Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

God can you stop simping for Israel for five second? :rolleyes:

Can you stop fellating terrorists for a moment? :rolleyes:

Clearly not.

Keep at it then, and don't try to talk with your mouth full. Nobody cares to hear your bullshit anyway.


Like above UN shit is people giving simply to help fellow humans. As long as they act reasonable. You putting your dumb conditions aren't making them concede to you, you are trying to make them concede to Israel.

Stop lying, punk. This whole thread of discussion leads back to the point that the UN is actively helping terrorists, and that some UN officials there are in fact active members of Hamas.

Also: who was taling about humans? You suddenly bring up humans, but I was talking about Hamas and the UN-- and both are congregations of subhuman criminals. Humans aren't involved in the slightest!

Anyway, nice chatting to you. Let's never do it again. Time to put you on 'ignore', I guess, since shutting up about your insane opinions is (as prior experience hath shewn) simply beyond you.
To be fair there are SOME good UN funds like Unicef. And it does provide a forum for easy negotiations with other nations. Though yes there is too much bloat, and if other programs show as much corruption as what the UN is doing with the Palestinians it might be better to abolish the UN.

This UN stuff is supposed to be charity though. We give it to other nations even if they are rivals or not our friends, simply to do good, as long as they aren't being barbarians and such. Political bullshit is par the course for everyone.
We don't need the UN for ANY of this. In fact, I'd posit that the UN actually MAKES things worse for every action they take. Good things happen out of the UN on accident, merely as the result of unintended consequences.
Can you stop fellating terrorists for a moment? :rolleyes:

Clearly not.

Keep at it then, and don't try to talk with your mouth full. Nobody cares to hear your bullshit anyway.
Guess your fragile ego can't handle anyone not 100% supporting your group or those you like.

Gosh you are the most hypocritical racist I ever met, so weak and cowardly you bash on Arabs or Palestinians and say they are barbarians or subhumans. Yet the second someone insults Germanics your group you clutch your pearl. I'm at least consistent and willing to accept criticism while you act like the inverse of spacebattles.
Stop lying, punk. This whole thread of discussion leads back to the point that the UN is actively helping terrorists, and that some UN officials there are in fact active members of Hamas.

Also: who was taling about humans? You suddenly bring up humans, but I was talking about Hamas and the UN-- and both are congregations of subhuman criminals.

Anyway, nice chatting to you. Let's never do it again. Time to put you on 'ignore', I guess, since shutting up about your insane opinions is (as prior experience hath shewn) simply beyond you.
This is about WHAT THE PROGRAM IS SUPPOSED TO BE! It's not supposed to support terrorists, it's supposed to be charity. Charity is not for buying weapons thus I can oppose it, I'm sorry your small brain doesen't know this.

Oh by the way. Someone putting someone else on ignore is the biggest weakling and coward, it's what is called a bitch move.
We don't need the UN for ANY of this. In fact, I'd posit that the UN actually MAKES things worse for every action they take. Good things happen out of the UN on accident, merely as the result of unintended consequences.
Again there is an argument that the corruption got SO BAD that the organization should be abolished. But the UN did come into being I don't believe that those in charge wanted it to become a "world government" So I'm assuming that some forum for nations to conduct diplomacy is useful and charity organizations would bennefit from being associated with it. Because in a war the charity can make sure that both sides(since all the nations were part of the forum so they can talk) are willing to be ok with them providing humanitarian aid.

Again humanitarian aid is helping women children, sick people, civillians, It's not supposed to be used by one side to smuggle weapons. That damages the credibility of the organization being impartial that's bad. Imagine if historically in the 1800's or 1900's the Red Cross acted like that as an agent of one party in a war, the other party would be justified in treating them like enemies.

To avoid that humanitarians should be like Switzerland neutral.
Guess your fragile ego can't handle anyone not 100% supporting your group or those you like.

Gosh you are the most hypocritical racist I ever met, so weak and cowardly you bash on Arabs or Palestinians and say they are barbarians or subhumans. Yet the second someone insults Germanics your group you clutch your pearl. I'm at least consistent and willing to accept criticism while you act like the inverse of spacebattles.

This is about WHAT THE PROGRAM IS SUPPOSED TO BE! It's not supposed to support terrorists, it's supposed to be charity. Charity is not for buying weapons thus I can oppose it, I'm sorry your small brain doesen't know this.

Oh by the way. Someone putting someone else on ignore is the biggest weakling and coward, it's what is called a bitch move.

The people of Gaza started a war and started a total one.

The palastinian people have been given numerous chances at peace, they have been supported with the tax dollars of people across the entire planet and have blown it on their endless stupid war. They have consistently broken the laws and customs of war they have purposefully targeted civilians for decades. There comes a time when you must step back and let fools reap what they have sown.

They deserve none of our aid, they deserve not of our sympathy, the hell that the palastinians find themselves in is a self made one, and if they continue to act as such then they will one day find themselves either murdered or cast out. While I can admire your compassion there must always be limits to compasion or evil people will use it to destroy you and everything you love.
The people of Gaza started a war and started a total one.

The palastinian people have been given numerous chances at peace, they have been supported with the tax dollars of people across the entire planet and have blown it on their endless stupid war. They have consistently broken the laws and customs of war they have purposefully targeted civilians for decades. There comes a time when you must step back and let fools reap what they have sown.

They deserve none of our aid, they deserve not of our sympathy, the hell that the palastinians find themselves in is a self made one, and if they continue to act as such then they will one day find themselves either murdered or cast out. While I can admire your compassion there must always be limits to compasion or evil people will use it to destroy you and everything you love.
Again, I 100% agree with you. The Palestinians have caused this mess themselves, I'm not going against what you are saying. I also agree with you that we should stop giving aid to the Palestinians. I think I've said it three times within the past three pages.

I was talking about how things generally worked before the Palestinians screwd it up
Human charity by neutral nations is a thing BUT it only can happen as long as the charity is legitimate. When Palestinians tried to cheat by using what charity gave them(the water pipes being turned into artillery) that means that all the neutral nations should stop giving aid to the Palestinians.

I don't like saying charity has conditions, but to be frank it does. If you are being given charity you need to comport yourself in a respectful humane manner. The Palestinians have not been acting humane and they cheated thus they should stop receiving aid.

Please tell me if this is clear or not, again right now for this conflict the neutral nations of the world to be truly neutral(and not just being subtle pro Hamas) they need to be fair. They can't favor one side over the other when it breaks the laws of war or is acting wrongly. They can't give a pass to either Israel or Palestine, or if they give passes they have to give it too both.

Again I'm not supporting Palestine so tell me if I'm being unclear on what I'm trying to say, I'll try to be more clear if I can.

@King Arts
Again, the UN is blatantly corrupt and a source of evil in this world. Every 'good' thing it does is merely cover, and can be done better in other ways and forms.
Was it always like this? Do you truly think the United Nations was corrupt and illegitimate from 45 when it was established after world war 2?
What I thought Israel said they'd use their navy and airforce to pound the Houthis? Damn bullshit.
I don't know if you've noticed, but the Houthi's aren't chumps when it comes to anti-shipping/missile threats, and short of nuclear glassing large sections of Yemen all at once, 'defeating' the Houthi's is no simple task unless their suppliers/backers in Iran are dealt with too.

Israel also has a navy mostly for coastal patrol, off-shore security around oil infrastructure, and second-strike weapons in the subs for the Sampson Option. The Israeli Air Force can also only hit so often and so hard while also dealing with Gaza and keeping an eye on Hezbollah, and the Houthi's do have AA gear of their own and air frame wear/tear is a thing even in peace-time.

To actually stop the Houthi threat to shipping for good requires removing their backers in the IRGC and Tehran.
I don't know if you've noticed, but the Houthi's aren't chumps when it comes to anti-shipping/missile threats, and short of nuclear glassing large sections of Yemen all at once, 'defeating' the Houthi's is no simple task unless their suppliers/backers in Iran are dealt with too.
This I doubt. I don't see any proof the Houthis aren't chumps the only people they've fought till now are the Saudis who are hardly known around the world as great warriors. Yes Saudi has American weapons and tech but they don't have good training, the Houthis are supplied by Iran. But the Houthis never fought a competent army. And say what you want about Israel but they are pretty competent.

Israel also has a navy mostly for coastal patrol, off-shore security around oil infrastructure, and second-strike weapons in the subs for the Sampson Option. The Israeli Air Force can also only hit so often and so hard while also dealing with Gaza and keeping an eye on Hezbollah, and the Houthi's do have AA gear of their own and air frame wear/tear is a thing even in peace-time.

To actually stop the Houthi threat to shipping for good requires removing their backers in the IRGC and Tehran.
I know that the Israeli navy is an afterthought most of Isreal's threats come from it's neighbors who it borders so the Army gets priority. But still I would think that a navy of a competent country could still bomb Houthi sites.
Was it always like this? Do you truly think the United Nations was corrupt and illegitimate from 45 when it was established after world war 2?
Completely? No. However, I do believe it was corrupt in some portion from the get-go. It's a large, multi-governmental bureaucracy. It was born with corruption in mind simply because of its nature.
Saw a leftist on Reddit today fantasising about Israel being destroyed in 20 years' time. Disgusting.

Completely? No. However, I do believe it was corrupt in some portion from the get-go. It's a large, multi-governmental bureaucracy. It was born with corruption in mind simply because of its nature.

First mistake was treating the USSR like it was a civilised country deserving of being represented in it. Then letting in all the world's dictators.
Saw a leftist on Reddit today fantasising about Israel being destroyed in 20 years' time. Disgusting.

First mistake was treating the USSR like it was a civilised country deserving of being represented in it. Then letting in all the world's dictators.
Yeah, communists went to town on the UN as soon as they could and used every sliver of power they had as a major power to try twist it into a useful tool for themselves.
For example, this nicely explains the Soviet origin of UN's speech laws being leftist shit:
Already in 1948 they blocked proper inclusion of freedom of speech into human rights law, and then they got their way in the 60's.
Looks like Israel is copying Egypt's 2015 action in flooding the tunnels from Gaza into Egypt. They finished installing five large high pressure pumps capable of moving thousands of cubic meters per hour in November. They are now using those pumps to flood the tunnels section by section. The rats are emerging en masse
Any UN personnel found yet?

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