Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

That's weird on multiple levels, Dan is not a Croatian name and neither is the last name Figenwald (fig orchard), so most likely he changed his name at some point in life. And honestly, writing about skiing in Croatian media shouldn't be enough to put food on the table, especially since the Janica&Ivica craze blew over some time ago, so I presume this was more or less a cover job, he either had other sources of income or was well connected with the owners, so they gave him money for nothing.

I do not know where he is from, but apparently he lives in Zagreb. It is possible he is actually from Germany or somewhere, or maybe his parents were.

And yeah, fact that "writing about skiing in Croatian media shouldn't be enough to put food on the table" is half the point here. He was basically getting money for nothing. Journalists which write about actually important stuff have to struggle to survive, but he was given money by a shovel by Jutarnji list for... reasons. And that in the time when media had massive layoffs (and some are even shutting down) because newspaper sales are - for daily newspapers at least - simply not enough to survive (some weekly magazines, such as Hrvatski Tjednik etc., apparently do manage to survive mostly on sales - but that is maybe).

“Disputes the efficacy,”

According to Google, efficacy means

the ability to produce a desired or intended result.
"there is little information on the efficacy of this treatment"

That’s an interesting choice of words. Would veracity, or sincerity, or integrity be better ones? seems to be saying questioning the authorities on these matters is not allowed.

Well, yeah. It fits with their recent behaviour: ever since Trump won (at least), Youtube etc. had been mortally afraid of enabling open and honest discussion of anything. "Think as we think or don't think at all", essentially.
I do not know where he is from, but apparently he lives in Zagreb. It is possible he is actually from Germany or somewhere, or maybe his parents were.

And yeah, fact that "writing about skiing in Croatian media shouldn't be enough to put food on the table" is half the point here. He was basically getting money for nothing. Journalists which write about actually important stuff have to struggle to survive, but he was given money by a shovel by Jutarnji list for... reasons. And that in the time when media had massive layoffs (and some are even shutting down) because newspaper sales are - for daily newspapers at least - simply not enough to survive (some weekly magazines, such as Hrvatski Tjednik etc., apparently do manage to survive mostly on sales - but that is maybe).

Well, yeah. It fits with their recent behaviour: ever since Trump won (at least), Youtube etc. had been mortally afraid of enabling open and honest discussion of anything. "Think as we think or don't think at all", essentially.

That's why we need another supreme court justice and for the internet to be declared the new public square.

Googles days of tyranny are comming to an end, its just going to take more time and effort and of course vote.

Sounds like something straight out of /pol/.

Eh that’s not too surprising. They’d say White Men and Black Women is some sort of colonial sexual oppression or shit.

Not to mention-American blacks have harsher attitudes towards miscegenation than Whites do today.

And you get this sort of stuff.

Cancel yourselves. For the good of Los Angeles. 😢 :cool:

“Season of reconciliation and reflection”. What fucking nonsense words.

I’d prefer the LA times of the Sixties or thirties. I imagine they reported reality then.

Sounds like something straight out of /pol/.


Biography said:
Emada continuous to dedicate her law enforcement career to the South Los Angeles community while being married to the LAPD Deputy Chief of Operations-South Bureau, the mother of two children and a beautiful blended family of six kids.

Born to a single Mother in the Watts neighborhood. Joined the police force in 2005. Dedicated most of her police career to improving Community Relations with Public Housing residents of LA. Honored as Michelle Obama's guest during the 2015 State of the Union.

And she's the Mother in a beautiful blended family with six kids. But four of the kids are from her husband's previous marriage and (presumably) White. Oh man don't tell Richard Spencer and Ibram Kendi X Aryan children are being raised by a Black mother!

Speaking of which...

Take all of the laughs. ALL OF THEM!
Sometimes I'm reminded that while I should read more articles from different perspectives, it tends to become a wasted effort. Usually while I'm trying to read an example of said articles.

My intent was to post the first article I stumbled upon in it's own thread because it almost felt like it had an interesting perspective, until I realized that I was just reading more agitprop by leftists, for leftists.

Sure, the idea that there won't be any specific date when everything clicks into place and the downfall is announced on every news channel is logical, but then the subtle exaggerations of the current situation became apparent.

For example, there's this comparison:
In the last three months America has lost more people than Sri Lanka lost in 30 years of civil war.
Sri Lanka had about 17 million people in 1990. There are 340 million people living in America. But hey, "there's no such thing as scale, Mario!"
And the deaths aren't evenly spread either, keeping in mind the Dems in NY and other states sacrificing their retired population for sympathy points.
As you read through more of this guy's articles (because he makes sure to post links to them, sometimes multiple links to the same one), it becomes apparent that his greatest tool is the strawman. There's the idiot chuds who like Trump, but there's also the "intellectuals" at WaPo, NYT, and CNN of all places. As though those people haven't been sounding the alarm enough about how fascists are everywhere! Somehow, only the wizened and genius immigrants who lived in countries that experienced dictatorship and ethnic strife really know what's going on!
What it also reminds me of is a prepper blog I should've spent more time reading and lost the name of. One of the contributors was a survivor of the Bosnian war, and he often pointed out the key threats his family faced like a lack of water, the need to stay with a group because lone wolves were at greater risk of dying, the importance of having even a pistol to defend yourself, etc. This all seemed to line up with what an SHTF world is like more than "normal life with increased risk of death".
Remember what I said about agitprop? What becomes apparent in this man's equivocating his time as a relatively privileged resident of Colombo during the Sri Lankan conflict is that he's gaslighting all his leftist readers who live relatively normal lives into thinking that they're actually living in the midst of a much more deadly period. Because a collapse is a collapse, even if he's trying to make it seem like your life won't always be a struggle. "Oh, you think you've got it good? Well, actually, this is creeping fascism bro! You think you already know how bad it is because you read Vox and the Daily Beast? No you stupid white liberal, let me enlighten you!"
Let me theorycraft for you some of the real aspects of an American collapse. There's going to be the struggle for food (this is a big country, and once those truckers stop their round trips, there go the cities. Or did you think your local Albertsons just teleports that stock in?) as people subsist on stale Lays chips, unheated canned ravioli, and the occasional Strange Meat pie because nobody knows how to hunt. Then there's the possibility I heard mentioned a few times on fringe blogs, the day when cops in the cities decide that they've had enough of a risky job, take their guns, and walk off to protect their families. Don't forget about some anarchists or Siege fans launching attacks on our unprotected power grid! Yeah, life won't exactly be normal when you can't make any digital transactions. Better max out your credit card on survival gear while you can. We haven't even gotten to the part where up to half of the military deserts (you think only one side will have access to tanks? Get real.) And then there's the Warlords...Raz has nothing on the potential strength of these people.
In other words, if this is collapse, we're not nearly as far along as this guy claims.
Things will probably get worse, but you can't absolve these leftist bloggers trying to scare liberals into desperate action by claiming the fascists are already here of the blame.
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And now for something low effort

I mean, I’m pretty much at the point where I can say Pinochet did nothing wrong and we need to start handing out parachute free skydiving lessons to leftists and still be pretty comfortable with myself...So the article isn’t necessarily wrong if they’re talking about the fringe right.

If they’re talking about the gentlemanly losers and right leaning centrists, not so much.

Someone I know, I’m not going to get into specifics, is basically the poster boy for milquetoast, small government conservatism, and they get insanely uncomfortable and judgmental anytime I start talking about taking the fight to the liberals if they steal the election.

They recognize what the democrats are doing is wrong, but they refuse to draw a line in the sand where fighting them to preserve the nation becomes acceptable.

It’s the classic modern conservatism that I absolutely loathe. No sin so great, no crime so loathsome, that it would justify even contemplating taking the fight to the streets.

It’s this type of polite, turn the other cheek and ask for another punch that makes me contemptuous of modern conservatism.

Now that Snopes has given up, the USA Today has decided to pick up the prestigious clown award for fact checking satire.

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