Breaking News Trump Has Been Released.... And @RealDonaldTrump Has Been Unleashed

All in favor of christening trump the New Bull Moose?
Given what happened when TR tried to make that into a new party, and caused Wilson to get elected, how about NO.

Trump is Trump, and he's closer to Reagan or Jackson than TR.
I doubt they would mind. They'd probably like the idea.

It’s pretty easy to point out that the “protestors” are no longer afraid of COVID-19 and that the media is encouraging people to “protest” alongside them regardless of the amount of physical contact and heavy breathing

Their Far Left politicians are also exempt from the rules

"Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east."
I was very worried about COVID-19 at first, but now, I understand exactly how it can be beaten, and it’s easy. It’s very easy. It’s literally antioxidants and corticosteroids. You have to calm down the over-active immune system. The therapy they gave Trump was quite comprehensive enough to do that. Vitamin D and melatonin to reduce NADPH oxidase activity and NF-kB activity on top of an antiviral regime consisting of Remdesivir and antibodies plus corticosteroids. It’s treatable. It’s very treatable. They took a guy in a high-risk category and treated him very successfully. This gives me hope.
Wall of salt from a leftist i found

Hope is gone. Not just for me. Not just for you, but for our futures and the futures of our children and grandchildren. Trump walking out of that hospital has stolen hope for generations. A white supremacist, sexist, racist, scumbag who's downplayed the most deadly virus this WORLD has seen in at least 100 years just got said virus, got the kind of care and treatment that NONE OF THE 210,000 dead Americans got, and he walked away. Donald Trump surviving has destroyed America's future and crushed our spirits.

His base now sees him as an iconic near martyr and sees this as PROOF (in their eyes) that all this time, they were right. If we thought getting them to conform to mask, capacity, and social distancing mandates was impossible before, this event just made it completely futile. A large percentage of Americans who have proven they don't have the critical thought capacity required to react to a deadly PLANETARY pandemic will now breed new generations of even more empowered hate and ignorance. We are now in a position that these people will be out in full force to guarantee that we have another 4 or more years of this man running this country into the ground. We thought the PB were a threat before? Think about when their messiah walks away from this.

Add to this disastrous news that Mitch McConnel has shut down legislation of all kinds EXCEPT the confirmation hearings until October 19th, leaving people suffering with no money, no homes, and no hope for another two weeks, and you have exactly what they wanted. Talks fail. Everyone just now gets Covid. Pelosi can suck it because, of course, as papa Mitch says, its HER fault she won't come down 2.5 trillion dollars to match their 0.5 trillion bump. You hear that Nancy? YOU are responsible for the American unemployed suffering. They continue to run this government like social media and the internet doesn't exist to exploit their dirty, cowardly shit.

You know what? I would sit here and say it's time to enact the Right of Revolution. The right of revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests and/or threatens the safety of the people without cause.

Who knows these words?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

This is the exact time and place that these words were written for, but this government, this media, this tech industry has made sure that we are as complacent as can be, and that we will never, NEVER be able to act upon these principles set forth by the founding fathers of this country. We are too fat, we are too lazy, we are too addicted to being keyboard warriors to ever do the right thing.

The new slogan of the USA?

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

Edit : You're literally all proving my point for me. Some of the same people wishing him ill and copping out calling me dramatic. Seriously, this is pathetic. As long as you can keep talking you're good, right. Someone reminds you that people fought off this kind of oppression to get where we are and you just sit back and call it crazy. You think the proud boys gonna sit back and call people dramatic, or chill out? Fuck no, they're gonna fight for their overlord and boost the body count while you sit and complain. I, for one, have had it. I'm not gonna watch my kids future burn for this fucker.

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