United States US presidential election 2024

Well,yes.But i still read one chapter per day,it is too mad even for me.
I binged it. Trump using Atomic burst a technique that even his master Optimus Prime couldn't master to defeat Anti-President 69 was great. That Oppenheimer invented the technique to defeat Cyber-Hitler so Space Jam could be made and for his waifu Lola Bunny... This is peak entertainment.
I personally like Scott above the rest.
Haley is about third on my list due to her forieng policy
trumps attack on desantis are really weird and out of touch.
they should be fighting the democrats together not tearing each other apart
What a joke. "Sold out," because he knows he could easily win a general and we'd have four years of actually fixing things instead of four years of reality TV.
He wouldn't win. he would pull Romney numbers based on polling data I've seen. he could have easily run in 28 and been the guy to beat. he may have had a shot here. his campaign has been actively damaging to the point that most people who I talk to who know him attribute his success to the Republican supermajority in Florida and not him now. It sucks but thems the breaks. at this point he is staying in to see if Trump gets taken off the ballots so he has a shot. the base knows this and they don't like it.
The problem with DeSantis is that he really has no stage presence or charisma to speak of. That’s fine in a policy wonk governor, and he traded barbs with the media relatively well, but it doesn’t exactly gin up excitement for a presidential run.

The way his campaign has been run has also been an ongoing clusterfuck. I’m honestly not sure that it could have been run more incompetently, and DeSantis needs to take a serious look at firing some people.

If this is how his campaign was in the primary season, I’d hate to see it in the general.

His other problem is that he decided to run against Trump, a man that rarely pulls punches against perceived enemies and who has the loyalty of the grassroots base.

Deciding to run against him was a mistake, when he could have just endorsed Trump, bided his time in Florida until 28, and likely had Trump in his corner come that election period.

Instead, some of the GOP base now regards him quite negatively, where before people were speaking of him as the heir presumptive once Trump couldn’t run for office.

I honestly don’t know if DeSantis can recover enough ground to run in 28.

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