"Woke" Franchises

Ah, the blessings of having a massive linguistic and cultural barrier to progressive ideas. Japan has its problems, but pink haired lunatics who hate their homeland aren’t one of them.
No, it's just us Western fans who have the problem of having these gatekeepers unless we want to go through the trouble of learning Japanese ourselves and importing directly.
Antifa and SJWs are just proof that evolution at least somewhere does exist.

I don't want to bash anyone here over their heads with my age, but if you were around to actually see all of this then you can truly grasp what actually happened.

What we see today, all of this dystopian insanity that has black pilled me, is the result of decades of leftism. It goes back before I was born. The leftist elite slowly but surely succeeded in their "long march through the institutions," and as I tried to explain elsewhere wars can be won by taking key positions- in this case schools, the media, Hollywood, pop culture, etc. We literally have a generation coming up surrounded by this insanity so what else can it know?

At this point I'm starting to think the ones behind this all along are starting to worry. It has become Frankenstein's Monster, the Doomsday Machine, the Golem run amok. Much of it was meant to ruin white people and society, but too late it is clear that when you set fire to one apartment the whole building has a tendency to burn down, shooting holes in the bottom of a boat in a sea of sharks will be fatal to all.

Look at those SJW protestors. Does anyone here believe they can even maintain the simpler aspects of our civilization let alone advance it? To be effective in the military to fight? Sure, the leftist elite behind all of this will have won- they can victory dance in a wasteland. They are scared now, which is why some "real talk" is leaking in. But I am not fooled, the original intent is still there, it just has to be toned down now.

Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter seems like a victory but I am suspicious, just as I am of Ben Shapiro. Remember I have seen things for over half a century, including the early 1980s and a brief return to more sanity- but look where we are now.

Fact is, almost all beloved franchises are woke now, and ruined. Maybe the Japanese ones will hold out, but American...no, barring a total reset- not happening. Maybe if an increasingly broke Disney sold Lucasfilm back to George Lucas at a discount and he said "forget the Disney slop now we do the REAL sequels MY WAY," and he actually has an Indiana Jones movie that can be done before Harrison Ford dies and actually manages to redeem the character from the disaster that was the fifth movie then maybe that can be saved ("Shadows of Empire" and "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" would be a great start for "Star Wars").

People, it took us decades to get here. We are not getting out for a long time, if it is even possible.
No, it's just us Western fans who have the problem of having these gatekeepers unless we want to go through the trouble of learning Japanese ourselves and importing directly.
Slowly but surely, independent translators and the piracy sites that host their work are regaining the ground they lost thanks to the advent of streaming platforms.

Reading that (shite) article, it looks like CBR made that statement, not the head costume designer.

CBR said:
Poggioli also went the extra mile to ensure the clothes appeared weathered, worn, and prominent under changing light. "It was the real light of the time," he said. "I had like 15 people aging the costume, and it was very important that in each costume, you can see what the sun [did to] these people working [during] the day, like, what the sea was making of everything [...] the costumes, they were made like a sculpture, to keep the light like in reality." It's easy to compare the costume design to vampire films like Van Helsing, which also heavily relied on characters wearing period-accurate clothing.

One of the film's greatest feats was depicting diverse cultures solely through costume design. "It was interesting to describe the different people that were in this boat. Even if André, the director, asked me to not describe too much [about] the ethnicity of each of them. But it was just in some detail," said Poggioli. "For example, just the difference of the boots. The Russian guy has boots instead of shoes, [and] the Romanian guy has a particular boot. So it's just in the details that we can discover where these people are coming from."

Print Entertainment Journalism is always more trash regarding interviews than any other medium.

There's a difference between making clothes looking weathered and lived in and authentic to the films context as opposed to 'period accurate' but CBR apparently decided to conflate the two and credit the costume designer with their opinion.

Plus comparison to Van Helsing... CBR apparently feels that's the best version of Dracula... oof. The two films seem completely different in tone. You're allowed to be a fan of campy movies, but don't report it as fact or compare it to other peoples works, thinking they lap up the same shit you do. :poop:


Oh it's not even CBR's reporting. They're regurgitating an interview with a much smaller website called MovieWeb.

Again... in the interview, nothing regarding a direct statement of making the costumes period accurate.

MovieWeb said:
The Last Voyage of the Demeter boasts an exceptional set of diverse characters, but in the port of Varna scene at the beginning of the movie, the diversity was only enhanced. This in turn excited Poggioli, as it allowed him to investigate and research ideas around the diverse groups of people that would be at that Bulgarian port at the turn of the 20th century. Poggioli said:

"And so I was lucky," continued the designer, because he'd shot films in those places before. "So I had many, many books that were telling me the story of these people [...] Instead of going on the internet, where everybody [goes] to research, I had already many books that I bought during my trips in these countries."

Poggioli then carried on by discussing the little details he gave each character to reference their ethnicities in different ways. "It was interesting to describe the different people that were in this boat. Even if André, the director, asked me to not describe too much [about] the ethnicity of each of them. But it was just in some detail," said Poggioli. "For example, just the difference of the boots. The Russian guy has boots instead of shoes, [and] the Romanian guy has a particular boot. So it's just in the details that we can discover where these people are coming from."

From there, the issue was making the details even more detailed. "The biggest challenge was to make the costume in that sense," said Poggioli. "For example, the sweater, we did the oldest sweater by hand, like [how] they were in that period. And also the coat that we made, it was exactly what they were wearing. It was like a linen covered with wax. So each costume was made with this intention to make it realistic."

At best he says they made a sweater and a coat "with this intention to make it realistic" and "in that period" as examples. But the article doesn't give visual examples of what is shown.

I'll say I have no doubt that a Costume Designer from Italy wouldn't read books on this shit. I'm sure he did research, as that's part of his job, but his previous pedigree were films ranging from the American Civil War drama Cold Mountain to films like Jason and the Argonauts and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. And his primary job is to make it look realistic for a fictional film, not a lived in documentary.

CBR is still trash.
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I wasn't aware they were even writing new original Bond novels unrelated to the films or whatever.

EDIT: Nevermind it's true... It's true...

On HIS Majesty's Secret Service by Comedian and Young Bond novelist Charlie Higson.
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These people aren't even trying anymore :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
And do not knew their own History.Even before Magna Carta Kings could not do everytching they wanted.
And being schocked that they do not use disabled to make putch.....
Well,i wait for new disabled Bond chasing after villains in his chair.
It's the golem run amok. I watched some of Nerdrotic's videos, checked up, and sure enough Hollywood, Disney...it's all dying. They are losing BILLIONS, once-invincible franchises are a joke ("Indiana Joke and the Dial of Disaster" opened to empty or near-empty theaters), Disney got into a suicidal fight with Florida's governor and so lost privileges similar to what Indian reservations have, cable channels are huge money losers..."Barbie" did well simply because it was a live-action "Barbie" movie and "Oppenheimer" did well too, as did "Avatar 2" but again that one was guaranteed to do well. "Top Gun: Maverick" was another success but look at it this way- one was based on an iconic toy for girls, one was a sequel to a smash success from more than a decade ago which dazzled with fantastic visuals, and "Maverick" was a sequel to a movie from the mid-1980s! Given the losses ("Turning Red"- the title makes me wonder- lost over 150 MILLION dollars) those successes just aren't enough.

Taxpayers helped bail out the movie theaters for Hollywood which Hollywood intended to abandon in favor of streaming, but that has so far failed.

Point is, what was once a seemingly endless source of money and thus power is failing. The leftists were supposed to be useful idiots to be used against people like me and Western society but now they are out of control. It is Frankenstein's Monster turning against his creator. Now leftism is becoming a liability to those largely responsible for it. It is painfully clear from a neighboring galaxy that to go woke is to go broke yet it continues apace, look at the live-action "Snow White"- it is now a monster out of control.

I am now expecting some "real talk" about leftism and how "we" must unite against it from those who pushed it and tried to ruin me with it. Ain't happening. Turns out shooting holes in the bottom of the ship we were both in wasn't such a good idea, don't expect me to share a lifeboat with you. I'm too old and too black-pilled to consider such a thing.
I wasn't aware they were even writing new original Bond novels unrelated to the films or whatever.

EDIT: Nevermind it's true... It's true...

On HIS Majesty's Secret Service by Comedian and Young Bond novelist Charlie Higson.

To me the last Bond movie was "A View to a Kill."

So, new Castlevania series on Netflix. Apparently, they're moving onto Richter's story with this one; but I have a serious problem with it. No, it's not the fact that they with with the later redesign for Maria Renard, instead of her far superior one from the original (though I do take issue with that); it's the "new" black character with the anachronistic dreadlocks. She's supposed to be Annette, Richter's girlfriend from the game who gets kidnapped alongside several other maidens; except here she's been turned into the same tough-as-nails "don't need no man" bitch that the regressive left insist has to be front and center in every story in order for it to be "relevant to the world we live in".
You are surprised?
Not in the least; I just refuse to allow myself to become so jaded that I let something like this pass without comment. As many people apparently have; considering that this was first revealed almost a month ago, and yet almost nobody has talked about it. Then again, perhaps interest in the show is so low that not many want to talk about it in general; which, considering how the last few seasons of the previous Netflix Castlevania series turned out, I suppose wouldn't surprise me.
Not in the least; I just refuse to allow myself to become so jaded that I let something like this pass without comment. As many people apparently have; considering that this was first revealed almost a month ago, and yet almost nobody has talked about it. Then again, perhaps interest in the show is so low that not many want to talk about it in general; which, considering how the last few seasons of the previous Netflix Castlevania series turned out, I suppose wouldn't surprise me.

A real shame too. The early season had its flaws but was certainly enjoyable. Then season 2 happened and, well… it’s Netflix.
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