United States US presidential election 2024

No, "get out to vote," makes sense in english "get the vote out" doesn't
"Get out TO vote" is a totally different phrase, though. This is "get out THE vote" (collective noun, implying "voters")

Now that Buba mentions it, it does seem to me that if I were to construct the phrase from scratch with no historical precedent I'd probably say "get the vote out", but both seem fine to me and there's definitely nothing about either of them that suggests preventing people from voting. "Get out", meaning "go away", doesn't to my recollection generally combine with other things in that way.

Sometimes English seems to have more than one acceptable word order, such as "give me that" vs "give that to me".
I hope some libertarian does something dumb like take his pants off on stage or something. Trump would be great at roasting someone doing something retarded like that. still if he can make an actual pitch to libertarians on why they should join his coalition that would be great.
VP Shortlist for Trump:
1.) ND Governor Doug Burgum (R)
2.) United States Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)
3.) United States Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH)
4.) Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY St)
5.) AR Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R)
6.) United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Is this your own VP shortlist or is this official?
I think this is @49ersfootball personal VP Shortlist. I don't see Rubio being picked whatsoever.
I've seen or heard some of these names being discussed as VP picks on various media, so I think that this is the list the Trump campaign has trial-ballooned.
Out of those listed Marco Rubio would probably give him the best centrist/moderate bonafides and make him look like the more sane option compared to Biden imo.
United States Senator JD Vance (R-OH), who has been mentioned as a potential VP contender for Trump, has supported what controversial Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is doing over there in Hungary, etc.,

The jackassery of Vance knows no limits.
Hungary's far-right PM Viktor Orbán has made "some smart decisions," Sen. J.D. Vance says
The people who keep on calling Orban far right, tend to be the same ones who also insisted that Erdogan is the Muslim version of a European Christian Democrat or that Chavez was a Social Democrat.
The people who keep on calling Orban far right, tend to be the same ones who also insisted that Erdogan is the Muslim version of a European Christian Democrat or that Chavez was a Social Democrat.
In no surprise, former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley endorsing Trump for President.
She's no longer useful to the opposition since she burnt up her influence and credibility trying to harm Trump in the primary.

So since she's no longer a useful piece on the board it's time to bend the knee and try to lay the groundwork for future opportunities to regain some.

Fairly standard Rino behavior.

I desperately hope Trump doesn't fall for it this time and keeps the rinos out of his administration entirely. Rinos working with democrats and the deep state to sabotage Trump was probably the most damaging thing of his first term.

Endless investigations that turned out to be complete and total fabrications and almost no pushback from Republicans because "these are serious allegations so must be investigated seriously. We have to be sure.". Constant leaks to the media of "absolutely ironclad evidence" of wrong doing that all turned out to be lies and so on.

Where Biden is blatantly and openly guilty of incredibly serious crimes, election interference, and openly weaponizing the justice department against political enemies. But he and his administration get treated completely different.

Republicans make me sick. I hope all the establishment ones get cast out and replaced by patriotic outsiders.
She's no longer useful to the opposition since she burnt up her influence and credibility trying to harm Trump in the primary.

So since she's no longer a useful piece on the board it's time to bend the knee and try to lay the groundwork for future opportunities to regain some.

Fairly standard Rino behavior.
She will get a NYT best seller book deal and that will be it for her retirement. maybe some speaking engagments and media slots where she can self flagellate over being "right wing" but still claim to be one of the good ones as long as she is denouncing the America first agenda and doesn't go too far against THE MESSAGE.

BREAKING: RNC Still Working Against President Trump

Sources with knowledge of what is happening inside the RNC describe a disastrous situation, where 'election integrity' efforts are window dressing, where 'real election fraud' is not discussed, and where anti-Trump operatives still wield substantial power inside the organization.

Sources also inform The Georgia Record that ninety percent of those RINO swamp creatures 'fired' after a leadership change at the RNC, which saw the removal of Ronna McDaniel, have been hired back, and are working feverishly against the re-election of President Trump.

The '500 attorneys' to be locked and loaded in GA to fight election fraud is a mirage - they don't exist.

Having thousands of blue-haired ladies in polling stations will not stop the cheat.

It's all happy talk designed to sleep walk the MAGA movement into slavery.

Sources lay out several 'must happen' initiatives that need to be immediately implemented or the election is already lost to MAGA.

  1. A major focus on stopping illegals from voting.
  2. A focus on preventing fraud by absentee ballots and drop boxes - all which for the most part are alive and well.
  3. A focus on improving, or even requiring, signature verification.
  4. Stopping the use of 'thumb drives' being used with machines to install malware.
Sources say, without these measure being implemented, President Trump will lose the 'official' count, while easily winning with legal ballots.

Sources tell the Georgia Record Ronna McDaniel is still being paid by the RNC.

The RNC has even removed the 'loyalty pledge' to support the nominee from the hiring process.

Sources tell The Georgia Record Lara Trump is siloed by Susie Wiles (the gatekeeper) to focus only on money.

Michael Whatley is allowing all this to happen, sources tell The Georgia Record.

This is bad.

MAGA is being fooled.

Stop the steal and force action on these issues.

Take with a grain of salt given the lack of evidence provided. That said, it also would not surprise me in the slightest.

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