United States Conspiracies here!

As a child, Justice Roberts was subjected to an exorcism. Or so claimed one of his boyhood friends during his time as a Bush Campaign lawyer. IIRC, this was in fact confirmed as well.
The Missing 411 books are an interesting read, incidentally.

I like Paulides a lot and its worth noting that everyone from Jane Goodall and Beirut Galdikas down to David Attenburough - supports the notion that there are large hominids in America's national forests..Goodall to where she talks about it the same way she talks about Chimps. Mind ye Leakeys Angels were all a bunch of absolute lunatics who are regarded as mainstream experts now but were seen as fringe scientist whackjobs when they got their careers started in the early 70's.

But honestly.. "they disappeared because they were absolute imbeciles like Christopher McCandles and got themselves killed" is probably the most logical explanation for most of these disappearances. Never underestimate the arrogance of city slickers.

A bunch of urbanite potatoes wandering into caves and falling down and busting their shit or getting pinned and trapped is par for the course.
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I like Paulides a lot and its worth noting that everyone from Jane Goodall and Beirut Galdikas down to David Attenburough - supports the belief that there are large hominids in America's national forests..Goodall to where she talks about it the same way she talks about Chimps. Mind ye Leakeys Angels were all a bunch of absolute lunatics who are regarded as mainstream experts now but were seen as fringe scientist whackjobs when they got their careers started in the early 70's.

But honestly.. "they disappeared because they were absolute imbeciles like Christopher McCandles" is probably the most logical explanation for most of these disappearances. Never underestimate the arrogance of city slickers.

A bunch of urbanite potatoes wandering into caves and falling down and busting their shit or getting pinned and trapped is par for the course.
Well that and that is the Appalachia’s many people there choose to go off the grid, since a lot of the, are rightly disgusted with the government.
I like Paulides a lot and its worth noting that everyone from Jane Goodall and Beirut Galdikas down to David Attenburough - supports the notion that there are large hominids in America's national forests..Goodall to where she talks about it the same way she talks about Chimps. Mind ye Leakeys Angels were all a bunch of absolute lunatics who are regarded as mainstream experts now but were seen as fringe scientist whackjobs when they got their careers started in the early 70's.

But honestly.. "they disappeared because they were absolute imbeciles like Christopher McCandles and got themselves killed" is probably the most logical explanation for most of these disappearances. Never underestimate the arrogance of city slickers.

A bunch of urbanite potatoes wandering into caves and falling down and busting their shit or getting pinned and trapped is par for the course.

True,but i still want to belive in tribes of neandertals living in caves and capturing american blond boobzillas to have kids.
Another interesting theory/forget author,as usual/ -
Russia is wreck,becouse is place of constant hidden war between USA and french masons,who use KGB and GRU as their tools.Forget who owns whom,unfortunatelly.
So I just found this very interesting graph while doing another skim of Blavatskian Theosophy (the belief system that invented a notion of a superior Aryan progenitor, that coined "New World Order", that was Bluebeaming all over the place in the 50s, that is traceable to most new religious movements on Your shitlist).

Thoroughly interested in whichever actual document of theirs is claiming the UN as a public front to their Venusian-worshipping death cult (check the "Gods of the New Age" section for exactly what the 'Masters' and 'Hierarchy' mean in this context but basically they're supposed to be flock of ghosts playing SPORE with Humanity under the supervision of three psuedo-Hindu demon kings), I plugged that into the search engine to find out that the image comes from the "Institute for Planetary Synthesis", a very openly New Age NGO claiming credit for contributions to a number of UN councils indeed.
This poster and accompanying handbook <link added> represent a first step in an attempt by IPS co-workers to present in an accessible manner the work of the ten seed-groups, both in relation to the inner world, the Spiritual Hierarchy, and to the outer world, humanity at large, represented by its collective institutions, the United Nations and the Nongovernmental Organizations. Both the poster and the handbook represent therefore only a stage in an evolving understanding of the ten seed-group structure, which could become a basis for the future world civilization, characterized by constructive cooperation and right human relations in all circumstances. The text of this handbook has been partially gathered from books by Alice A. Bailey - dictated by Master Djwhal Khul, and can be downloaded from the Publications page. The colour poster is available in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish.
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Bildberg meet from 30.5-2.6.24 in Mdrid,and media pretended then notching happened.
Officially they speak about:
1.AI and its dangers.
2.Changing biology/yes,they belive,that biology change/
3.Climate - of course dangers and bad humans
4.Future of war
6.EU problems
7.USA problems

But,as Vigilant Citizen said,it is all sum to how take over world.

AI - were covered by Demis Hassabis/Google DeepMind/ , Mustafa Suleyman/Miscrosoft AI/ , Palmer Luckey/Anduril Industries/ Arthur Mensh/Mistral AI/ , Alex Karpa/Palantir Technologies.

Last offer Palantir Gotham,which supposed to discover who would commit crime in future - we are in Dick or Kafka books now.

There was Big Pharma,too - vveterinarian Albert Bourle from Pfizer,who proposed pill with bio chips,which would signal producer when patients used them.

Media - Gerhard Zeiler from Warner bros, Discovery international,Spotify,,NYT/Bret Stephens/, The Economist,and Fareed Zakaria from CNN,The Washington Post and Newsweek.

All to made us into serfs.And,they would win,God and HIS HOLY MOTHER do not existed.
Bildberg meet from 30.5-2.6.24 in Mdrid,and media pretended then notching happened.
Officially they speak about:
1.AI and its dangers.
2.Changing biology/yes,they belive,that biology change/
3.Climate - of course dangers and bad humans
4.Future of war
6.EU problems
7.USA problems

But,as Vigilant Citizen said,it is all sum to how take over world.

AI - were covered by Demis Hassabis/Google DeepMind/ , Mustafa Suleyman/Miscrosoft AI/ , Palmer Luckey/Anduril Industries/ Arthur Mensh/Mistral AI/ , Alex Karpa/Palantir Technologies.

Last offer Palantir Gotham,which supposed to discover who would commit crime in future - we are in Dick or Kafka books now.

There was Big Pharma,too - vveterinarian Albert Bourle from Pfizer,who proposed pill with bio chips,which would signal producer when patients used them.

Media - Gerhard Zeiler from Warner bros, Discovery international,Spotify,,NYT/Bret Stephens/, The Economist,and Fareed Zakaria from CNN,The Washington Post and Newsweek.

All to made us into serfs.And,they would win,God and HIS HOLY MOTHER do not existed.
Yeah the Bilderberg Group Having Disproportionate Power Over NATO Governments conspiracy is one I %100 believe in. Those motherfuckers should live in constant fear for their lives that the masses of humanity may one day rise up against them, because humanity as a bloc is fucking terrifying as fuck to behold
Yeah the Bilderberg Group Having Disproportionate Power Over NATO Governments conspiracy is one I %100 believe in. Those motherfuckers should live in constant fear for their lives that the masses of humanity may one day rise up against them, because humanity as a bloc is fucking terrifying as fuck to behold
Optymist.Humanity do not exist,only smaller groups which dream about slaughtering/enslaving others.Well,in best case just do not trust them.
I like Paulides a lot and its worth noting that everyone from Jane Goodall and Beirut Galdikas down to David Attenburough - supports the notion that there are large hominids in America's national forests..Goodall to where she talks about it the same way she talks about Chimps. Mind ye Leakeys Angels were all a bunch of absolute lunatics who are regarded as mainstream experts now but were seen as fringe scientist whackjobs when they got their careers started in the early 70's.

But honestly.. "they disappeared because they were absolute imbeciles like Christopher McCandles and got themselves killed" is probably the most logical explanation for most of these disappearances. Never underestimate the arrogance of city slickers.

A bunch of urbanite potatoes wandering into caves and falling down and busting their shit or getting pinned and trapped is par for the course.
Oh my goodness 😕

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