Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

Why Ecuador?
Like....I get the US isn't the best right now but...
I'm Canadian BTW.

Why ecuador?
It's pretty safe, nice weather, lots of coastline, but it also has mountains (i like mountain climbing and fishing).
The place is also improving economically, and the place is pretty conservative culturally.
Overall, a pretty nice place.
And it's right next to Peru, where I can get a big bag of coca leaves before I start my climb up to some peak in the Andes.
Here's some pro-2A activism:

-The Sixth Circuit lawsuit about bump stocks not being machine guns and Chevron Deference
-There's a dumb attempt to ban suppressors that apparently has no traction
-Bad ban legislation is being held in check by Democrats not nuking the filibuster
-Gun Owners of America ( trying to hold Machin accountable if he doesn't vote against anti-gun bills
-GOA helped get constitutional carry passed in Texas
-GOA has links to help people get in touch with pro-2A orgs in their states
-Recommended strategy is to call senators/representatives and make them salty about anti-gun legislation
-Pro-gun legislators are being targeted for opposing the Democrat agenda
-An old Joe Biden domestic violence bill is being used to fuck with NICS checks by adding more things that can make you a prohibited person
-Said bill can be used to take guns from domestic violence victims
Why Ecuador?
Like....I get the US isn't the best right now but...

Why ecuador?

It's relatively safe by Central American standards. IE the last time criminals crucified anyone in public Clinton was still president which is a huge milestone!

And the dollar, Canadian or real goes pretty far there.

I would suggest Costa Rica or one of those Pacific Island nations myself but Ecuador ain't too bad.
It's relatively safe by Central American standards. IE the last time criminals crucified anyone in public Clinton was still president which is a huge milestone!

And the dollar, Canadian or real goes pretty far there.

I would suggest Costa Rica or one of those Pacific Island nations myself but Ecuador ain't too bad.
5th lowest homicide rate in the Americas (both North and South)

And I've always wanted to visit the Galapagos Islands.

The place where Darwin developed evolutionary theory.
It's relatively safe by Central American standards. IE the last time criminals crucified anyone in public Clinton was still president which is a huge milestone!

And the dollar, Canadian or real goes pretty far there.

I would suggest Costa Rica or one of those Pacific Island nations myself but Ecuador ain't too bad.
I've heard you can get cheap dental work in Costa Rica. Given that my teeth are typically redneck in degradation I might need to take a look at the area.

-GOA helped get constitutional carry passed in Texas
Wait so its official?

Because I'm getting a few mixed messages from the usual big city rags about it.
Here's a lawyer explaining the upcoming leaked ATF shittery:

From the comments:

By the arbitrary and capricious logic of the ATF- “if it can be made into a receiver in under 8 hours”, a bag of aluminum beer cans is a receiver. They could be heated and cast and machined into a receiver in that amount of time. That same pile of cans is also an unregistered M16 with 3rd pin.

Found this article about 3d printed guns gaining ground in the UK. What's funny is they don't mention that the first person arrested for 3d printed gun charges was only making them as movie props. More interesting question: where do the criminals get bullets for these? UK has some strict ammo licensing.

Found this article about 3d printed guns gaining ground in the UK. What's funny is they don't mention that the first person arrested for 3d printed gun charges was only making them as movie props. More interesting question: where do the criminals get bullets for these? UK has some strict ammo licensing.
Bullets are easier to get on the grey market in quantities needed for general criminal behavior.

All you need is one person legally authorized to buy the ammo and willing to sell it on. It's not like the majority of criminals put in a bunch of range time/practice and tracing ammo is a relative pain in the ass. Cartridges generally only have lot numbers on them, not unique serial numbers.

So long as your legal buyer isn't buying enough ammunition to raise any flags, tracing it becomes incredibly difficult.

There is also theft with insider information. Say a legit importer imports a container load of ammo, that ammo is going to be transported pretty much like any other durable good once it is through customs. If you know the truck doing the transporting, jacking it really isn't that hard (especially if you have inside sources/assistance) and once its stolen any organized crime group could have it emptied and the ammo disappeared in under a hour or two. Do that once and even a major criminal cartel would have their ammo needs met for a substantial period of time.
I suspect this article is equivocating between criminals intending to rob, steal, murder, etc. who find it easier to get their hands on a 3D printed gun, and "criminals" who are nonviolent citizens whose only "crime" is not complying with the UKs draconian and illegitimate gun laws.

Like, take this: "It is in response to a string of cases involving printed firearms including a 17-year-old Nazi jailed for trying to build one in January."

The mostly likely thing that happened is that UK Feds tricked some kid into breaking one of the UK's many gay and retarded laws so that they could meet their quota for "fighting hate crimes."

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