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Taliban captured US facial recognition and eye-scan database, reports say

A key database of the biometric information of Afghan allies who assisted U.S. and coalition forces may now be in the hands of Taliban militants who are seeking revenge.

On Tuesday, the Intercept reported, based on the accounts of a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) official and three former U.S. military personnel, that Taliban fighters obtained U.S. Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment (HIIDE) systems during their sweeping offensive throughout Afghanistan last week.

“We processed thousands of locals a day, had to ID, sweep for suicide vests, weapons, intel gathering, etc.” a U.S. military contractor told the Intercept. “[HIIDE] was used as a biometric ID tool to help ID locals working for the coalition.”

HIIDE devices contain such identifying information as iris scans, fingerprints and biographical information, and are linked to large centralized databases.

The potential compromise of key biometric data of Afghan allies who have helped U.S. forces raises serious concerns as Taliban fighters have been seeking reprisals against those who assisted their enemies throughout the 20-year Afghan conflict.

Taliban fighters have already set up checkpoints around the Kabul airport, where U.S. troops are working to evacuate both Americans and Afghans.

It is unclear how much biometric data the Taliban may be compromised.

An Army Special Operations veteran told the Intercept it’s possible that the Taliban doesn’t have tools necessary to access the HIIDE systems, but shared concerns that the Pakistan government would ultimately assist them in breaking into the database would assist with this.

“The Taliban doesn’t have the gear to use the data but the ISI do,” the former Special Operations official said, referring to Pakistan’s spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence. The ISI has been known to work closely with the Taliban.

On Monday, the human rights nonprofit Human Rights First tweeted, “We understand that the Taliban is now likely to have access to various biometric databases and equipment in Afghanistan.”

Human Rights First also published a guide with ways to help people evade biometric scanning technology.

The guide advises keeping one’s head down and wearing special effects makeup or doing other things to alter the appearances of one’s mouth, nose, eyes, jawline, and cheekbones below the eyes to beat facial recognition systems. The guide also advises ways to make fake fingerprints and even cutting one’s fingertips to trick fingerprint scanners. The guide also advises wearing colored contact lenses and even using hallucinogenic pharmaceuticals like Tropicamide to dilate one’s pupils to trick iris scanners.

Welton Chang, chief technology officer for Human Rights First, told the Intercept, “I don’t think anyone ever thought about data privacy or what to do in the event the [HIIDE] system fell into the wrong hands.”

“Moving forward, the U.S. military and diplomatic apparatus should think carefully about whether to deploy these systems again in situations as tenuous as Afghanistan,” Chang added.

That's a death sentence for everyone in that database. No one thought to destroy that information huh?

Reminds me of the Erich Vermeeren de Saventhem defection in WWII, when the anti-Nazi agent for the German Abwehr defected to British Authorities giving them a list of anti-Nazi and anti-Commie German Catholics. That list was shared with the USSR and ALL of those people and their families were liquidated by Soviet Secret Police.

Were not an anology to the Roman empire. The american empire has not happened yet, if anything we are in the Grachi bro's period of the republic you know the last chance the republic had of actual reform before it all ended in bloodsoaked civil wars.
Pardon? The American empire has existed since the Spanish American war and US global hegemony has basically existed since 1945. The breakdown of the US empire started in the early 2000s.

Even in victory the globalists cannot stop digging a hole for themselves. Would it have really been so hard just to stand aside and let the reformists do their work? You can still make money hand over fist in a system with sane immigration policy and is protectionist towards its own businesses.
Its not about money it's about power; real reform means given up their power.
Taliban captured US facial recognition and eye-scan database, reports say

That's a death sentence for everyone in that database. No one thought to destroy that information huh?

Reminds me of the Erich Vermeeren de Saventhem defection in WWII, when the anti-Nazi agent for the German Abwehr defected to British Authorities giving them a list of anti-Nazi and anti-Commie German Catholics. That list was shared with the USSR and ALL of those people and their families were liquidated by Soviet Secret Police.

The database isn't simple to use, and has a lot more invovled them having access to one of the machines
The Taliban aren't neanderthals incapable of understanding technology, and could just sell it to China instead if it truly requires more skill than any of them have.
Again, they are useless once the network they use is no longer there.
Is the network gone yet? And is there some sorcerous power that's preventing them from copying the information until then?
The network left then the US left..... At least the ones the US was using.

It afaik has no local storage. If the cloud is no longer hooked up to it, they cantdo much with it
Again, they are useless once the network they use is no longer there.
“The Taliban doesn’t have the gear to use the data but the ISI do,” the former Special Operations official said, referring to Pakistan’s spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence. The ISI has been known to work closely with the Taliban.

On Monday, the human rights nonprofit Human Rights First tweeted, “We understand that the Taliban is now likely to have access to various biometric databases and equipment in Afghanistan.”

It really depends how much information was on the equipment they seized. If these just connected to a network, they'll be quickly disabled (probably alreasy are,) and unable to access the network again.

If they held actual biometric data, that data can probably be used.
They're willing to crash and burn a society over what is practically a substance addiction? God, some people are so damn weak.

Power is a tool not a drug.
Agree to disagree on that one. Humans really only do stuff for the dopamine hit. We are all drug addicts of our brain chemicals otherwise we wouldn't be able to get motivated to do anything. Plus you have to think that the only people nuts enough to actually achieve power have to be effectively drug addicts to even want to go through everything needed to do so.

There seratonin plays a role as well for the power seeking:
Arguably it is a brain imbalance of neurochemicals that makes people power seeking, so effectively those who achieve the highest levels of power are arguably chemically imbalanced and unable to really change their behavior.

This has me going down the rabbit hole of research on the subject. It looks like obtaining more and more power changes your brain and makes you more addicted to it:
Sociocognitive research has demonstrated that power affects how people feel, think, and act. In this article, I review literature from social psychology, neuroscience, management, and animal research and propose an integrated framework of power as an intensifier of goal-related approach motivation. A growing literature shows that power energizes thought, speech, and action and orients individuals toward salient goals linked to power roles, predispositions, tasks, and opportunities. Power magnifies self-expression linked to active parts of the self (the active self), enhancing confidence, self-regulation, and prioritization of efforts toward advancing focal goals. The effects of power on cognitive processes, goal preferences, performance, and corruption are discussed, and its potentially detrimental effects on social attention, perspective taking, and objectification of subordinates are examined. Several inconsistencies in the literature are explained by viewing power holders as more flexible and dynamic than is usually assumed.
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Even in victory the globalists cannot stop digging a hole for themselves. Would it have really been so hard just to stand aside and let the reformists do their work? You can still make money hand over fist in a system with sane immigration policy and is protectionist towards its own businesses.

They want empire but don't want to pay for it, respect the people who die for it, be held to an ethical standard, or have an honest conversation of what empire would mean. The empire they want will probally happen but once its created they will be completely unworthy of controling it and will be purged.

My money is that the traditionalists they dispise who didn't want the empire in the first place get stuck actually running the damned thing.
They want empire but don't want to pay for it, respect the people who die for it, be held to an ethical standard, or have an honest conversation of what empire would mean. The empire they want will probally happen but once its created they will be completely unworthy of controling it and will be purged.

My money is that the traditionalists they dispise who didn't want the empire in the first place get stuck actually running the damned thing.
The thing about the whole 'American Empire' bit is that we aren't an empire, and most citizen's don't want us to be one, even if international players treat us as one often times.

That said, if we were to truly throw off the Constitution, to embrace a more...'traditional' type of power structure/oligarchy/nobility, to 'Because We Can' becoming the watchwork of American politics on the domestic an international stage, to harness the abyss instead of gazing at it...I do not think anyone truly wants to see what would cause that to happen, or what it would result in.

This generations of Americans do not really want an empire, but if someone or some group force us to truly take the mantle of an empire, they don't get to complain later on when shit gets ugly and the US is no longer so 'nice' or concerned about PR.

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