Dystopian Europe

Social security is one of the reasons why we have problems getting workers the normal way in the first place.
If you haven't noticed i'm not your fellow socialist wearing a libertarian mask hiding behind idiotic policies behind the sacred cow of muh retirement, i know modern Bismarckian social security systems are an intergenerational pyramidal mess, ruin the incentives for establishing healthy demographics, and as such should go eventually.
Fuck social security, fuck socialism, and fuck socialists who want to ruin our countries to save them.
Also robots for helping with the intermediate period.
Holy shit, Marduk said something based.
So... France is dissolving Parliament because they lost to populists.

Macron Trounced by Le Pen's Populists at EuroParl Elections, Immediately Dissolves Parliament for Snap National Election
Le Pen’s populist-nationalist got twice as many votes as the governing group of Emmanuel Macron’s globalist centrists in Sunday’s European Parliament election, prompting Macron to immediately dissolve the national parliament and call fresh French elections in a bid to regain authority for the remainder of his presidential term.

It's amazing to me that he can lose and election so hard and try this. I hope this backfires so hard he gets launched into the stratosphere.
So... France is dissolving Parliament because they lost to populists.

Macron Trounced by Le Pen's Populists at EuroParl Elections, Immediately Dissolves Parliament for Snap National Election

It's amazing to me that he can lose and election so hard and try this. I hope this backfires so hard he gets launched into the stratosphere.
This is an odd choice as it will probably tank his allies as well.
I think thats the point. In a parliamentary system, the right/normal thing to do is call elections when you think there has been a shift in public opinion.
I think thats the point. In a parliamentary system, the right/normal thing to do is call elections when you think there has been a shift in public opinion.
I suppose so. Since it was an EU election Le Pen's party won, you could plausibly say you should update your own Parliament. I don't believe that's the motive but it's plausible.
Not my idea - but somebody smarter said,that civilized people defend their weakest - children,old,pregnant womans, when barbarians care only about healthy males.

But,EU ,and West as a whole,now defend degenerates which are not even healthy.And do not have any sense even from barbarian point of viev.

So,what kind of madness it is,and who would profit from that?

P.S i remember,it was good polish writer Andrzej Pilipiuk.
AfD won't win, but it's definitely going to open a lot of doors for the people who will.

We should all appreciate their sacrifice. :)
German court rules that members of the right-wing Alternative for Germany party are BANNED from owning firearms.

They say it's because the second largest party in the country is a "suspected threat" to democracy.
That is not all.So called german catholics started banning them from any position they keep in Church.
Well,german catholics are dead anyway,so it do not matter.
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Holy shit, Marduk said something based.
he is not a liberal, and the problem of entitlements and pensions is blatantly obvious for people that don't have the rose tinted leftard glasses on, especially here in Europe, because of overly generous social spending and pensions and horrible birth rates, and in Eastern Europe, sizable outgoing migration to other parts of the EU.

Poland for example, has had the problem of systematic brain drain and population drain towards the UK and other parts of the west, and their birth rates aren't that good.


That coupled with high outgoing migration can fuck over even more conservative pension systems.
That's a very interesting map.
here is a bar chart if you prefer, with newer data;

Also, do you notice that the msot green on the maps comes from those countries that admit lots of low IQ due to inbreeding, knife attack and rape and arson prone religious fanatics?

Anyways, Poland actually has a worse fertility rate than Bulgaria, but the problem is much of that "better number" is due to certain ethnic groups here, too.
The types known for petty crime, inbreeding, low literacy, sucking up welfare money and giving their babies hard alcohol to stop crying.And who will sell their vote for anything between 50 euros and a plate of low quality kebapcheta

What basically happens in Europe is we import third world rejects who steal, rape and suck on the teat of the governmnet because government's teat is getting dry due to too few productive young people.

We also have our local low/un-employed underclasses that also breed and collect benefits for it, thus producing a larger underclass of dumb, crime inclined welfare parasites.
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Also, do you notice that the msot green on the maps comes from those countries that admit lots of low IQ due to inbreeding, knife attack and rape and arson prone religious fanatics?
Show me a map of Islamic population by region first. I can't find any.

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