Culture Conservatives Optics Problem & Historical Revisionism/Iconoclasm

Ultimately, this is easy to say but much harder to put into practice. People, especially people used to the bread and circuses of the affluent west, rather enjoy living and would prefer to do more of it.

We, culturally speaking, have become much more risk averse than in days past. We’ve become comfortable, fat, and happy in our indolence and despise anything and anyone that disrupts that.

That’s why so many prefer to duck their heads and shuffle along out of sight, rather than risk our lives or social standing by speaking up against the current leftist lunacy outside of the company of those that agree with us.

My workplace, for example, is rather left leaning and has released in house memos pronouncing support for BLM. If I spoke out on Twitter or facebook, it’d be rather easy to track down my workplace and likely get me fired for it.

That’s why I keep my mouth shut and move along with my day, and bitch in the privacy of my own home or largely anonymous web forums like this.

In short, I think it would take something truly monumental and disastrous to fully shake the majority of Americans into action against Antifa and BLM.

A couple of cities burning to the ground won’t cut it. If the riots continue for several months and move into the suburbs, then we might see a true backlash against the left.

Until then, I expect little to no action from the largely politically inactive American public.
In my area we had a gang try to setup turf in my neck of the woods. They would tag things with their logo and try to intimidate people by shooting pass their homes in drive bys. But me and the other veterans in my area weren't having it. Soon that same gang found themselves being shot at by Vietnam and Gulf War vets who were tired of their shit. Long story short those gangs are nowhere near my area any more. They learned not to screw with us. The only way to make a bully go away is to hit them back twice as hard.
It takes courage to stand around a statue and protect it.

You will likely get attacked physically, you will be demonized by the media, you very well may go to jail.

We are far more risk averse these days-that’s both due to our comfort and due to a lot of us having a lot more to lose.

If your single and unmarried-speaking against current lunacy may get you fired, even render you unemployable. But hey you chose to do that. And that’s on you-you can feel proud you sacrificed something for your conviction.

What if you have a family? What if you have kids to feed? A mortgage to pay? What if you need to get your sons through college? Or your daughter is just starting grade school.

It’s easy to be principled and take personal sacrifice when it’s only you bearing the cost.

It’s entirely different to speak your mind and be fired and ostracized when it affects more people than you.

How many people-even the most devoted fathers and mothers today are willing to tell their kids-“hey sweetie I spoke up against the current madness, therefore I lost my job and will likely never be hired again or for a very long time-you won’t be able to go to college and we may lose our house”.

You can do that anyway-but the sort of person who raises a family usually has different priorities than making a political martyr of themselves.
In my area we had a gang try to setup turf in my neck of the woods. They would tag things with their logo and try to intimidate people by shooting pass their homes in drive bys. But me and the other veterans in my area weren't having it. Soon that same gang found themselves being shot at by Vietnam and Gulf War vets who were tired of their shit. Long story short those gangs are nowhere near my area any more. They learned not to screw with us. The only way to make a bully go away is to hit them back twice as hard.

Yes, but you guys are vets. You’re used to risking your lives. The average American civilian is most certainly not.

You’re expecting a lot out of civilians that have likely never faced a tough fight, much less an actual combat situation. I barely expect a regular American to know how to aim a gun, much less use it in a high stress environment.

This is academic anyways. The average American isn’t plugged in to politics. Most of them just want to be left alone, and unless the left grievously overreach, that’s how it’s likely to stay.

The majority of the American public aren’t going to be risking their livelihoods defying Antifa and BLM, much less taking potshots at members of said organizations.
You can do that anyway-but the sort of person who raises a family usually has different priorities than making a political martyr of themselves.

It will be, I guess, even more painful when they realize they're not simply allowed to be silent, if they want to keep their jobs, they have to force themselves to support it all

The majority of the American public aren’t going to be risking their livelihoods defying Antifa and BLM, much less taking potshots at members of said organizations.

The very least they can do, aside from moving away is.....fortifying their position and hiding and waiting till they leave and hope they don't break into the place. Having to hit them will end up getting themselves in trouble
Yes, but you guys are vets. You’re used to risking your lives. The average American civilian is most certainly not.

You’re expecting a lot out of civilians that have likely never faced a tough fight, much less an actual combat situation. I barely expect a regular American to know how to aim a gun, much less use it in a high stress environment.

This is academic anyways. The average American isn’t plugged in to politics. Most of them just want to be left alone, and unless the left grievously overreach, that’s how it’s likely to stay.

The majority of the American public aren’t going to be risking their livelihoods defying Antifa and BLM, much less taking potshots at members of said organizations.
I guess my area is just different. We are very much steeped in the Warrior Culture due to so many vets retiring here.
You also need to have some faith that standing up will, well, do something. For example, say shooting at those gangsters will just result in the police coming in and dragging you off.

So, in that case all shooting does is remove a potential source of resistance and shore up their control of the area.

Part of the demoralizing aspect is that there is no real expectation that resistance will actually achieve anything.

Like, in the case of the statues, defending them just seems to serve as a way to find more targets, and then have the local government itself remove the statues, so as to avoid being associated with the "white supremacist" violence.
A brave man dies once and a coward dies a Thousand deaths.
Or gets arested by authorities before doing anything, thrown into jail for a long time, left peniless and unemployable. And this is the core of the problem, hordes of chaos are coddled by authorities, while those who would protect the civilization get crushed by full might of the state. This is why those who have something to lose (job, family) mostly shy away from making a stand until the thugs are practically knockig down their doors.

Black comedy PS: When Lemp's parents tried to organize a protest, the DA threatened to prosecute them for violating the state's COVID lockdown order. Contrast with another, more famous case...
Black lives matter, white don't.

C.S Lewis quote:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

Mafias are the robber barons. They want money. They want respect. They don't care to run your life or how you think.

Leftists want complete and utter control and submission.
All the more reason to stand and fight now. The longer we let this go on, the worse it will get.
Academia and mainstream media all must be destroyed. As long as they continue to exist as they are, no true victory can be won.
The fact is, people here need to understand that this is not a fight they can win by 'defeating' the Left and their power base. Not as they are now, anyway.

Trump can set them back in ways, and get them to take off their masks so the lunacy is on full display.

What you can do to 'defeat' them is outlast the Left, and swing things back around when the many of Left die childless and don't pass on their views. Actively try to move conservatives into academia, even if they are unwelcome and will have to fight constantly, instead of taking blue collar jobs and doing the 'same old, same old'.

If conservatives want to win, they need to have babies, and stop thinking that they can win this fight without via the old ways. Get conservatives to take positions and jobs mostly filled by Leftists, even if it is not fun or 'traditional' or 'an honest days work'.

Until the Right realizes they need to rethink how they are fighting this battle, they will keep losing more than winning.
The fact is, people here need to understand that this is not a fight they can win by 'defeating' the Left and their power base. Not as they are now, anyway.

Trump can set them back in ways, and get them to take off their masks so the lunacy is on full display.

What you can do to 'defeat' them is outlast the Left, and swing things back around when the many of Left die childless and don't pass on their views. Actively try to move conservatives into academia, even if they are unwelcome and will have to fight constantly, instead of taking blue collar jobs and doing the 'same old, same old'.

If conservatives want to win, they need to have babies, and stop thinking that they can win this fight without via the old ways. Get conservatives to take positions and jobs mostly filled by Leftists, even if it is not fun or 'traditional' or 'an honest days work'.

Until the Right realizes they need to rethink how they are fighting this battle, they will keep losing more than winning.

'Have babies.' You do realize that conservatives already have much higher birth rates, right?

You do have a fair point about what kind of jobs conservatives seek, to a degree. Not enough conservatives go into media. It's only partially fair though, because the left has been working to actively drive conservatives out of media and academia for most of a century. When your political views are seen as grounds for blacklisting you, it's damned hard to get into an industry.
'Have babies.' You do realize that conservatives already have much higher birth rates, right?

You do have a fair point about what kind of jobs conservatives seek, to a degree. Not enough conservatives go into media. It's only partially fair though, because the left has been working to actively drive conservatives out of media and academia for most of a century. When your political views are seen as grounds for blacklisting you, it's damned hard to get into an industry.
The first part is something conservatives do have going for them. But it's worth pointing it out again.

As for the jobs, I have a damn good point about it. Until conservatives are willing to move into academia and media en mass and in a sustained way, they won't win any cultural battles, even if they have lots of kids. Being a work-a-day average joe may be a good way to live as a conservative, but it doesn't do much to alter the cultural narrative or inertia that the Left has built up.

Ejecting the fringe ethno-nationalists and theorcrats/wanna-be theocrats that give the Right our biggest problems would also be a damn good idea.
The first part is something conservatives do have going for them. But it's worth pointing it out again.

As for the jobs, I have a damn good point about it. Until conservatives are willing to move into academia and media en mass and in a sustained way, they won't win any cultural battles, even if they have lots of kids. Being a work-a-day average joe may be a good way to live as a conservative, but it doesn't do much to alter the cultural narrative or inertia that the Left has built up.

Ejecting the fringe ethno-nationalists and theorcrats/wanna-be theocrats that give the Right our biggest problems would also be a damn good idea.

1. Conservatives have started establishing their own production groups; look up 'Fireproof' and 'God's Not Dead.' As I said before though, established media blacklists them. Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus in The Passion, knew that doing so would effectively end his career in Hollywood. And it pretty much has; he was verging on being an A-list actor before then, and I haven't seen him in literally anything since.
2. You have the same issue in Academia. You also have some conservative colleges/universities being founded, like Liberty University; I'd agree more should be done there though. But again, the leftists actively work to run conservatives out and not let more in.

3. I understand you have had a bad personal experience, but unless you can point to some actual campaign platforms that push ethno-nationalism or theocracy, this is not actually a serious problem for the right. As I've told you before, the problem is that the left systematically lies about this.
In an article entitled ‘Honoring the unforgivable – The horrific acts behind the names on America’s infamous monuments and tributes’, CNN’s Eliott C. McLaughlin asserts, “If historical figures embraced hate or violence, it doesn’t matter that they were great singers, innovators or wartime strategists, nor that they had changes of heart later in life.”
He then goes on to list a number of ‘offensive’ monuments or sites named after ‘racist’ historical figures, clearly hinting that they should be changed or removed.

The list includes;
– A memorial to George Preston Marshall on the grounds of Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium.
– Fort Benning.
– A bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest stands at the Tennessee State Capitol.
– A statue of conquistador Don Juan de Oñate which stands outside the Albuquerque Museum.
– Dozens of buildings, several roads and a bridge in West Virginia that bear the name of Sen. Robert Byrd.
– The Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.
– Yale’s Calhoun College.
Other monuments listed in the article have already been removed, suggesting the rest should follow suit.

...I bet they don't even realize that they've also just told Americans where the far-left is going to attack next. :ROFLMAO:

And I doubt this is some 4-dimensional chess move by CNN or the far-Left. As they tend to fall apart when faced with any real opposition.
1. Conservatives have started establishing their own production groups; look up 'Fireproof' and 'God's Not Dead.' As I said before though, established media blacklists them. Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus in The Passion, knew that doing so would effectively end his career in Hollywood. And it pretty much has; he was verging on being an A-list actor before then, and I haven't seen him in literally anything since.
2. You have the same issue in Academia. You also have some conservative colleges/universities being founded, like Liberty University; I'd agree more should be done there though. But again, the leftists actively work to run conservatives out and not let more in.

3. I understand you have had a bad personal experience, but unless you can point to some actual campaign platforms that push ethno-nationalism or theocracy, this is not actually a serious problem for the right. As I've told you before, the problem is that the left systematically lies about this.
This could become a detail of we go farther on that point, but as I and others have tried to point out, those 'lies' exist because there are kernals of truth to them.

Until Conservatives are willing to reckon with those kernals of truth, and why the Left has built such effective 'lies' around them, the Right will never be able to fight toe to toe with the Left effectively.

Had the Right been willing to face those hard truths about why they have the image they do, the protests and riots we are seeing may not be so bad. Yes the Left has lied and misrepresented things on the Right. But the Right has done itself no favors when you all bleat 'but those are lies' when people bring up image problems, instead of trying to counter act those lies by actually dealing with in-house issues.
This could become a detail of we go farther on that point, but as I and others have tried to point out, those 'lies' exist because there are kernals of truth to them.

Until Conservatives are willing to reckon with those kernals of truth, and why the Left has built such effective 'lies' around them, the Right will never be able to fight toe to toe with the Left effectively.

Had the Right been willing to face those hard truths about why they have the image they do, the protests and riots we are seeing may not be so bad. Yes the Left has lied and misrepresented things on the Right. But the Right has done itself no favors when you all bleat 'but those are lies' when people bring up image problems, instead of trying to counter act those lies by actually dealing with in-house issues.


BLM took after the shooting in Ferguson. Even after Eric Holder, an Anti-White Racist, was forced to conclude that the officer involved acted in self-defense, people are still at this round of protests and riots chanting 'hands up don't shoot.'

Truth and reality have absolutely nothing to do with what the left, especially the left in the media, will accuse the right of.

The only reason there are any number of racists and actual theocrats on the right and in the Republic party, is the law of large numbers. You cannot have millions of people without some outliers.

These people demonstrably have no control over campaign platforms or policy, at least on the Federal level or any of the localities I've looked into. When you can show me actual campaign platforms or actual proposed legislation with a racist bent, then we can talk about there being a real problem.

You know what party does have a visible and policy-affecting issue with racism? The Democrat Party. Their continued association with Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder's open statement that he would not be prosecuting blacks, Robert Byrd's presence in the party until the late 2000's, Hillary calling him a mentor figure...

The racism problem is native to the left, as it has always been. If you look at the cities where there are all these race riots? Overwhelmingly Democrat controlled. If you look at the cities where the majority of murders and violence against blacks are committed? Overwhelmingly Democrat controlled.

The problem isn't 'The right won't take a look at hard truths about themselves.' The problem is that the Democrats desperately need a distraction from the fact that their party still has major racism problems, never stopped having racism problems, and has in fact started having parts of it advocate for the return of segregation. So they use their control of the media to prosecute a relentless campaign of lies.

As their constant distortions about 'peaceful protests' and 'mostly peaceful protests' proves, yet again. The Democrats need racial tensions, because that's half of how they've secured the black vote, and if they lose overwhelming control of that vote, they are going to be destroyed in elections.

If you want me to believe that conservatives in general, or Republicans in particular, have a 'hard truth' of racism to confront, show me the campaign or policies that advocate it. If you can do that, I'll start seeing a serious problem. If you can't, like every other person who has insisted to me that the right has a racism problem, then it'll be par for the course.
The racism problem is native to the left, as it has always been. If you look at the cities where there are all these race riots? Overwhelmingly Democrat controlled. If you look at the cities where the majority of murders and violence against blacks are committed? Overwhelmingly Democrat controlled.

The problem isn't 'The right won't take a look at hard truths about themselves.' The problem is that the Democrats desperately need a distraction from the fact that their party still has major racism problems, never stopped having racism problems, and has in fact started having parts of it advocate for the return of segregation. So they use their control of the media to prosecute a relentless campaign of lies.
That's probably why they're throwing the police under the bus. A distraction from their own dealings and with it all those under the table dealings with the police we don't know about.

BLM took after the shooting in Ferguson. Even after Eric Holder, an Anti-White Racist, was forced to conclude that the officer involved acted in self-defense, people are still at this round of protests and riots chanting 'hands up don't shoot.'

Truth and reality have absolutely nothing to do with what the left, especially the left in the media, will accuse the right of.

The only reason there are any number of racists and actual theocrats on the right and in the Republic party, is the law of large numbers. You cannot have millions of people without some outliers.

These people demonstrably have no control over campaign platforms or policy, at least on the Federal level or any of the localities I've looked into. When you can show me actual campaign platforms or actual proposed legislation with a racist bent, then we can talk about there being a real problem.

You know what party does have a visible and policy-affecting issue with racism? The Democrat Party. Their continued association with Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder's open statement that he would not be prosecuting blacks, Robert Byrd's presence in the party until the late 2000's, Hillary calling him a mentor figure...

The racism problem is native to the left, as it has always been. If you look at the cities where there are all these race riots? Overwhelmingly Democrat controlled. If you look at the cities where the majority of murders and violence against blacks are committed? Overwhelmingly Democrat controlled.

The problem isn't 'The right won't take a look at hard truths about themselves.' The problem is that the Democrats desperately need a distraction from the fact that their party still has major racism problems, never stopped having racism problems, and has in fact started having parts of it advocate for the return of segregation. So they use their control of the media to prosecute a relentless campaign of lies.

As their constant distortions about 'peaceful protests' and 'mostly peaceful protests' proves, yet again. The Democrats need racial tensions, because that's half of how they've secured the black vote, and if they lose overwhelming control of that vote, they are going to be destroyed in elections.

If you want me to believe that conservatives in general, or Republicans in particular, have a 'hard truth' of racism to confront, show me the campaign or policies that advocate it. If you can do that, I'll start seeing a serious problem. If you can't, like every other person who has insisted to me that the right has a racism problem, then it'll be par for the course.
I am aware of the lies told about Ferguson, and the other lies the Left has put out.

But you keep harping on 'show me platform and policy stances' when THAT IS NOT WHERE THE ISSUE IS!

I'm done trying to get people to understand that the Right has image issues, and not just because of 'lies' from the Left. You all just deflect, dodge, and get angry when people try to point out the Right has problems it needs to address, even if you all think there are effectively no issues.

I wish we had a third party with real power so I and others wouldn't have to keep beating our heads against the wall trying to help people who don't seem to get that they have problems.
I am aware of the lies told about Ferguson, and the other lies the Left has put out.

But you keep harping on 'show me platform and policy stances' when THAT IS NOT WHERE THE ISSUE IS!

I'm done trying to get people to understand that the Right has image issues, and not just because of 'lies' from the Left. You all just deflect, dodge, and get angry when people try to point out the Right has problems it needs to address, even if you all think there are effectively no issues.

I wish we had a third party with real power so I and others wouldn't have to keep beating our heads against the wall trying to help people who don't seem to get that they have problems.
The problem is that you are blaming the Right for image issues, which comes from the fake news media of the left they have no to limited control over. You say that the right is 'deflect, dodge, and get angry when people try to point out the Right has problems it needs to address'. What are these problems? It sounds like you think there are a lot of them. You can't have a discussion, when you aren't bringing anything to discuss.

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