China ChiCom News Thread

Compilation from polish press :
1.China would help Russia in making possible new sea road near Arctic,using new icebreakers and improving harbours.
If nothing change,thanks to less ice,it could be used 9 months per year from 2030.
For China,it is certainly great help.

2.Joseph Tsai from China with his american friend Neville Singham support trans activists in USA to "destroy capitalism" /Peter Schweizer book "Bloody money".
The same is ,of course,forbidden in China.

3.Feng Yujun from Fudan University in Shanghai,claim that Moscov would lost war on Ukraine becouse of ukrainian fight and Putin wrong approach./basically,decision made by yes-man/

4.China now openly say,that they "unite" with Taiwan in not-peaciful way.

5.There is China-USA proxy war in Poland - to be precise,in one of our harbours,Gdynia - Hongkong bussiness Hutchison Port Holding control GCT,when philippine Corpo ICTSI control BCT.
So war,there was no bodies.I think.

6.Leszek Slązak write book about Cina/Twierdza Chiny/, and claim,that thanks to their old civilization with other then our approach to Freedom,Truth or state, they must win over the world,becouse could achieve progress without civil wars.

Well,i read about China History,and i doubt it.They lost becouse of their civilization,so how could they win thanks to it now?

7.China control 70% cobalt industry in Congo - which mean,that except destroing enviroment and using kids,they also control production of smartfons and electric cars.

But - it is fault of western corpo,who need somebody else to dirty their hands for them.

8.Singapoore arrested Philip Ping bussisman from Honkgkong for being China agent.I bet,that they have more there.

It seems some in the PLA really do want to help Russia have a go at Alaska and north America.
That's not to support Russia. That's to support China be the aggressor.
Makes me wonder if China is preparing to pull a Hitler style top anime betrayal on Russia.
Just saying, this sounds like a better vehicle for traveling poorly defended infrastructure-less icy wastelands of Siberia while Russia is struggling to muster much opposition there, than Alaska, where not only it has to be transported first (looks heavy and finicky to move by ship for a logistics vehicle, nevermind it seems not to use containers supply wise so its not too capable for logistics), but US military has tested own normal vehicles to be able to operate, with a lot more protection and firepower than this plain Cold War APC like tin can.
Sure Vlad, it's only for glorious liberation of Alaska when you are distracting USA by gloriously liberating central Europe from NATO, nothing to worry about here, pinky swear.
Makes me wonder if China is preparing to pull a Hitler style top anime betrayal on Russia.
Just saying, this sounds like a better vehicle for traveling poorly defended infrastructure-less icy wastelands of Siberia while Russia is struggling to muster much opposition there, than Alaska, where not only it has to be transported first (looks heavy and finicky to move by ship for a logistics vehicle, nevermind it seems not to use containers supply wise so its not too capable for logistics), but US military has tested own normal vehicles to be able to operate, with a lot more protection and firepower than this plain Cold War APC like tin can.
Sure Vlad, it's only for glorious liberation of Alaska when you are distracting USA by gloriously liberating central Europe from NATO, nothing to worry about here, pinky swear.

honestly back stabbing Russia in this manner would likely go much better for China then actually invading Alaska which would make the US go full animal mode.
Try it. You won't make it past the barrier islands
lmfao wonder if the libs/ndp/green would try and tell you not to drive anything through B.C. on the way and call defending yourself`s racist or supporting decolonizing the place good? Doubt it of course but i would love to see the brown pants in Ottawa after the first one says it.. Not that the roads going anywhere north of the Queen Charlottes are worth anything
lmfao wonder if the libs/ndp/green would try and tell you not to drive anything through B.C. on the way and call defending yourself`s racist or supporting decolonizing the place good? Doubt it of course but i would love to see the brown pants in Ottawa after the first one says it.. Not that the roads going anywhere north of the Queen Charlottes are worth anything
We don't need roads, we have a massive airlift capacity
During a diplomatic visit five or so days ago Chinese staffers repeatedly attempting to block an Australian journalist Cheng Lei from the line of sight of the meeting between Australian PM Albanese and CCP Premier Li Qiang. Some stated that they just wanted to disrupt the Sky News reporter whose highly critical of China from doing her job, others state the Chinese staffers were trying to prevent Cheng Lei from being seen in photographs of the meeting of the two government officials.

During the visit, pro-Communist China protesters were also blocking the banners and flags of other protesters as well as blocking journalists and cameramen during the diplomatic meeting and travels.

As bad as things are in the west its even worse in china.

I am honestly surprised the country is doing as well as it is, honestly surprised things are as stable as they are right now because all of the fundamentals everywhere are pretty much dogshit.
As bad as things are in the west its even worse in china.

I am honestly surprised the country is doing as well as it is, honestly surprised things are as stable as they are right now because all of the fundamentals everywhere are pretty much dogshit.
As I've said many times before, China has been kept from collapse primarily because Western powers keep propping them up with their money. You add the collectivist nature of most Eastern cultures to that, plus the threat of disappearing into some deep dark hole if anyone there steps even a millimeter out of line, and the whole thing can keep going almost indefinitely no matter how obviously broken it becomes. So long as more Western money keeps coming in, of course.
And as long as it provides cheap goods that prop up the lifestyle of hundreds of millions of Westerners, the money will keep coming.

Though it might be necessary to teach China who's boss. Not that I think Biden can do it, that coward.
Though it might be necessary to teach China who's boss. Not that I think Biden can do it, that coward.
It's not even teaching them 'who's boss' so much as the need to tell them to 'stop it with their shit'. It will have to come down to forcing China into recognizing that their bad behavior will be contested and punished from a position of strength.

China is so desperate for money now they're taxing their hookers. They're also implementing a new tax for any and every company operating in China that retroactively applies for the past thirty years.

Combined with the social unrest/apathy, the lack of women for marriage for the everyday Chinese man, the collapaing (literally) infrastructure and rampant greed/corruption down to even street level, I think it's safe to say West Taiwan is nearly in freefall now.
China is so desperate for money now they're taxing their hookers. They're also implementing a new tax for any and every company operating in China that retroactively applies for the past thirty years.
Unless you're a party loyalist, in good standing, with enough sponsorship from the higher echelons to be ignores by this.

The anger will only grow between the haves and have nots.

China is so desperate for money now they're taxing their hookers. They're also implementing a new tax for any and every company operating in China that retroactively applies for the past thirty years.

Combined with the social unrest/apathy, the lack of women for marriage for the everyday Chinese man, the collapaing (literally) infrastructure and rampant greed/corruption down to even street level, I think it's safe to say West Taiwan is nearly in freefall now.

China is very lucky that pretty much the entire world is some degree of fucked which means that when this does blow up everyone will be dealing with internal issues instead of having the ability to really meddle in theirs. Yes it will blow up but so will the west, the middle east, africa, and pretty much every where.

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