Haredim probably have a higher average IQ than Muslims have. Ashkenazi Jews are notorious for their high IQ, and most Haredim are Ashkenazis, albeit of the duller variety. US Orthodox Jews still have an average IQ comparable to that of white gentiles:
Vox Day recently disputed the notion that ZOG is a result of high Jewish IQ. In so doing, he\'s drawing swords with the likes of Gregory Cochran, Charles Murray, and Stephen Pinker. To atrociously mix metaphors, that prices me way out of the cognitive market, so I won\'t comment on the merits or...
Also, in Eastern Europe and really anywhere outside of Israel, there would be more incentives for Haredim to work since they won't as easily be able to rely on government gibsmedats. And Haredim generally don't have a problem with murdering people who engage in Judeophobic speech (even Holocaust denial) like Muslims have with their bad apples who are eager to murder people over Muhammad cartoons and other Islamophobic speech (ex.: Hadi Matar's recent attack on Salman Rushdie).