Quest A Sword Through the Multiverse: Stabbing Space Whales[A FSN/Worm quest]

Let's hope she doesn't have any complexes left from the trauma of what Merlin did to her to get her an heir.

And Mordred too.

As for the vote...

Maybe the stunt can be more explicitly enhanced with a bit of foreknowledge too somehow?

And how much freedom do we have here tech-wise and write-in wise? Can we take a long-term view ala introducing whole tech trees? In terms of corporations and maybe knowing enough to predict the monopolistic takeover of worldwide communications currently underway in real life for example. I would LOVE it if we can have Shirou invent and deploy blockchains and decentralized internet from the start.
You’d have to build from an 80’s tech base, but functionally anything that Shirou might have learned in the Silver Millennium is on the table with a stunt. And he hung out with Mercury, sooooooo.
Seriously though, if we do end up creating this world’s version of Google ourselves, naming it Mercury would be the perfect way to both honor our now gone friend, And begin our stealthy takeover of the entire internet.

Because come on. Were around before it’s really got off the ground, developing the search engine to end all search engines just seems like the first step on a plan to take over the Internet.
Okay this may be dum of me, but I can't find "Plan LordsFire" to see what it is. can some one point it out to me plz.
[X] Plan LordsFire

Watashi ga kita into a new forum with hopefully a lot of interesting threads.

So pulling all the breaks for the waifu huh.
“You can call me Guardian,”
I have to wonder if The Guardian newspaper is going to get on-board with the potential free advertising a nighttime vigilante who shares their name could provide them or if they'll try to sue for copyright infringement. :p

Also, because I'm lazy and don't want to go digging through a bunch of internet screens to find it--was there a predecessor to this which, I assume, starred Sailor Moon? Because...Count me intrigued?
I have only the vaguest of notions of Fate, and even less of Worm, but this still intrigues me--Arturia and Shirou are adorable...And the description of food made me hungry despite my having eaten immediately before reading it, so good show!

[X] Plan LordsFire
I adore the previous SM Quest, so I'll be reading this.
Also, helping someone over at the old site:

[X]- (Write in. Subject to QM approval) - Look up the current laws about what someone of your position can do. Cost: 1 AP Results: Better understanding of current laws, less likely to turn law enforcement against you, potential better co-operation with law enforcement
- Being a vigilante/hero is well and good, but it is much easier (and less chances for misunderstandings) when you know what laws you are working with. And what lines to watch out for.
I have to wonder if The Guardian newspaper is going to get on-board with the potential free advertising a nighttime vigilante who shares their name could provide them or if they'll try to sue for copyright infringement. :p

Could be a possible plot point!

Also, because I'm lazy and don't want to go digging through a bunch of internet screens to find it--was there a predecessor to this which, I assume, starred Sailor Moon? Because...Count me intrigued?
I have only the vaguest of notions of Fate, and even less of Worm, but this still intrigues me--Arturia and Shirou are adorable...And the description of food made me hungry despite my having eaten immediately before reading it, so good show!
Yes, there was (I think this was mentioned in the latest chapters). There was a Quest this author abandoned that's on SB (link). To summarize that quest: ninety-year old magus/bounty hunter Shirou Emiya gets sent to the Silver Millennium right when it was about to fall to Queen Beryl's forces. Because Shirou Emiya is a badass (and because we got some lucky die rolls), Shirou ended up saving the Silver Millennium from its canonical fate, defeating Beryl and Metallia, and becoming an unofficial Sailor Guardian (or at least taking a political/military role on par with a Sailor Guardian). This fanfic takes place way, way after that quest's abrupt conclusion. Shirou in this story has worked with the Silver Millennium and achieved his dream of becoming a legendary hero, thus fulfilling the condition to enter Avalon and reunite with his lover Arturia (aka Saber aka King Arthur Pendragon, Once and Future King of Britain).

Fate/Stay Night is an urban fantasy visual novel that has had numerous adaptations and spin-offs. It revolves around Shirou Emiya and his personal quest to become a "Hero of Justice" and win the Holy Grail War, a battle royale between seven magi and their familiars (called "Servants") to gain the Holy Grail, a nigh-omnipotent, wish-granting artifact. Each Servant is the ghost of a hero from myth, legend, and/or history, like King Arthur, Heracles, Oda Nobunaga, etc. And yes, King Arthur is a girl in this story because the author thought a male main character and a female love interest would sell better than a female main character and a male love interest.

Hope that answers your questions.

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