Religion Christian Society Grooming (or Lack Thereof)

Some will, some won't. While some cult leaders who try to pose as good leaders will work to lead people astray, the mainstay of Christian and conservative thought is not collectivist.

It makes it harder to have a unified political movement, but also makes it functionally immune to complete subversion, only bits and pieces at any given time can be subverted.

Trust me, I hope you are right. I'd like to not live in a world where I fear getting snatched for fear of my beliefs or preferences.
The larger and larger part of the population that is made of pedophiles and other sexual deviants? They deserved it.
Or the larger and larger part of the population who have murdered a child for their own convenience? They deserved it.
Maybe you are talking about the larger and large part of the population who chant "Trust the science" after repeating what scientifically illiterate pundits have told them about? Yeah, they have totally legitimate gripes with the Christian value of truth.

Honestly, I think Christians have not been violent and oppressive enough during the last few decades.
Honestly it is like reality is a comedy skit.

>> We pushed out religion
> me: great! finally we would have an enlightened free thinking society!
>> And we are replacing it with a much more aggressive cult that worships totalitarianism, communism, child genital mutilation, sodomy, and pedophilia.
> me: that... actually is a turn to the worse
>> Also we chant "Trust the Science" while pushing hoaxes on the public, and using them as justification for neo-feudalism. And silencing any real scientist who dares to debunk our hoaxes.
> me: go back, go back!

Please for the love of Athe, go back to being Christian!
I am so sorry I ever asked for an atheist government.
The larger and larger part of the population that is made of pedophiles and other sexual deviants? They deserved it.

ok, define sexual deviant though Are we talking Drag Queen Storytime hour or are we talking interracial marriages or maybe people who are attracted to women who like a little more junk in the trunk? I think you'd be surprised how many activists view the latter as a fetish on the same level of deviancy as the former...I think those are the people that the likes of me and Bacle fear of getting back into power once the pendulum swings the other way. and for the people who say "That would never happen..." Plenty of people never imagined the amount of power and influence Twitter activists would have either though we are.
You misunderstood what I'm saying. I mean that nation ITSELF can't be based on the Bible. That's got nothing to do with individual Christians.

Christians are essentially refugees living on a green card until the death ferry or Jesus himself comes to collect them. They aren't sovereign citizens in the spiritual sense. Heck the reason why I'm half as uppity as I am regarding US politics is the fact that our own politicians are breaking the rule of law that Christians are supposed to follow up to the point in contradicts God's law.

I don't think a Christian can be a politician.
Ok that makes a bit more sense and while I don’t think it’s impossible to be Christian and a politician I will agree it’s very hard as politicians in democratic societies are basically glorified prostitutes.

Though the original example Bacle gave was Supreme Court justices on a case so can I ask what you mean by politician? Like do you think a Christian is not allowed to have secular authority?

The conclusion they tend to move towards is Sedevacantism: that the current Pope is not a genuine one. Which as far as I can tell would mean that whatever sort of Divine blessing a "real" Pope is suppose to have, the current incumbent doesn't.
They aren't quite willing to go all the way to the conclusion that the whole concept of someone being elected "Pope" meaning that they become incapable of error being flawed at its foundation.
But in the past there were anti popes you could point too and say they are the real pope who do sedevacants point too.

No, he is definitely a Marxist on social issues, even if he may be traditional on religious issues:
That is debatable about it being a social issue. After all the Bible does teach to care for refugees strangers and foreigners advocating for them is not Marxism.

Some will, some won't. While some cult leaders who try to pose as good leaders will work to lead people astray, the mainstay of Christian and conservative thought is not collectivist.

It makes it harder to have a unified political movement, but also makes it functionally immune to complete subversion, only bits and pieces at any given time can be subverted.
You are mixing Protestantism with Christianity. Protestant thought Is individualist Christianity recognized that individualism is the seed of satanism.
Ok that makes a bit more sense and while I don’t think it’s impossible to be Christian and a politician I will agree it’s very hard as politicians in democratic societies are basically glorified prostitutes.

Though the original example Bacle gave was Supreme Court justices on a case so can I ask what you mean by politician? Like do you think a Christian is not allowed to have secular authority?

I think it's incredibly hard if not straight-up impossible. Especially the higher up the chain you get. Even if you discount a good chunk of Christians who are anti-war look at the amount of intrigue, and deception that is done in the political underbelly. Maybe it is possible but I don't see how even the kings blessed directly by God fell to the corruptive influence of secular power, and it partially required them to lose that power to get them back on track.

I think we forget at times the Kings of Israel fell inwardly before they fell outwardly. There is debate about how much influence man actually has over their own government vs how much of it is God handpicking said leaders, but I think in either case. MOST secular leaders are essentially people who were always going to be lost and whom God uses as a tool to keep things afloat. This is a double-edged sword. On one hand. It keeps Christianity out of the corruptive hands of the sinful world by separating it while at the same time, leaving it vulnerable to torment and persecution.
Ironically I think if everyone were Christians there would be no need for nations or boarders...but that's a utopian dream that could never happen in this world.
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This is one of the more hilariously wrong statements you've made.

I'm curious as to what your source on this particular piece of nonsense is?
Yes I don't want you to think I just talk out of my butt. Basically I watch non Christians explain their religion and can see how they act and what they believe. I have watched some interesting Jews and Muslims explain their theology I can recommend you some if you want.

But why I think individualism is satanic. Because that is what the atheists preach about a person's individual right to kill their child, to have perverse sex, etc. Lucifer himself fell because of HIS individualism HIS desires were higher than almighty God.
Look up the satanic temple and all of that it is pure Randianism, it is anti Christian.

Yes I don't want you to think I just talk out of my butt. Basically I watch non Christians explain their religion and can see how they act and what they believe. I have watched some interesting Jews and Muslims explain their theology I can recommend you some if you want.

But why I think individualism is satanic. Because that is what the atheists preach about a person's individual right to kill their child, to have perverse sex, etc. Lucifer himself fell because of HIS individualism HIS desires were higher than almighty God.
Look up the satanic temple and all of that it is pure Randianism, it is anti Christian.

so we went from "Christianity recognized that individualism is the seed of satanism" to "I think individualism is satanic. Because that is what the atheists preach."
Keep in mind that Satan does have a seed of truth in what he says. That what makes him so devious even a blind squirrel gets a nut. As far as individualism goes...

12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

15 Now if the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.

That's more indivdualist than I think you give it credit for. As we've seen throughout history collectivist scoities tend to value certain body parts over others if not straight up demand that everyone be of a single body part. things Paul is directly rebuking.
Yes I don't want you to think I just talk out of my butt. Basically I watch non Christians explain their religion and can see how they act and what they believe. I have watched some interesting Jews and Muslims explain their theology I can recommend you some if you want.

But why I think individualism is satanic. Because that is what the atheists preach about a person's individual right to kill their child, to have perverse sex, etc. Lucifer himself fell because of HIS individualism HIS desires were higher than almighty God.
Look up the satanic temple and all of that it is pure Randianism, it is anti Christian.

> Individualism is Satanic
Are you seriously trying to argue that Christianity is Communism?
Yes I don't want you to think I just talk out of my butt. Basically I watch non Christians explain their religion and can see how they act and what they believe. I have watched some interesting Jews and Muslims explain their theology I can recommend you some if you want.

But why I think individualism is satanic. Because that is what the atheists preach about a person's individual right to kill their child, to have perverse sex, etc. Lucifer himself fell because of HIS individualism HIS desires were higher than almighty God.
Look up the satanic temple and all of that it is pure Randianism, it is anti Christian.

...So you're quoting a jewish person on why Protestant Christians are satanic levels of individualism.




I'm honestly trying to figure out why I even bother.
so we went from "Christianity recognized that individualism is the seed of satanism" to "I think individualism is satanic. Because that is what the atheists preach."
Keep in mind that Satan does have a seed of truth in what he says. That what makes him so devious even a blind squirrel gets a nut. As far as individualism goes...

12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

15 Now if the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.

That's more indivdualist than I think you give it credit for. As we've seen throughout history collectivist scoities tend to value certain body parts over others if not straight up demand that everyone be of a single body part. things Paul is directly rebuking.
That Bible passage is extremely collectivist. It's basically saying everyone has their place and all places are important but all of the body parts need to work together towards a common goal.
An individualist would support the eye going "I don't need you!" if the eye wanted to leave and go make it's own way. Collectivist societies penalize that sort of selfishness.

No society is purely collectivist because no society is composed of insects or robot drones in a hive mind. But then again no society is individualist because we all put limits on people's actions so they don't become inconvenient towards others.

The Bible and God's law has parts where it is individualistic where what you personally do matters an example would be the fate of your immortal soul. That is judged by YOU if you personally accept Christ you are saved if not then you are not, and there are parts where it is collectivist where people are judged based on what humanity as a whole or what their specific nation or race has done. If being punished because of the actions of other people is not collectivist then I don't know what is. Biggest example original sin all humans are responsible for that the actions of two people. Though other examples would be the Ancient Israelites when they were punished after all when Israel as a whole was wicked the faithful Israelites were still suffering God's punishment did not always spare them.

I was arguing against LordsFire and his constant chest beating about "muh western individualism!" He is mixing up things that were thought up in the Enlightenment things 200 to 400 years old with things that are part of Christianity which is over 2000 years old.

> Individualism is Satanic
Are you seriously trying to argue that Christianity is Communism?
If you think that then you aren't very knowledgeable. Communism is an evil but it's not the greatest evil.
Also communism is more than just individualism vs collectivism saying that is the height of ignorance. I mean you saying Japan or other collectivist societies are commies now?

American conservatives just stupidly say collectivism is communism when it's not. Humans are naturally collectivists they are not individualists. Individualists were beaten by tribes of people working together. And when one tribe member acts bad the rest of the tribe is judged by foreigners based on that one guy. Does that make it clearer.

The Bible and God's law has parts where it is individualistic where what you personally do matters, and there are parts where it is collectivist where people are judged based on what humanity as a whole or what their specefic nation or race has done. If being punished because of the actions of other people is not collectivist then I don't know what is. Biggest example original sin all humans are responsible for that the actions of two people.
...So you're quoting a jewish person on why Protestant Christians are satanic levels of individualism.




I'm honestly trying to figure out why I even bother.

No the video is the atheist guy who is laughing because Shapiro and his audience were advocating the things that HE personally believes in. You are literally advocating for things that Satanists champion. I don't know what I can say if you lack that self awareness.

The religion in bed with communists, founded on multi-layered irony, based on a premonition of a communist world government, can be trusted to describe itself as individualist.
Bible and God's law has parts where it is individualistic where what you personally do matters, and there are parts where it is collectivist where people are judged based on what humanity as a whole or what their specefic nation or race has done. If being punished because of the actions of other people is not collectivist then I don't know what is. Biggest example original sin all humans are responsible for that the actions of two people

I don't know how many times people like me can tell you that Catholicism an d original sin is a heresy. at this point I think it's a fruitless endeavor...also if you can't look at the body count of communist regimes and not see it as one of the greatest evils humanity has created. I don't know what else to say to you.

All I can say is your reality is wrong and I can't fix it. So I don't know what else we have to say to each other.
I don't know how many times people like me can tell you that Catholicism an d original sin is a heresy. at this point I think it's a fruitless endeavor...also if you can't look at the body count of communist regimes and not see it as one of the greatest evils humanity has created. I don't know what else to say to you.

All I can say is your reality is wrong and I can't fix it. So I don't know what else we have to say to each other.
Wait you realize Catholics aren't the only ones who believe in original sin right? Like most Christians have it, even protestants like Lutherans, Baptists, even Evangelicals. I can't think of any Christian group that does not.

As for communism yes it is one of the ideas that killed more people than any other idea but collectivism is not communism. Communism is a failed economic system that leads to poverty and famine and backwardness.

Collectivism is merely putting people in groups and then judging all the people in those groups. That has existed since the dawn of human society. I mean for fucks sake are you going to say Jim Crow is communism? (I'm not saying Jim Crow is good, I'm just saying that it put peoples in collective groups Whites got benefits, and blacks who were oppressed and had many restrictions. People were not judged by their individual characteristics, they were judged based on the group they were a part of.) This example is bad, but there have been good example that I can't think of right this moment I probably could if I had more time.

Calling everything you don't like communism is one of the worst thing conservatives do it doesn't win the argument and it gives cover to real communists.
See, the problem is that you've bought into the propaganda, and are blind to the fact that the atheists are just another religious group
No they aren't, no matter how much you and other religious people want to layer your world views/thought process onto others.

This is why the religious right is absolutely useless for anything other than preaching to the choir, because they cannot accept that secularism isn't an 'atheist religion'.

The idea of some group having a purely secular idea/thought process about politics and society, and it not be a 'religion', seems alien to people like you.

It may be a good rhetorical flourish in like-minded company, but just because tradcons and the religious right like the argument, does not mean it is any good for moderates and centrists who are mostly secular.
Wait you realize Catholics aren't the only ones who believe in original sin right? Like most Christians have it, even protestants like Lutherans, Baptists, even Evangelicals. I can't think of any Christian group that does not.

As for communism yes it is one of the ideas that killed more people than any other idea but collectivism is not communism. Communism is a failed economic system that leads to poverty and famine and backwardness.

Collectivism is merely putting people in groups and then judging all the people in those groups. That has existed since the dawn of human society. I mean for fucks sake are you going to say Jim Crow is communism? (I'm not saying Jim Crow is good, I'm just saying that it put peoples in collective groups Whites got benefits, and blacks who were oppressed and had many restrictions. People were not judged by their individual characteristics, they were judged based on the group they were a part of.) This example is bad, but there have been good example that I can't think of right this moment I probably could if I had more time.

Calling everything you don't like communism is one of the worst thing conservatives do it doesn't win the argument and it gives cover to real communists.

Lutherns come directly from Catholics and I don't know what neighborhood you live in but I don't know that first Baptists or Evangelical believes in it.

and Believe it or not, I think you'll find the Jim Crow laws had a lot more socialist/communist influence than what the history books will tell you. McCarthy was very much right that agents had infiltrated at very high levels of government ESPECIALLY what would be described as modern liberals and no not everything I don't like is communist. (Monarchies for example( but much of what your describing and the examples you use, lean that way man.
Lutherns come directly from Catholics and I don't know what neighborhood you live in but I don't know that first Baptists or Evangelical believes in it.

and Believe it or not, I think you'll find the Jim Crow laws had a lot more socialist/communist influence than what the history books will tell you. McCarthy was very much right that agents had infiltrated at very high levels of government ESPECIALLY what would be described as modern liberals and no not everything I don't like is communist. (Monarchies for example( but much of what your describing and the examples you use, lean that way man.

Umm most every Baptist believes in original sin I mean even Jehova's Witnesses believe in it, I mean the Mormons don't but yeah. I mean otherwise why did Jesus die?

Also I am aware of communist infiltration. I have watched Yuri Bezmenov he really opened my eyes. But communism and collectivism are diffrent things. Jim Crow did not come from commies but it was a legacy of slavery.

As for monarchy that's a perfect example of how historical societies were collectivist. Medieval society was based on groups and social groups had certain privileges and rights that others did not. For example the guilds in the cities had a few benefits that peasants did not. Also the nobility as a class was separate from commoners and they received benefits. I mean people were even judicially punished not for their own actions but the actions of their family members. If you were a noble and a family member did treason you would be punished. That right there is collectivism you share in the success and failure of people who are not you.
No they aren't, no matter how much you and other religious people want to layer your world views/thought process onto others.

This is why the religious right is absolutely useless for anything other than preaching to the choir, because they cannot accept that secularism isn't an 'atheist religion'.

The idea of some group having a purely secular idea/thought process about politics and society, and it not be a 'religion', seems alien to people like you.

It may be a good rhetorical flourish in like-minded company, but just because tradcons and the religious right like the argument, does not mean it is any good for moderates and centrists who are mostly secular.
Basically "if you're not religious or abide by the principles set by the Bible, a book written thousands of years ago based on fables and fourth-hand accounts, you're immoral on the level of kiddie-fuckers, communists, and other such degenerates and are utterly alien to us".

This sort of thing is why a lot of people view Americans as either being Leftist loons or religious nutjobs.
Basically "if you're not religious or abide by the principles set by the Bible, a book written thousands of years ago based on fables and fourth-hand accounts, you're immoral on the level of kiddie-fuckers, communists, and other such degenerates and are utterly alien to us".

This sort of thing is why a lot of people view Americans as either being Leftist loons or religious nutjobs.
Yes what is wrong with that?
As for monarchy that's a perfect example of how historical societies were collectivist. Medieval society was based on groups and social groups had certain privileges and rights that others did not. For example the guilds in the cities had a few benefits that peasants did not. Also the nobility as a class was separate from commoners and they received benefits. I mean people were even judicially punished not for their own actions but the actions of their family members. If you were a noble and a family member did treason you would be punished. That right there is collectivism you share in the success and failure of people who are not you.

I notice how you completely ignored the fact of how I said I specifically mentioned monarchy as something I don't like. I'm...I'm done here. I don't know what else to say so I'm just done.

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