Dystopian Europe

Well, the German government is shocked, shocked that the hodes of young, Islamic men they've imported don't want democracy but Sharia Law and a Caliphate. :ROFLMAO:
It's even worse, given that many of the public spokesmen of the movement are German citizens who have been born and raised here. Not that one couldn't have seen such a development from a mile away fifteen, twenty years ago already. In fact, plenty of people warned against this, and the massive dangers of mass migration from primarily Muslim countries back then.

On a different note, a higher court has upheld a decision to allow for the observation of the AfD party by the domestic secret service, and commentary on public broadcasting and among other political parties has been ripe with demands to abolish the party. Which, I think, makes this the sole case among western nations where not only the abolishment of the major opposition party is demanded, but also where said party is actively discriminated against by organs of the state.
Well, the German government is shocked, shocked that the hodes of young, Islamic men they've imported don't want democracy but Sharia Law and a Caliphate. :ROFLMAO:
I honestly think that what's happening there is exactly what they wanted to happen.
I honestly think that what's happening there is exactly what they wanted to happen.
I don't.

Way I see it, they're hilariously out of touch and in denial. They just think these arabs will assimilate and that GDP line Will Continue to Go Up.

Only way I can see that not being the case is if they genuinely want mass unrest-either by the pissed off natives or the Muslims ushering in Sharia law- as an excuse to usher in authoritarianism. Which wouldn't be out of character, but it would be a massive risk should they lose. Though it would mean that all the signs of them being hilariously tone deaf and out of touch would be a massive act. Which I'm not certain they could pull off, given how people saw through the COVID nonsense.
No problem,german agent Tusk arleady agree to welcome all of them to Poland.He must wait till presidential elections in 2025,but it would be done.
Which do not save Germany,of course - turks who would kill them are their citizens,and could not be deported.
Way I see it, they're hilariously out of touch and in denial. They just think these arabs will assimilate and that GDP line Will Continue to Go Up.
Which is what would have happened if not for liberal policing allowing the thugs to seize power. Imagine if they just hanged all the criminals at first offence and made other youths realize that it's safer to assimilate?

That's what Singapore would have done.
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Which is what would have happened if not for liberal policing allowing the thugs to seize power. Imagine if they just hanged all the criminals at first offence and made other youths realize that it's safer to assimilate?

That's what Singapore would have done.
If it allowed that, the implications of that would have to be so far reaching it would no longer resemble current year western liberalism in anything but name.

Likewise, if "migrants" were being "welcomed" by putting them in barbed wire surrounded sweatshops where they would work for 12 hours a day for 12 dollars a day (plus 12 in taxes) with no labor rights, insurance, or any other welfare and never allowed to leave until they paid off the policing costs they created by migrating and they thought they have enough of "contributing to our economy", the nationalists may have a different outlook on third world migration than they have now, and it would dramatically reduce the problems with them, but i for one know that's politically infeasible fiction for any foreseeable future in western countries at least, and if implementing that was realistic, we would be living in a very different world.
but i for one know that's politically infeasible fiction for any foreseeable future in western countries at least, and if implementing that was realistic, we would be living in a very different worl
Yeah, because it's the sort of cartoonishly evil (and unproductive) idea only two types of people would consider plausible: the far left, and the far right.

A simpler option would be to just police all citizens properly. If they do nothing wrong, they have nothing to fear. If they do, the rope awaits them.
Yeah, because it's the sort of cartoonishly evil (and unproductive) idea only two types of people would consider plausible: the far left, and the far right.
Were 16th century empires far left or far right?
If third world dictatorship's sweatshops are so unproductive why are their products so competitively cheap?
A simpler option would be to just police all citizens properly. If they do nothing wrong, they have nothing to fear. If they do, the rope awaits them.
First off the people in question are not citizens, secondly police resources and capabilities are neither free nor infinite, and secondly good luck convincing the "liberal" useful idiot masses to give clear support for rope for bonafide aloha snackbars at least, before we start edgelording about doing something regarding the masses that commit mass amounts of nuisance crime that make so many major western cities so unpleasant to live in.
It can traumatize entire societies:
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ere 16th century empires far left or far right?
By modern standards? Absolutely. As you can see by looking at their modern successors in the Middle East and South Asia.

If third world dictatorship's sweatshops are so unproductive why are their products so competitively cheap?
They aren't? It's the educated East Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Japan, and Korea that lead in manufacturing. India and Indonesias, both democratic, are a distant runner up. Tinpot dictatorships in MENA and SS Africa are completely irrelevant.

First off the people in question are not citizens, secondly police resources and capabilities are neither free nor infinite, and secondly good luck convincing the "liberal" useful idiot masses to give clear support for rope for bonafide aloha snackbars at least
3 is the only problem. Citizenship can be fast tracked for economically important personnel, and we have more than enough police resources.

Unfortunately, the liberals are idiots and the Leftists are active saboteurs, and both are in an alliance against us. And because modern Conservatives (both party and street) couldn't be stupider if they were all active leftist agents, I see no way to change this undesirable status quo.
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They aren't? It's the educated East Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Japan, and Korea that lead in manufacturing. India and Indonesias, both democratic, are a distant runner up. Tinpot dictatorships in MENA and SS Africa are completely irrelevant.
China and Vietnam aren't dictatorships now? Since when?
By modern standards? Absolutely. As you can see by looking at their modern successors in the Middle East and South Asia.

They aren't? It's the educated East Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Japan, and Korea that lead in manufacturing. India and Indonesias, both democratic, are a distant runner up. Tinpot dictatorships in MENA and SS Africa are completely irrelevant.
And some of them do exactly that.
You can even go to a fairly popular e-vendor to check out how cheaps these products are!
3 is the only problem. Citizenship can be fast tracked for economically important personnel, and we have more than enough police resources.
If citizenship can be fast tracked then it is a meaningless formality meant to get more welfare recipients, and if we have enough police resources why are so many crimes remaining unsolved.
Unfortunately, the liberals are idiots and the Leftists are active saboteurs, and both are in an alliance against us. And because modern Conservatives (both party and street) couldn't be stupider if they were all active leftist agents, I see no way to change this undesirable status quo.
Then leave these matters to people who have something more constructive to say.
If citizenship can be fast tracked then it is a meaningless formality meant to get more welfare recipients, and if we have enough police resources why are so many crimes remaining unsolved.
Which is a good argument against welfare, not against immigration. We need to keep labor prices low and population levels stable. As long as they are cleared by industry experts, I don't see why we can complain.

And some of them do exactly that.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot? You can even go to a fairly popular e-vendor to check out how cheaps these products are!
A drop in the ocean. The rest of the ocean being products made by relatively well paid workers who aren't restrained by socialist industrial regulations.
Which is a good argument against welfare, not against immigration. We need to keep labor prices low and population levels stable. As long as they are cleared by industry experts, I don't see why we can complain.
And citizenship with all the rights and benefits that are given to the replacement menial labor are, technically speaking, a liability, not a necessity.
Your idea is worse than handing out citizenships in random bags of chips.
A drop in the ocean. The rest of the ocean being products made by relatively well paid workers who aren't restrained by socialist industrial regulations.
Very relatively indeed.
The rest, well, the solution is to get more rational regulations, not fuck over our own countries in favor of more questionable ones for the sake of international businesses that do not hold any loyalty to us.
And citizenship with all the rights and benefits that are given to the replacement menial labor are, technically speaking, a liability, not a necessity.
Your idea is worse than handing out citizenships in random bags of chips.
They are a necessity. Factories don't run themselves. And I believe we stopped apportioning voting rights by property over a century ago.

Very relatively indeed.
The rest, well, the solution is to get more rational regulations, not fuck over our own countries in favor of more questionable ones for the sake of international businesses that do not hold any loyalty to us.
And now you're thinking like a leftist. It benefits us to have cheaper and more easily available goods, taxes to pay for our state machinery, and more citizens to perpetuate our nation.

Or if you really want to be a Leftie, just imagine where the money for your social security would come from unless we keep getting workers.
They are a necessity. Factories don't run themselves.
I have it on high confidence that factory workers absolutely do not need to be given citizenship to work in factories. Really. Is it some kind of religious belief that they do?
And I believe we stopped apportioning voting rights by property over a century ago.
In most of the world the main reason people get citizenship is by inheritance and that never change.
And now you're thinking like a leftist. It benefits us to have cheaper and more easily available goods, taxes to pay for our state machinery, and more citizens to perpetuate our nation.
You are being as smart as a Soviet bureaucrat.
The "more citizens" in question do not perpetuate "our nation" anywhere except on paper.
You can give citizenship to all 8 billion people on the planet and write idiotic articles that they are totally "our nation" now, but that in no way will make them or their children any more willing to change their customs, loyalties and national identity to ours than they were before. It will only make them think we are idiots for handing out citizenship rights so easily. That's just pure cope and wishful thinking. You may as well write official documents saying that the migrants are sheep and claim getting so many of them will make us a fortune in wool. Other people will look at you like you are crazy and there will be no real wool out of it, but hey, on paper anything goes.

Or if you really want to be a Leftie, just imagine where the money for your social security would come from unless we keep getting workers.
Social security is one of the reasons why we have problems getting workers the normal way in the first place.
If you haven't noticed i'm not your fellow socialist wearing a libertarian mask hiding behind idiotic policies behind the sacred cow of muh retirement, i know modern Bismarckian social security systems are an intergenerational pyramidal mess, ruin the incentives for establishing healthy demographics, and as such should go eventually.
Fuck social security, fuck socialism, and fuck socialists who want to ruin our countries to save them.
Also robots for helping with the intermediate period.

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