Five minutes of hate news

Just...just stop threatening them to let Hamas go free, Joe. Your liberal insistence that military force shouldn't be allowed to solve problems is just perpetuating problems. Debate and discussion can only serve when everyone is on the same side. Or at least think they are.

Jesus, why do liberals think that their elite experiences can be applied on everyone?
Just...just stop threatening them to let Hamas go free, Joe. Your liberal insistence that military force shouldn't be allowed to solve problems is just perpetuating problems. Debate and discussion can only serve when everyone is on the same side. Or at least think they are.

Jesus, why do liberals think that their elite experiences can be applied on everyone?
Narcissism in three phases.

Phase 1: "Everyone thinks like I do," so clearly everyone will be willing to resolve things like they are.
Phase 2: "Some people don't think like me, but once they are properly taught to do so, the problems will be solved," I refer you to phase 1.
Phase 3: "I am far too important and clever to not be the key to solving any problem I consider worth my time." The ego of the modern leftist intellectual hinges on how they can and will solve all the problems that those losers who came before them couldn't.

Some are just in it for the grift of course, and some others out of hatred, but this covers a surprisingly large swathe of them.
Narcissism in three phases.

Phase 1: "Everyone thinks like I do," so clearly everyone will be willing to resolve things like they are.
Phase 2: "Some people don't think like me, but once they are properly taught to do so, the problems will be solved," I refer you to phase 1.
Phase 3: "I am far too important and clever to not be the key to solving any problem I consider worth my time." The ego of the modern leftist intellectual hinges on how they can and will solve all the problems that those losers who came before them couldn't.

Some are just in it for the grift of course, and some others out of hatred, but this covers a surprisingly large swathe of them.
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
Liberals: "Violence solves nothing!"
Also Liberals: constantly hampering allies before they can actually solve problems with violence, and refusing to acknowledge when enemies do solve problems with violence.

All three major factions that govern the world are so wedded to their dogma that the only way this can end is with another Vietnam or Berlin Wall Collapse. Something that will force everyone to admit that becoming excessively fanatical isn't actually reaping any benefits, and that they can't ignore reality anymore.

Liberals need to learn that violence, applied lawfully and moderately, is the only way to preserve rule of law. Communists need to learn that the free market is the only way to diminish the suffering of the working class. The nationalists (including Islamists and Christian Nationalists) need to learn that they do actually need to compromise and work with other people.

We don't need to learn anything, except maybe not to roll our eyes in public.
Congress is trying to reenact racial quotas:

There's a disparate impact test in the American Privacy Rights Act. As usual, the bills name has little to do with it's content.
Congress is trying to reenact racial quotas:

There's a disparate impact test in the American Privacy Rights Act. As usual, the bills name has little to do with it's content.
> Privacy bill
> Imposes race quotas on universities and everyone else too for good measure.

fucking congress

TLDR : France wants to do to New Caledonia what they have done to mainland France. The new law would essentially make any Frenchmen that go there and stay for ten years to be able to vote in local elections, which any French citizen can do since New Caledonia is a French territory so they rioted and apparently they are bringing 2700 policemen there just to quell the riots and banning TikTok as well...because reasons?

TLDR : France wants to do to New Caledonia what they have done to mainland France. The new law would essentially make any Frenchmen that go there and stay for ten years to be able to vote in local elections, which any French citizen can do since New Caledonia is a French territory so they rioted and apparently they are bringing 2700 policemen there just to quell the riots and banning TikTok as well...because reasons?

Thr Chinese are letting it be used as a means to protest and form resistance groups in yhe west
I hope the Turks kick their ass. I dislike Turkey, but France delenda est. Only when those bastards in Paris are humbled and broken, and crawl on their stomachs to the POTUS and get laughed off, only then will I have anything but malice for them.

Socialist Member of Chicago City Council Thinks the Idea of Punishing Criminals is ‘Racist’ and Calls America a ‘Garbage Society’

Socialist Chicago council member says it’s ‘racist’ to punish criminals, America is a ‘garbage society’

A socialist member of Chicago’s city council believes that the idea of using police to ensure safe streets and punishing criminals is “racist” while calling America a “garbage society.”

Rossana Rodriguez is an alderwoman on Chicago’s city council who supports defunding the police and caucuses with the Democratic Socialists. The alderwoman, who explicitly calls for “critical race theory” to be taught to children, is also involved in the council’s Education and Child Development committee.

The alderwoman repeatedly blasts American society in her frequent social media tirades.

According to the councilmember, America is “a garbage society” and “a White supremacist society and system” that “favors White people.” Rodriguez believes that “White people are ahead in the game” in comparison to minority groups…

“When we say #DefundThePolice we mean developing alternatives to racist punishment and brutality. This work has been around for a while and it’s a great tool to rethink our ideas of what public safety should look like,” Rodrigues said in response to a post about “police abolition” in 2020.

One could argue Chicago is a garbage society for not punishing criminals. Step 1) raise taxes. 2) raise crime. 3) get everyone to flee. 4) buy up properties. 5) get tough on crime. 6) lower taxes to get people back. 7) profit, because you or your friends bought up the properties.


“Your punishment for having a knife when they searched you would be very different from the thief’s. For him to have a knife was mere misbehavior, tradition, he didn’t know any better. But for you to have one was ‘terrorism.’”
-Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

In the Criminal Code of 1926 there was a most stupid Article 139 – “on the limits of necessary self-defense” —according to which you had the right to unsheath your knife only after the criminal’s knife was hovering over you. And you could stab him only after he had stabbed you. And otherwise you would be the one put on trial. (And there was no article in our legislation saying that the greater criminal was the one who attacked someone weaker than himself.)

This fear of exceeding the measure of necessary self-defense lead to total spinelessness as a national characteristic. A hoodlum once began to beat up the Red Army man Aleksandr Zakharov outside a club. Zakharov took out a folding penknife and killed the hoodlum.

And for this he got….ten years for plain murder! “And what was I supposed to do?” he asked, astonished. Prosecutor Artsishevsky replied: “You should have fled!”

So tell me, who creates hoodlums?
-Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, 1918-1956.
Clownfish go from male to female interestingly enough

As do a number of other animals. A number of frog and toad species, for instance.

That doesn't make them trans or queer.

Because those are social constructs (using their rhetoric), and social constructs require society to construct them.

The bisexual lions that we're supposed to celebrate and emulate? Also practice infanticide and cannibalism. Totally worth emulating.

(How many lions actually engage in such behavior? How often do Clownfish actually change their sex?)

Most importantly, these animals are not human animals. What works for them, what's good for them, is not necessarily good for us.

It's the usual leftist cherry picking of things from context, and then placing it a new context, going YAS KWEEN, and making it lame and gay. All so they can jutsify their predatory behavior, because even in the trailer it's like 'yas we shud all have moar seggs!' with shit like Hyena clit girl dicks as the reasoning.

Dolphins will fuck fish corpses to masturbate. Totally, necrophilia is great. Corpses aren't alive so they don't need to give consent.

Otters will gang rape baby seals to death. Obviously, this means that pedophilia and non-con are perfectly fine.

And so on.
As do a number of other animals. A number of frog and toad species, for instance.

That doesn't make them trans or queer.

Because those are social constructs (using their rhetoric), and social constructs require society to construct them.

The bisexual lions that we're supposed to celebrate and emulate? Also practice infanticide and cannibalism. Totally worth emulating.

(How many lions actually engage in such behavior? How often do Clownfish actually change their sex?)

Most importantly, these animals are not human animals. What works for them, what's good for them, is not necessarily good for us.

It's the usual leftist cherry picking of things from context, and then placing it a new context, going YAS KWEEN, and making it lame and gay. All so they can jutsify their predatory behavior, because even in the trailer it's like 'yas we shud all have moar seggs!' with shit like Hyena clit girl dicks as the reasoning.

Dolphins will fuck fish corpses to masturbate. Totally, necrophilia is great. Corpses aren't alive so they don't need to give consent.

Otters will gang rape baby seals to death. Obviously, this means that pedophilia and non-con are perfectly fine.

And so on.
I think they are going to focus on things like the clownfish as examples
Because it fits the narrative normies cam accept
And we can beat the over the head with the stuff mentioned previously and that ‘natural is good’ is in fact a logical fallacy.
Those propaganda films also don't care about the actual factual stuff of what is and isn't natural.

Like, they see one dog humping literally anything. including legs, sofas, and other males. and they conclude "this is a gay dog. therefore dogs have gays. therefore gays are natural".

and that is when they don't just flat out make up shit.
And we can beat the over the head with the stuff mentioned previously and that ‘natural is good’ is in fact a logical fallacy.
Oh I agree.
Just pointing out they could have named it so many ithers things and then went into the biology and how it is diffrent from humans. They want, but it would honestly be a great show to help understand why humans CANT.

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