Any Idea On How To Reach Out To Fellow "WrongThinkers"?


Writers Blocked Douchebag
I'm frankly not of the belief that most of a fandom or dudes who write and/or read fanfics are essentially in the same category as a good portion that have sided with the Hipster Invaders

So I am really sorta wondering, how exactly can we get them to come and register here? I know this place's pretty young and only like nearly two-to-three weeks old. But I sorta tend to see "trends" stick, if this place only gets a few new users or low number of users publishing in the first few weeks, then I sorta guess that the low-number-trend sticks like with Digital Wild West.

And before you say anything, I am a regular at KotakuInAction....frankly I somehow break the rules just by recommending this site, so no idea how to get that now more than a 100,000+ sub to get users to come here. And before anybody says anything, they're no more "Alt-Right" than this place, seriously I see surprising tolerance of the occasional Redditor who makes a thread calling everybody there Nazi's whilst sorta running away the moment everybody doesn't turn out to be the stereotype or "Stormfront" they want

What are your ideas, if you ever put them into action?

Also, kinda notice that the biggest number of posts are mostly IRL-Politics&EntertainmentIndustry-Related, not much focus on fiction. Kinda wanted some increase in the latter
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Found a link for this site on a SB users signature.
So if you still post in SB or SV post put a link in your signature.
Really? Because I remember asking a few years ago, because someone else put a link to SV in their signature, as well as something to the effect of "SV is better than SB", and I was told by staff that was a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
We are not getting the same treatment from the staff SVs split got from SB. We are still waiting on verification on that matter. Someone who had it in their signature out of the blue one day and one post after having it in their sig got permabanned. We are waiting on word on why exactly it happened, but to be safe if you want to continue using SB best not to have it in your signature. If you are using this site I would also suggest having a different username if you want to continue using SB, SV, or any other split off peacefully. There are hundreds of users on both sites watching this one just to categorize and keep track of everyone who was in the PMs, everyone associated with us so they can always be tagged as a bad person. We had Spacebattles wiki have a tag keeping a list of every member of the PMs public, a pastebin of it too and people categorizing and watching everyone who comes here. Basically, there are a lot of people who hate us and will tar you with guilt by association just for being here, no matter who you are, what you believe and what your past behavior is. If you care about all that dont reuse your old username.
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We are not getting the same treatment from the staff SVs split got from SB. We are still waiting on verification on that matter. Someone who had it in their signature just got banned out of the blue one day and one post after having it in their sig got permabanned. We are waiting on word on why exactly it happened, but to be safe if you want to continue using SB best not to have it in your signature.
At this point, the only thing I'd lose if that happened, is the ability to "watch" threads over there. Everything else just isn't worth a damn to me anymore. Do you want me to test it? I haven't posted anything to SB since late last year; if I add a link to my signature, post something innocuous just once, and then get banned; then we'll know for sure.
At this point, the only thing I'd lose if that happened, is the ability to "watch" threads over there. Everything else just isn't worth a damn to me anymore.
Same here honestly. But for others who want continue on without that its best they know the truth, that there are several sites and private discords taking note of everyone who uses this site, doing what they can to take it down through complaints to Digital Ocean (you dont want us in your community, why are you also trying to destroy ours? It keeps us seperate idiots.) Best to know all that.
Same here honestly. But for others who want continue on without that its best they know the truth, that there are several sites and private discords taking note of everyone who uses this site, doing what they can to take it down through complaints to Digital Ocean (you dont want us in your community, why are you also trying to destroy ours? It keeps us seperate idiots.) Best to know all that.
Well isn't that petty.
Well isn't that petty.

They’re supposed to be the “Counterculture” and the “Revolutionaries” fighting against “Tyranny”

That those they fight actually have valid arguments, have “victims” on their side as fellow followers and friends and are more welcoming of dissent shatters their worldview.

People don’t like seeing that happen in-general
Same here honestly. But for others who want continue on without that its best they know the truth, that there are several sites and private discords taking note of everyone who uses this site, doing what they can to take it down through complaints to Digital Ocean (you dont want us in your community, why are you also trying to destroy ours? It keeps us seperate idiots.) Best to know all that.
Again, do you think I should try testing it? I've got nothing to lose, and it would be nice to have confirmation that SB is fully dead to me.
They’re supposed to be the “Counterculture” and the “Revolutionaries” fighting against “Tyranny”

That those they fight actually have valid arguments, have “victims” on their side as fellow followers and friends and are more welcoming of dissent shatters their worldview.

People don’t like seeing that happen in-general
They want a site shut down for some inane reason when it's just to talk more freely.

Go bother more troublesome sites. This one is smallfry.
They want a site shut down for some inane reason when it's just to talk more freely.

Go bother more troublesome sites. This one is smallfry.
Not just that, they think shutting down sites for inane reasons means they're somehow "winning", because then the "bad guys" will be silenced and go away forever; it's like they didn't pay attention at all during history class.
Not just that, they think shutting down sites for inane reasons means they're somehow "winning", because then the "bad guys" will be silenced and go away forever; it's like they didn't pay attention at all during history class.

They don’t/won’t call it censorship but they believe that simply not hearing dissent means it won’t grow

If anything, they keep making “martyrs” of the “bad guys”

TBF these guys going by what I’ve seen on “Fictional Tropes You Hate In Fiction” look to believe that people can and should be “taught” by the “right entertainment” like Ellen DeGeneres’ making people be more LGBT whilst also saying this one movie(forgot the name)was cited by a Judge as justification to do harsh punishments on the belief that “a fucking movie is a good example to lead reality by”

I think they want easily moldable blank slates

Seriously, have people here become better people just by playing Metal Gear? Does being aware something’s good or bad actually make you give a damn about REAL people!?
Not just that, they think shutting down sites for inane reasons means they're somehow "winning", because then the "bad guys" will be silenced and go away forever; it's like they didn't pay attention at all during history class.
Pretty sure this site hasn't done anything illegal besides having the wrong opinion. Doesn't do things like the other more infamous sites.

John Fucking Cena. I guarantee if they fucked with the wrong site they'll be absolutely regretting it socially.
Pretty sure this site hasn't done anything illegal besides having the wrong opinion. Doesn't do things like the other more infamous sites.

John Fucking Cena. I guarantee if they fucked with the wrong site they'll be absolutely regretting it socially.
A bully never tries to beat up the kid that look like they could take them; they always target the weakest-looking of the bunch.
A bully never tries to beat up the kid that look like they could take them; they always target the weakest-looking of the bunch.

The bullies and “cool kids” never really stopped picking on the “nerds”.

They just made the “nerds” too ashamed to fight back and even took his refuge from him and some “nerds” wanted to be one of the “cool kids” which is why they have such a stranglehold over a fandom

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