Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

I doubt that perspective would be shared by the people whose cities are being bombed, or who have lost close family members.
I think it is agreed upon at least on the right that those people should not be coming to USA or have a say on its policy.
And should the USA be going to their countries or having a say in their policies?
Should China? Should Mongols? Should Rome?
International politics exist as long as civilizations.
I don't get the idea some seem to subscribe to that "interference" from other countries is some kind of faux pas, and it's always regarding western countries from what i see.
Seems like some psyop that this sort of political whining is not aimed at.
The US isn't having a say per se.
We are just supplying allies with weapons.
We don't tell them what to do with it
Okay. How is that going to happen right now?
We live with a government that is doing what it is.
Spending on foreign wars is leagues better than LGBTQ and Climate shit
No it isn't. Nearly every foreign conflict the US has gotten involved in since WW2 has been a mistake.

And money is already going to that shit.

I want us to be taxed less and money not going to any of those things.

Your argument that they'll just spent it on other leftist shit if they stop spending on foreign wars is just as likely to happen as my ideal scenario. As in: probably not gonna fuckin happen because the deep state loves their foreign wars.

But your position of "at least they're spending it on wars instead of DEI and LGBT and climate stuff" doesn't work because right now they're doing BOTH already.
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Why do you call them leftists?
Because they promote leftist policies? Diversity, multiculturalism, immigration, big government, censorship... literally the only difference between the establishment "Left" and the establishment "Right" nowadays is that the "Left" wants to pour taxpayer money into social security while the "Right" wants to pour it into armaments industry.

And reason for fall of most empires - ottomans lasted,till their money were real,and could provide for real soldiers.But,after about 1750,the same amount of money could not afford the same amount of soldiers,and,as a result,turkish levies,which,till about 1700 could face european armies,become so shitty then rusiians could beat them when they had 2:1 or more numerical advantage.
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Mind reading about what the Northern Crusades were? The destruction of the Cathars? 30 Years War?

While at it, also read about where we got algebra, the number system, and also give some time to the Islamic Golden Age.
I mean yes you are right. But I did not want to bring it up because I don't like defending Islam.

Though while the meme itself is wrong, the sentiment behind it is correct that Christianity IS more logical and more peaceful on average than Islam.
Mind reading about what the Northern Crusades were? The destruction of the Cathars? 30 Years War?

While at it, also read about where we got algebra, the number system, and also give some time to the Islamic Golden Age.

Their "Golden Age" was 100% due to inventions and knowledge of the peoples they had conquered. Their leading philosophers were Aristotelean. "Arabic" numbers were really an Indian invention. In the Islamic world there was always the undertow back towards the mindset that the Koran was perfect and that anything else was therefore unneeded.

We have "I don't need any book other then muh King James Bible" type people in Western Christianity too., but we don't put them in charge of anything important.
mean yes you are right. But I did not want to bring it up because I don't like defending Islam.
There are no "but" here. There is enough to blame Islam for without destroying your credibility with lies even a half educated reader can see through.

At any rate, I sometimes wonder if modern Christians hate Islam because they envy it. Christianity is really not the religion a modern Evangelical, with their deification of cruelty and power, would love. It is a religion made for the compassionate, for the downtrodden, for the saintly.

Not for people who fly in private jets and live in grand mansions with the tithes of their gullible supporters. Nor for people who salivate over the chapters about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the Deluge, or the 10 Plagues, but would cut their own tongues out before they talk about charity or humility or turning the other cheek.

Their "Golden Age" was 100% due to inventions and knowledge of the peoples they had conquered
Yeah, it's not called the "Arabic Golden Age". Though mind you, there were many great learned Arab philosophers as well. But one does not go from uneducated merchants and warrior tribes to cultivated philosophers in a single century or ten.

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