Conservatism and the Environment

Ah yes, the green elite, those monsters that just want our descendants to be able to live in a civilized world by manipulating the environmental herd of sheeple to believe in the scientific facts! Boy are those guys evil!

If they really only wanted that, why would they harangue people to cut back and make sacrifices while flying around in private jets, owning multiple homes, engage in conspicuous consumption and generally live it up? If they so believed in it so much, wouldn't they be the first people to actually make the sacrifices and make commensurate sacrifices to what they expect from others? And really, if they believed in such things genuinely, would they be manipulating kids into being political puppets? Or create even more waste and environmental degradation with stunts that they use to push their cause?

Would not a true believer in fact sacrifice what they could so that they might lead by example? And would try to be as honest in possible in pursuing their goal, and even avoid trying stunts to drum up policy that go directly against their stated goal of saving the planet? Because, I am pretty sure if they serious were doing what you stated, none of this would be the case, and that they would be doing what I said they should be or at least trying their best.
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A Canadian researcher was ideologically purged recently, for pointing out that polar bear populations are actually rising.

This; this right here? Nonsense like this is what makes me question why the science behind climate change has been dominated by ideologues, instead of scientists; as well as suspect the conservatives might actually have a point when they say the science proving it exists/is man-made, is bogus.
A Canadian researcher was ideologically purged recently, for pointing out that polar bear populations are actually rising.

This; this right here? Nonsense like this is what makes me question why the science behind climate change has been dominated by ideologues, instead of scientists; as well as suspect the conservatives might actually have a point when they say the science proving it exists/is man-made, is bogus.

Ever read Isaac Asimov’s Robots/Galactic Empire/Foundation series?

In the chronologically first Foundation novel, there were politicians hoping to use Hari Seldon’s new theoretical work “Psychohistory” to try and control society even when he essentially pointed out “that’s not how it works” and “it’s still a theory and I need more information” to them

Working class people ain't got time for these assholes.

I say good.

I'm reminded of the people who dragged the Extinction Rebellion idiots off the top of trains in London because they were holding them up.

As it turns out, the general public really fucking hates it when idiots prevent them from getting to work and if left to it's own devices will rapidly handle the problem themselves.
I'm reminded of the people who dragged the Extinction Rebellion idiots off the top of trains in London because they were holding them up.

As it turns out, the general public really fucking hates it when idiots prevent them from getting to work and if left to it's own devices will rapidly handle the problem themselves.

What are they gonna do? Call the general public Nazi Fascist White Supremacists for not giving a shit?
You already know the answer to that question.

This tactic when applied to guys who just want to get going will work remarkably less

Honestly, holding protests that hinder people who have nothing to do with whatever they are protesting, is likely to result in ordinary people pushing it out ASAP
A Canadian researcher was ideologically purged recently, for pointing out that polar bear populations are actually rising.

This; this right here? Nonsense like this is what makes me question why the science behind climate change has been dominated by ideologues, instead of scientists; as well as suspect the conservatives might actually have a point when they say the science proving it exists/is man-made, is bogus.

I've been very suspicious of the 'global warming' people since the early/mid 2000's, and completely disbelieved them since the East Anglia/CRU scandal.

Conservatives have been calling it for decades, because it's been bogus literally the entire time. What's sad is how many people honestly buy into it and are swept up in the hysteria.
Conservatives have been calling it for decades, because it's been bogus literally the entire time. What's sad is how many people honestly buy into it and are swept up in the hysteria.

It doesn’t help that conservatives are strawmanned and made to look like idiotic douchebags in both entertainment and news media

Like, NOT believing in Climate Change does NOT equivocate to being against helping the environment like that one History dude who amongst our other FarLefties likes to be condescending and accusatory towards us whilst not really countering any of our arguments while we counterargue his
As I said before, you don’t need a supernatural or divine entity to be a fanatic

Simply believing a person or group of persons or a philosophy or governing or economic method is infalliable or treat them as if they were infalliable and always right and you have what amounts to a religion

One that does not like heretics such as Objectivists and Libertarians
I've been very suspicious of the 'global warming' people since the early/mid 2000's, and completely disbelieved them since the East Anglia/CRU scandal.

Conservatives have been calling it for decades, because it's been bogus literally the entire time. What's sad is how many people honestly buy into it and are swept up in the hysteria.
I never really cared whether it was a real phenomenon or not; because there are so many things that we should be doing to fix the environment anyways that, if climate change is a thing and we're to blame, we'd be fixing it just as a side effect of making our planet a nicer place to live in.
I never really cared whether it was a real phenomenon or not; because there are so many things that we should be doing to fix the environment anyways that, if climate change is a thing and we're to blame, we'd be fixing it just as a side effect of making our planet a nicer place to live in.
This sums up my feeling about it as well.

There are very definite environmental issues that needs addressing (depleted fisheries, overgrown/unhealthy forests, aquifer depletion, etc.) that have mounds of evidence and wide public support. But they get lumped in with 'climate change', and thus get unnecessarily politicized, when addressing them on their own would not be very controversial.
This sums up my feeling about it as well.

There are very definite environmental issues that needs addressing (depleted fisheries, overgrown/unhealthy forests, aquifer depletion, etc.) that have mounds of evidence and wide public support. But they get lumped in with 'climate change', and thus get unnecessarily politicized, when addressing them on their own would not be very controversial.

In my experience, they're more likely to be ignored because all the attention is on 'climate change,' than lumped in with it.

That might just be a regional difference, though. I'm in the Great Lakes area, so depleted aquifier isn't a big going concern up here.

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