United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

It's not just that. Think of the times the Jews were being expelled over 109 times, because of the angry Gentiles who plainly hate them. The pogroms and expulsions have scarred European Jewry deeply.
For economical reasons.Rulers loved to have somebody who would take taxes for them,and that somebody were jews.When rulers face problems,they kicked out jews to proove that they would ge good guys now.
Or,when they need money now,like that french King who murdered Templars for their moneys.

And,it helped Europe - thanks to that middle class had time to grow,and cities become powerfull enough to get rights.
When in Poland,who never kicked jews out,our middle class never was created,and cities,except Gdańsk,was poor and without rights.
But,Gdańsk kicked jews out....

P.S for those who do not knew history - german named polish city Gdańsk as danzig.
For economical reasons.Rulers loved to have somebody who would take taxes for them,and that somebody were jews.When rulers face problems,they kicked out jews to proove that they would ge good guys now.
Or,when they need money now,like that french King who murdered Templars for their moneys.

And,it helped Europe - thanks to that middle class had time to grow,and cities become powerfull enough to get rights.
When in Poland,who never kicked jews out,our middle class never was created,and cities,except Gdańsk,was poor and without rights.
But,Gdańsk kicked jews out....

P.S for those who do not knew history - german named polish city Gdańsk as danzig.

Which mean?

We really fucked our economy tanks to not kicking jews out,like rest of Europe did.And not becouse we were nice,but becouse our gentry and oligarchs feared strong cities - so,choose jews over them.

Which worked for them - polish cities never become strong and threathened them,and jews never had political ambitions.
But,they fucked economy,so in long run lead to fall of our state.

But,in short run,it worked for our elites.

Yeah, this is getting to the point Jews in the US need to be carrying a concealed weapon or at least pepper spray anytime they go near lefty areas.

The Lefties have chosen to side with the jihadi's, never let them forget or deny that.
Because Jews living the USA are "local colonizers"? Maaaybe they would be safer if they went to Israel?
No, because the Lefty liars are painting anyone not on their side as 'colonizers', while ignoring the literally jihadi colonizers and history of colonization.

Do not treat the lefty jihadi lovers as ever operating in good faith, always treat them as the enemy.

Yeah, this is getting to the point Jews in the US need to be carrying a concealed weapon or at least pepper spray anytime they go near lefty areas.

The Lefties have chosen to side with the jihadi's, never let them forget or deny that.

They wanted kill white,especially christians,before,and nobody had problems with that.Now they want to kill jews,and police get orgasm.
Exactly like in Poland - Churches are attacked,police did notching.
One window in synagogue get broken,they organized manchunt - and captured dude,who did the same in church before,and nobody punished him.

Yeah, this is getting to the point Jews in the US need to be carrying a concealed weapon or at least pepper spray anytime they go near lefty areas.

The Lefties have chosen to side with the jihadi's, never let them forget or deny that.

The funny part is that they don't understand how that fits the Arabs that have spent the past decade flooding the West even better...

The funny part is that they don't understand how that fits the Arabs that have spent the past decade flooding the West even better...

Arabs have mostly been flooding the EU. There isn't much Arab immigration to the US since Trump told them to basically get fucked lmaooo
The funny part is that they don't understand how that fits the Arabs that have spent the past decade flooding the West even better...

Arabs go to Europe,not USA.

Now,some compilation from polish press about antisemitism:

1.Elon Musk said,that ADL is supporting anti-white racism/which is right/ - but,after their mad attack,must go to kibuc in Izrael,and Auschwitz in Poland - notching happened,he is still attacked.

2.Michael E.Jones checked hate speech roots - it was invented by ADL and used by them first against oponents.Which worked - but destroyed USA in process,becouse other leftist are using it now as mace against anything normal.

As a result,blind support for izrael from USA protestants made state ruled by leftist now.Becouse climatists and lgbt use exactly the same methods as ADL.
And,one of it tools is AIPAC - which made sure that both republicans and democrats always support Izrael.

3.Basically,we have now in USA holocaustian religion - in which only jews were genocided,other nations do not get hurt or it is much lesser,christians are responsible for Hitler,and everybody who try to talk about facts is denialist - which in holocaustianism mean heretic.

But - now wokeist and climatist start attacking jews - they created monster,who is attacking them now.Althought Biden still claim,that he is loyal.

4.Remember murder of 7 WCK members by Izrael army? one was from Poland,and even our eunuchs protested.Result - ambassador in Poland,Livne,said that it is antisemitism if somebody talk about it.

By the way - Jakow livne is soviet jew who hate Poland - and Natanjahu still send him to Poland as ambassador.Why? only logical explanation is,that jews do not need any agreement,only Poland as somebody to beat to justify their holocaustian religion.
Which is working so far only becouse Poland is ruled either by traitors or idiot socialists...

5.Polish jew,Zygmunt Hertz,blamed polish antisemitism mostly on polish jew behaviour - in his letter to Czesław Miłosz from 1968 wrote,that after WW2 jews in Poland played stupid,taking high offices in commie secret police and other institutions.

6.In Poland one of Universities/in Toruń/ welcomed jewish writer Jakow Szechter - but,after he supported murdering palestinians kids,they resigned.Reaction of Izrael ambassador?
You quess it,they are antisemites !
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If they actually get an American Intifada, I doubt they will like it.
Not sure any of them are cognizant enough to recognize their actions backfiring; they'd probably try to talk down to the Islamic terrorists about to kill them, thinking that they're just confused about who they're supposed to be killing.

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