offered Afrikaaners from South Africa to come over and farm there some time ago.
The thing is that most of his work is, well, boring. They only go after him when he does something interesting and gets attention from the masses.
He is still an academic and a massive nerd with "niche" interests where the mainstream is concerned, like that one friend you have that is otherwise ok, but his tism gets triggered by his niche fetishes and you end up listening about that all day long.

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