United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

There was no direct breach but Trump was evacuated to the Bunker and there was street fighting between BLM members and the Secret Service as the former tried to break the defense perimeter around the White House.

Succeeded, they actually did damage to the fencing and managed to get onto the grass before repulsed.
Nitpicking, but they aren't even the same model: The one in Saigon was a Marine CH-46 Sea Knight, while the one in Kabul is an Army CH-47 Chinook. The Chinook is almost twice as heavy as the Sea Knight, IIRC.

Forgot to include it in last post:

I'm glad it's over, I just feel so horrible for all the veterans who lost their lives, their limbs or their sanity over there for nothing. I will continue to say it again and again: We never should've fucking been there.

I believe there needs to be some measure of justice for this.

I think CEO's from defense firms and members of the Uniparty should face treason trials, also every military leader who was involved in managing our decline by spending our power in that worthless drug-den of a nation.

Also Pharma people too because lets be real here, the greatest benefactors of the war in Afghanistan have been the makers of opiates and street corner drug dealers.

Edit- The Greeks and Romans used to be able to haul their leaders into court to determine if they shit the bed so badly during their tenure that they should twist in the wind off an olive tree or get exiled or get commended and offered a parade.

No reason the US shouldn't do the same.

All joking aside, funny how things have changed...

Well that's the thing...Can you really tell the difference between someone who supports SRS and a Taliban loyal imam using a piece of broken glass to circumcise the niece of Latiff the baker?

Our leftists have historically always been as deranged and fanatical and pro-child butchering as the Zealots of Islam.
Uncle Joe's STUPID ass decision in withdrawing military troops out of Afghanistan will come back to haunt him & the Dems in 2022 & 2024.

It was clear as far back as the Obama years Afghanistan was falling apart; this was the reason for the surge and then even after the 2014 drawdown by 2015 it was clear ANSDF was starting to fall apart. Trump had to do a mini-surge early in his term to stabilize things in the South by late 2018, as I've already cited up thread, most observers could see the end was coming. Don't let this become a partisan issue; that's what the fuckers want.
Is it really fair to compare this to the fall of South Vietnam? The ARVN fended off the Easter Offensive in 1972 without US ground support (only air & naval support IIRC), hung on for two years after the Paris Peace Accords and the removal of all remaining American forces in 'Nam, and still managed to occasionally put up a decent fight against PAVN forces in the final months of the war despite the suspension of all US aid before finally going down (taking thousands more North Vietnamese down with them in the process). Meanwhile it looks like the ANDSF crumbled to dust before even making it to Biden's withdrawal date with barely a whimper.

If the Afghan gov't forces were even half the men the South Vietnamese were, then at the very least they should've been able to survive that 90-day timeframe the intelligence community estimated, no?
Not if the election fraud issues aren’t patched up. And you assume that they won’t convince people that it’s all Trump’s fault. I’ve seen plenty of people on Reddit and the like blaming Trump for this.

More like "not if the Uniparty doesn't once again steal an election"

Remember: Republicans were involved in the coup as well. Specifically the people in Georgia, Arizona and the leadership.

Remove Rino.
I am no expert on the military, I dare say I lack even a passing knowledge of how the military actually works. So maybe some of our members here who have served can tell me, just how fucking bad it has to be that the army is running away from key cities. Because it would strike me that even if they were losing, these troops should be trying to hold the enemy back until reinforcements arrive. The most straightforward explanation in my mind is that either these men are cowards or they know that there will be no reinforcements and are fleeing a hopeless situation.

Look at the history of European warfare: if a city is not important, it is abandoned more-or-less immediately. If it is important (even if only symbolically - it doesn't need to have military value), you get stuff like this:

But even if city is surrendered immediately, you never get an army running away unless the army in question is literally broken as a combat force. But for army to last as a combat force, you need people who believe in the cause, and in the government. In NDH, you had Ustashi units, who fought well because they were volunteers who fought for independent Croatia... and the Home Guard personnel, who were about as useful as the Afghan army, because they were just conscripts who didn't want to fight at all.

BTW, I just came across this video:

"Within weeks". Yeah...

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