Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

If the Cons were half the despots that they have been propagandized as... we would have different problems. maybe better problems. maybe worse. but we would not be where we are.
It's worth remembering that modern leftists basically identify with Katniss Everdeen and her successors.

And we were. Don't forget that segregation is in living memory. We just lost, and lost so hard that even the word "Conservative" gets you negative reactions in elite spaces. Our defeat defines the modern era no less than the defeat of Communism does. Reagan was pretty much our last hurrah, and we've taken nonstop Ls since. And considering how the current right wing in both sides of the pond is run by whackos, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

...well, at least until the Leftist refugees switch sides. Worth remembering that Reagan was a communist before they ran him out. So were Lee Kuan Yew and Deng until they saw its futility for themselves. It's only a matter of time before the Useful Idiots realize what lies beneath the watermelon's rind.
No wonder we are losing.

The reason the Right has been losing boils down to two things.

1) There is no such thing as 'compromise' in politics. Anyone claiming as such is delusional or lying to you. Politics is a zero-sum game. If the Left wants to get 20 thing passed and only gets to pass 1 of them, they have won.

2) In any conflict, if you want to have any shot at winning, you have to match or overpower the tactics of your opponent. You must go pound-for-pound or go heavier. There is no honor in being a gracious loser. NONE.

There can only be one hand holding the reigns of power. The Left have shown they have absolutely no morals. No ethics. No etiquette or principles in their efforts to reach it. They care about power at all costs.

Which is liberating as it freely allows us to follow three simple words in conquest.

Show no mercy.
It's worth remembering that modern leftists basically identify with Katniss Everdeen and her successors.
We know, and it's hilarious. They can simultaneously be the empire raining bombs onto the shantytowns of the rivals while identifying themselves as its victims. The sheer doublethink is actually quite impressive.
Umm... what does segregation have to do with conservatives?

That was a leftist position then and still is when they try and do the same kind of stuff today with their no whites allowed events and such. They just changed who they targeted.
No wonder we are losing.
Which party started a war to perserve slavery? Which party created the Jim Crow? Which party created the KKK?

The right has no duty to accept the punishiment for the sins of its enemies.
The split between the two factions of Right Wing. The establishment, National Review conservatives who believe if they repeat their "dems are the real racists" mantra enough, they'll convince enough people to win elections, vs the dissident, /pol/ conservatives whose only complaints about segregation are that it ended.
The split between the two factions of Right Wing. The establishment, National Review conservatives who believe if they repeat their "dems are the real racists" mantra enough, they'll convince enough people to win elections, vs the dissident, /pol/ conservatives whose only complaints about segregation are that it ended.
Establishment conservatives are basically leftists themselves. Not to mention that 90% of the things considered "racism" today are not actually racism.
Ethnic nationalism and ethnic subsidiarity for example.

Establishment conservatives are basically leftists themselves
Why do you call them leftists?
We know, and it's hilarious. They can simultaneously be the empire raining bombs onto the shantytowns of the rivals while identifying themselves as its victims. The sheer doublethink is actually quite impressiv
It's fundamental to their ideology. They are literally, explicitly, working to establish a dictatorship while talking about liberty. Expecting any good faith from them is a waste of time. A leftist is outright obligated to lie and manipulate us in any way they need as long as it furthers their dreams of revolution.

If you ever find the time, read The Republic by Plato. Specifically the parts where Socrates talks about how they would establish and run their ideal utopia. It's the best way to understand their mindset, and just how dangerous these bastards are.
I mean, it could be spent on more LGBTQ stuff, climate stuff, green stuff, student loan forgiveness, etc.
Nothing at all that woukd benefit the right.

We never promised not too. It was never signed and is only something reported to be said.
And Czarist russia never hated us, but Post Soviet sure does. They have made us out as the bad guys since Putin..

i mean yes.

Well, besides the fact it basically allows us to have the capability to make sure our adversaries are not able to just casually take control over Europe and then threaten us.
Makes sure that we can have good alliances with those in Europe, ESPECIALLY pro American and not woke countries like Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
But hey, having people who want wokeness is good if we only had Wedt Europe.

Add in the fact that had Russia gotten control over Eastern Europe they would still be a threat to us and would have attempted to go after NATO, without the US in it.

But you often don't understand what 2nd and 3rd order of effects are.
"They're going to spend the taxes on things you don't like, so might as well just let them spend it on this other thing you don't like."

That's your retarded logic.

How about we reduce taxes, and not spend my money on foreign wars OR LGBT bullshit? Let me keep it and spent it on what I want.

One of my biggest "bills," (maybe the biggest, i havent looked at the statement in a bit) is my fucking federal income tax.
Bingo. Oversimplification and idealization is how political intellectuals keep making mistakes.

I assume you've seen the 2-axis representation of the political landscape - the one with an authoritarian-libertarian axis, and an individualist-collectivist one.

The one with the Tankies, the Monarchists, the Centrists, the Libertarians and the Crazy Left.

But adding more dimensions would probably do better.

Not that this will help to communicate with people who refuse to listen. Trying to debate online with even some of the more clever members of the ideological OpFor is in my experience like trying to have a conversation with a schizto who responds not to me, but the imaginary version of me that exists only in his head.
"They're going to spend the taxes on things you don't like, so might as well just let them spend it on this other thing you don't like."

That's your retarded logic.

How about we reduce taxes, and not spend my money on foreign wars OR LGBT bullshit? Let me keep it and spent it on what I want.

One of my biggest "bills," (maybe the biggest, i havent looked at the statement in a bit) is my fucking federal income tax.
Okay. How is that going to happen right now?
We live with a government that is doing what it is.
Spending on foreign wars is leagues better than LGBTQ and Climate shit

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