Culture On Social Justice Warriors


Perpetually Angry
Fair warning. What follows is laced with a fair bit of profanity. I’m a sailor, and given how much the topic angers me, it’s basically impossible to keep it in.

I used to consider myself pretty left-wing a decade ago. I didn’t like the wars in the Middle East, full stop. I didn’t think it was proportionate retribution to kill and displace hundreds of thousands of people and create failed states over 9/11. I don’t blame our servicemen at all. Some progressives did, calling them baby-killers and other bullshit. That's not fair at all. I blame our politicians and propagandists. Those assholes sent America’s children to get maimed and killed in the sandbox for nothing. For no one’s benefit. Back then, Wikileaks was the darling of the Left because Julian Assange consistently dug up dirt on warmongers. Remember that?

Then, around the early 2010s, a funny thing happened. The Democrats had been in power for a couple years. It looked like troop drawdowns were going to happen after the OBL raid. After all, they got their man, or so it seemed. The Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street happened concurrently. OWS was genuine WTO-riot-style, alt-globalist, populist, grassroots resistance to Wall Street that was rapidly subverted with “progressive stack” ideology that I’d never quite seen before, and didn’t recognize on sight. The Arab Spring, on the other hand, was a demonstrably fake color revolution incited by Western NGOs carrying out acts of what were basically espionage against foreign countries. Obama deliberately defunded the anti-war movement. After all, there were more Arabs to kill for no discernible reason.

It was bewildering. Obama went back on basically all of his campaign promises, started even more wars in the sandbox in spite of a Nobel Peace Prize that he did not deserve, and no one had the balls to say anything about it because he was a black president, and therefore, of the sanctified melanin. It dawned on me, right about then, that this new progressivism would sanction any government excess so long as rainbow flags were painted on the noses of the JDAMs and Hellfires. I found myself agreeing with the likes of Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore more often than not. I had a rather single-minded focus on foreign policy and class divisions that occasionally dipped into a conspiratorial view of our government as a criminal racket. This alienated me from every single one of my liberal and progressive friends, who all believed in big government and whined that anything else was libertarian heresy.

But the real breaking point for me was literature. See, I had old-school progressive ideas about narrative fiction. Namely, that authors had a fundamental right to depict basically whatever the fuck they liked, even very transgressive things, and to be criticized on the storytelling merits of their choices fairly. SJWs, on the other hand, practice a thing they call “cultural criticism”, which actually isn’t criticism at all, but a witch-hunt straight out of the Malleus Maleficarum. Imagine being me, around 2013. Imagine not knowing what SJWs even are, really, and then wading into a conversation on fucking narrative fiction where you declare that authors have a right to be as transgressive as they like, and that A Clockwork Orange, Blood Meridian, and The Turner Diaries all counted as literature. Suddenly, I found myself in a vicious struggle session where dozens of people were gaslighting and insulting me and telling me in no uncertain terms that I was Satan’s head and torso grafted onto Hitler’s arms and legs. I tried explaining to them that Anita Sarkeesian was a hack and her criticism of video game narratives could be easily dismantled as reflecting her own weird pacifist Carol Gilliganite ideas on gender, and that if she had her way, we would have no cool tomboy action heroines because action heroines solve their problems with violence. This, of course, devolved into an argument where I found myself defending the concept that violence was the root of all power and quoting Heinlein to make my case. At that point, they brought out the torches and the crucifix for a good old-fashioned KKK-style lynching. GamerGate happened a year later. I was supportive of GGers for how they pilloried Sarkeesian and her ilk, but mostly stayed on the sidelines.

Ever since then, I have studied SJWs for years and years.

SJWs believe that foreign policy and class divisions don't actually matter insofar as they deal strictly with those things and nothing else. According to SJW thought, it is more important to examine the way that these things touch upon ethnicity, sexuality, and gender, a.k.a. Intersectionality. This, in turn, poisons literally every conversation about war, class, and class wars. It is impossible for an SJW to admit that there are poor white people who have dealt with homelessness and opioid abuse. They're white, straight, and male. They're the powerful ruling class. They can't ever be a victim of anything. Likewise, it is impossible for an SJW to admit that Islamic nutcases stone women for promiscuity and defenestrate gays. They're brown. They're Eastern and thus Other. They're oppressed. Never mind that our governments are the ones who oppressed them by blowing up their homes and driving them across the Mediterranean into Europe. They're Refugees. NATO and the international investment banker mafia didn't make them homeless. They have no country of origin, see? They just materialized out of the fucking ether, and now you have to treat them nicely even when they refuse to assimilate and behead people in the street or shoot up cartoon studios for depicting the Prophet.

They believe works of fiction should be picked apart for being politically incorrect or not providing the correct role models and Aesops to their oh-so-impressionable audiences, or, hell, even using the wrong words to say something. This struck me as very Christian-Fundie of them, because I was old enough to remember when Evangelicals whined about Doom and Postal and South Park and the like. Moreover, I thought it was ridiculous that you couldn't even write a real villain anymore. In SJW fiction, villains can't even be evil or do bad things. You can't depict traumatizing experiences because you might traumatize or offend your audience, or something. Grimdarkness is bad because it depicts politically-incorrect and traumatizing things. Never mind that the majority of people who read and write that kind of thing are often people who are dealing with serious trauma themselves and use it for therapy.

They think that the identity of a speaker has some bearing on the truth of their words. The term they use for this is "lived experience", as if to imply that it's a form of expert knowledge. Since SJWism comes from academia, naturally, these people fellate experts and treat them as a priestly caste and have no idea how to do research on their own. Needless to say, this viewpoint is fundamentally medieval in nature and has nothing at all to do with Enlightenment ideals. Knowledge is knowledge. It doesn't matter who it comes from. The speaker's identity does not fucking matter. If the sky is blue, and you say the sky is blue, then your skin color, sexuality, gender, et cetera, should not come into the equation at all. Facts are facts.

Wait, I should amend that. SJWs often argue that facts aren't facts, actually. According to SJWs, we should ignore statistics and scientific findings that are ideologically inconvenient. Paradoxically, given their habit of vigorous expert-fellating, they will go as far as to engage in blatant denial of science if it doesn't agree with their viewpoint. They will go as far as to state that we should "decolonize science" by removing rigid Western white male viewpoints from it and allowing tribal witch doctors to be raised up on the same pedestal as real science and medicine. Remember, kiddies; math is racist, and numbers aren't real. Ontology doesn't actually matter to an SJW. Any conversation with an SJW on the topic will quickly devolve into name-calling, despite the fact that their entire ideology relies on a kind of dogmatic anti-realism based around ignoring any aspect of reality that causes them even the slightest discomfort.

They believe that Orwellian cognitive dissonance on the level of 2+2=5 should not just be a side effect of being an SJW, it should be actively practiced to reinforce one's beliefs. Progressives in my day cared immensely about government abuses. They cared about Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, and the CIA's torture practices and shady history of drug-smuggling. They cared about the IMF and World Bank impoverishing people with SAPs. They cared about corporate colonialism and the Fortune 500 ripping natural wealth out of third-world countries and dumping toxic waste along Africa's coasts. SJWs don't give a fuck what the government does to people so long as the government performs the correct SJW-appeasing rituals. Governments have cynically latched onto this as a Pavlovian control technique. And, of course, since SJWs arise out of academia, they are already indoctrinated in the modern bureaucratic cult and their critiques of it are ineffectual as a result. These people are so brainwashed with racial dogmas, any attempt to criticize the government is now seen as indulgence in right-wing conspiracy theories, and any attempt to criticize the international investment banker cartels and their wealth-stripping and parasitical usury is regarded as antisemitism. You see how this works? Powerful people go totally unpunished for the abuses they inflict on the masses, when they have idiotic SJW bootlicks to protect them. SJWs would happily return us all to feudalism and make us all serfs, so long as the feudal lords at least pretend to be steeped in LGBT and racial sensitivity culture.

Lastly, SJWs believe in doing whatever gives them a hit of dopamine. They are pretend altruists par excellence. The rush of collective approval makes them high. They are addicts. The gamification of the internet, with likes, retweets, reblogs, hearts, stickers, upvotes, downvotes, negrates, and report nanny buttons, has destroyed real debate involving controversial ideas. Now, people just say whatever they think will garner them more approval from the local echo chamber. Over the past twenty years, I have watched the internet balkanize into hyper-polarized cliques. No one actually talks to people who hold contrary views anymore. They actively shun, shame, and deplatform each other, because they would rather defend their pitiful egos than actually challenge their minds. And the deplatforming. Oh, the deplatforming. At first, it was just banning people they marked as deplorables from their communities. Then, it was supporting and encouraging major social media giants to go along with their witch-hunts, too. Now, it's okay when Stripe, PayPal, MasterCard and Visa debank and deplatform people in SJW-land. That's not a corporate limitation on free speech, because you're violating their terms of use. Just make your own banks. Just make your own internet. Lol, fuck your freeze peach, lolbertarian shitlord.

I didn't leave the Left. These crazy cocksuckers pushed me out with both hands.

Corporations back them and repeat their mind-numbing drivel, either out of a cynical attempt to court progressive customers, or because these corporations are increasingly staffed by these smooth-brain fucking drooling koala bear people. God, I had a Grammarly subscription briefly, because I thought it would help with fiction writing (dealing with pointless wordiness and adverb abuse, mostly; I don't really need it, I am my own editor). I tried having a character say "cocksucker" in dialogue, and then Grammarly warned me that this was parochial and offensive. Guess what, Grammarly? Fuck you worthless cocksuckers.

Never forget what the SJWs really serve, which is the corporate-jargon, HR-lingo neoliberal bureaucrat RationalWiki deboonker axis that is sucking every last drop of humanity out of our species at an alarming rate and allowing governments to literally rape, torture, murder, and impoverish people with impunity.

The internet used to be a place of rational, healthy debate. It has since become a sorting algorithm for people who threaten and oppose the elites and their ruthless, decades-long power grab, and those who only pretend to.

Hint; the people threatening those in power are not the people being given a platform by Sir Gay Brin, Jack “Soy Rasputin” Dorsey and Mark ZuckerBorg the Mechanical Man.

SJWs are born bootlicks. What makes all of this even more appalling is whose boot they’ve chosen to lick. Namely, milquetoast authoritarian-center liberal bureaucrats, the most disgusting people on this planet.

Imagine, if you will, a group of utterly flavorless amoeboid people, sitting up in their ivory towers with fingers steepled over actuarial tables and finance reports, their heads full of game theory and RAND corporation bullshit. The computers who wore Prada instead of tennis shoes.

Like, if you sit these people down and have them watch fucking Brazil, they will think the dystopia is actually really cool and they want to live there and have their very own number on their very own hammertone-painted door.

If you have them watch The Network, or Three Days of the Condor, they will squirm and whine that they don’t like the “naive populism” and “conspiracy-baiting”, even though the messages they contain are entirely true and a 100% accurate portrayal of the reality in which we live.

You know who I’m talking about. Those fuckers. Those Prius-driving, addle-pated, city-slicker cunts. The kind of person who buys a Slice to open their Amazon packages instead of using a pocket knife because real knives are too intimidating. The kind of vaguely humanoid cunt who whines about PTSD from the noise and smell of gunpowder after shooting an AR-15 at the range.

Our colleges are graduating armies of these fucking despicable turds, and that’s the number one reason why everything is increasingly fucked.

When was the last time the Working Class was in control in America? During the Post-WWII reconstruction, under the Bretton Woods system. What did we do during that time period? We went to the fucking moon.

The structure of our education is such that there are no more shop classes and no apprenticeship programs. People are raised, from cradle to grave, to be lawyers, accountants, and middle managers. Mindless fucking bean counters.

It’s not ass-sitting shareholders and their armies of court eunuchs that make a country great. It’s welders, plumbers, machinists, draftsmen, physicists, biologists, doctors, and architects who do. Where are the Frank Lloyd Wrights, Buckminster Fullers, and Raymond Loewys? There are no such people.

What we have in our developed countries is millions of these poisoned, low-IQ, fearful little cunts with endocrine disease from chronic malnutrition brought on by a high-carb, high-sugar diet, their education steeped in bureaucratic drivel.

These people can never threaten those in power, ever. They will always rack up their credit cards. They will always mindlessly, pointlessly consume, to fill the void where real achievements should exist.

Look! Look at what we threw into the trash, and despair!

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For any SJWs in the audience who may be reading this, say hello to Joe Biden. Say hello to four more years of generic neoliberalism and pointless wars in the Middle East. When Arab children are buried in rubble, just remember; don’t feel too bad. After all, you voted for this.
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Look... I don't disagree these people are concerning but...

Well, you kinda asked for this?

You rant against SJWs, but their entire madness, their obsession with class and gender? All those spring from weaponization of Empathy that the American Left, lead by the Democrats and Liberals of the 80s and 90s, valorized and championed for decades. You only now are hearing of "equity" that is the idea that the outcomes of a system being unequal are evidence of it's corruption? You recoil from it, yes? Well, it's nothing new. That idea has been embedded in with American Liberals for decades as can be seen by the underpinnings of the Lemon Test in Constitutional Law, where the exact same law on paper could be Constitutional or Unconstitutional entirely depending on what percent of the beneficiaries of a law were of a religious nature. Further, the idea of Disparate impact, which is all "equity" is, has been a part of the Civil Rights discourse since the 70s, and pushed by people whom you would describe as bog standard Liberals.

There are no ideas that are espoused by the group known as "SJWs" that did not originate in the logical and emotional progression from bog standard Liberalism. You might think they are different, but Liberalism had stopped seeing being "color blind" as an objectively good thing as early as the 90s, when the first pushbacks against Affirmative Action began.

You immediately compare their push to censor things they don't like on the Evangelical Right, but this only betrays how deeply propagandized you were and still are. As I have written extensively about the moral panics of the 80s and 90s were universally bipartisan and when it comes to video games specifically, it was Progressives who went above and beyond just writing letters and boycotts into actively passing laws against them in the early 00s... not the social conservatives.

So consider this... perhaps something was flawed in the very ideology that you claim to hold. That perhaps, just perhaps, that side was never as righteous and moral as you believe...
Look... I don't disagree these people are concerning but...

Well, you kinda asked for this?

You rant against SJWs, but their entire madness, their obsession with class and gender? All those spring from weaponization of Empathy that the American Left, lead by the Democrats and Liberals of the 80s and 90s, valorized and championed for decades. You only now are hearing of "equity" that is the idea that the outcomes of a system being unequal are evidence of it's corruption? You recoil from it, yes? Well, it's nothing new. That idea has been embedded in with American Liberals for decades as can be seen by the underpinnings of the Lemon Test in Constitutional Law, where the exact same law on paper could be Constitutional or Unconstitutional entirely depending on what percent of the beneficiaries of a law were of a religious nature. Further, the idea of Disparate impact, which is all "equity" is, has been a part of the Civil Rights discourse since the 70s, and pushed by people whom you would describe as bog standard Liberals.

There are no ideas that are espoused by the group known as "SJWs" that did not originate in the logical and emotional progression from bog standard Liberalism. You might think they are different, but Liberalism had stopped seeing being "color blind" as an objectively good thing as early as the 90s, when the first pushbacks against Affirmative Action began.

You immediately compare their push to censor things they don't like on the Evangelical Right, but this only betrays how deeply propagandized you were and still are. As I have written extensively about the moral panics of the 80s and 90s were universally bipartisan and when it comes to video games specifically, it was Progressives who went above and beyond just writing letters and boycotts into actively passing laws against them in the early 00s... not the social conservatives.

So consider this... perhaps something was flawed in the very ideology that you claim to hold. That perhaps, just perhaps, that side was never as righteous and moral as you believe...

I came from the Evangelical right. My parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses, after all. In 90s and early 00s progressivism, I saw rebellion against the stodgy moralism that I was raised in. What I did not realize was that 90s and 00s progressivism were anomalous and temporary artifacts of their time, and that SJWism represented a return to the default. Had I known that they were this moronic, I probably would’ve just stayed a Bible-thumper.
I came from the Evangelical right. My parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses, after all. In 90s and early 00s progressivism, I saw rebellion against the stodgy moralism that I was raised in. What I did not realize was that 90s and 00s progressivism were anomalous and temporary artifacts of their time, and that SJWism represented a return to the default. Had I known that they were this moronic, I probably would’ve just stayed a Bible-thumper.
. . .

Jehovah's Witnesses are not the Evangelical Right. In point of fact, most of the Evangelical Right consider JW something between heretics to being a cult and while they might be political allies on some level, the JWs are a very unique and isolated subculture. You really shouldn't take any experiences you had growing up with them as typical of the wider Evangelical Right. Seriously, I also grew up in a very conservative Evangelical family (as in, was homeschooled from 1st to 12th grade) and we definitely saw JWs as being extreme even for us (and misguided scripturally and potentially not even Christians...)...
. . .

Jehovah's Witnesses are not the Evangelical Right. In point of fact, most of the Evangelical Right consider JW something between heretics to being a cult and while they might be political allies on some level, the JWs are a very unique and isolated subculture. You really shouldn't take any experiences you had growing up with them as typical of the wider Evangelical Right. Seriously, I also grew up in a very conservative Evangelical family (as in, was homeschooled from 1st to 12th grade) and we definitely saw JWs as being extreme even for us (and misguided scripturally and potentially not even Christians...)...

Whether or not JWs count as Evangelicals or even Christians is kind of beside the point. Yes, I was largely homeschooled, myself. I grew up with a great deal of social isolation. Being raised in a cult, I came to recognize dogmatism and brainwashing for what they are, and how they work. Part of what I find so repellent about SJWs is how much they remind me of my own upbringing as a Jehovah’s Witness.

It’s the same exact honeyed words. The same false promises of a utopia, if only people pay the right obeisances and perform the correct rituals. Watching leftism slide into dogmatism over the past ten years honestly feels like a betrayal. What was even the point of it all? Why even pretend at libertinism if you’re just going to make a new Inquisition and commission new witch-finders when you’re done?
Whether or not JWs count as Evangelicals or even Christians is kind of beside the point. Yes, I was largely homeschooled, myself. I grew up with a great deal of social isolation. Being raised in a cult, I came to recognize dogmatism and brainwashing for what they are, and how they work. Part of what I find so repellent about SJWs is how much they remind me of my own upbringing as a Jehovah’s Witness.

It’s the same exact honeyed words. The same false promises of a utopia, if only people pay the right obeisances and perform the correct rituals. Watching leftism slide into dogmatism over the past ten years honestly feels like a betrayal. What was even the point of it all? Why even pretend at libertinism if you’re just going to make a new Inquisition and commission new witch-finders when you’re done?
Actually, it kinda does matter? You see, most of the Evangelical Right was nowhere near as dogmatic as the JWs, nor did they promise utopia or practice things like social shunning as punishment like the JW did. Maybe some other sects did, but it was not like, a mainstream thing in the Religious Right. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the majority of us were not as bad as your specific sect was, and that maybe you should give us another chance, and that when you draw paralels between SJWs and the old Religious Right you kinda miss the mark because, to be frank, I think SJWs are far and away worse than the most idiotic stuff I saw in the religious right back in the 90s (you know, things like thinking DnD was a gateway to Satanism). ;)

Anyway, I think you might have been taken in by the Left in the US because you thought that the wider Religious Right was just like your immediate section of it? You can trace the roots of everything that the modern progressives are doing back in the Progressive and Liberal movements of 1950 if not earlier. While it was not as easy or crowdsourced as it is now, the Cancel Mob is a pretty old tactic for the Left to weaponize against members of the right they want removed, I mean, consider what happened to Robert Bork when he was put forward for the Supreme Court, and then later what happened with Justice Thomas... and note how similar those efforts were (that happened in the 80s and early 90s) to what was attempted to be done with Justice Kauvenaugh and the wider Cancel Culture efforts. The Left leaning anti-war movement was always a sham part of the Democrat's legacy, the Anti-Vietnam war movement which was idolized by many on the left was explicitly pro-communist in origin and was very much an agiprop effort to undermine US morale in Vietnam... and it was propped up by a complicit media that was seeking ways to damage the war effort. The anti-war effort in the 00s was similarly just an astroturfed movement meant to rally people against Bush, it was never honest. Bill Clinton did numerous military actions and interventions... but you never saw massive anti-war protests... and then when Obama took over... well, it disappeared. I understand you truly believed it, but, well, I hate to say it that just means you were a useful idiot to the Democrats in their quest for power.

The upsurge of SJW speech policing is also nothing new. In the 80s there was a rash of it, you might recall the idea of "Political Correctness" that was mocked throughout the 90s? Well, it was exactly the same as all the speech policing that SJWs do now, except that without the Twittermob that amplified the idiots to make them look bigger and scarier than their actual numbers likely are, nobody took it seriously and instead just mocked it until it functionally disappeared as a concern in the late 90s / 00s until it reemerged from Academia in the 10s, but this time with Twitter and Social Media to amplify it's impact, as well as another entire generation more indoctrinated by leftist ideology to echo the ideas.

These aspects were all there... it's just... the factions holding them were quiet in the 90s in many respects due to who was in power (after all, it's hard to push for gender based political correctness when the most powerful Democrat of the time was ol' Slick Willy, nobody takes your ranting about gender power dynamics seriously when you party leader is getting blowjobs from an intern in the Oval Office... talk about messed up sexual power dynamics... I think some strains of feminism would even label such things "rape"). They didn't want to rock the boat to much as infighting would have empowered the Republicans, who had already upset the Progressive's expected march through DC in the '94 Republican Revolution (oh related aside: want more evidence that "angry white men" have been a boogyman of the left for decades see this deconstruction of that claim: "MYTH OF THE ANGRY WHITE MALE - The Washington Post, published May 26, 1995").

Just... yeah. None of this was new to those of us who've been in opposition to the left for decades. It was always there, right under the surface, and, to be frank, we never understood how so many people couldn't see it.
Actually, it kinda does matter? You see, most of the Evangelical Right was nowhere near as dogmatic as the JWs, nor did they promise utopia or practice things like social shunning as punishment like the JW did. Maybe some other sects did, but it was not like, a mainstream thing in the Religious Right. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the majority of us were not as bad as your specific sect was, and that maybe you should give us another chance, and that when you draw paralels between SJWs and the old Religious Right you kinda miss the mark because, to be frank, I think SJWs are far and away worse than the most idiotic stuff I saw in the religious right back in the 90s (you know, things like thinking DnD was a gateway to Satanism). ;)

Anyway, I think you might have been taken in by the Left in the US because you thought that the wider Religious Right was just like your immediate section of it? You can trace the roots of everything that the modern progressives are doing back in the Progressive and Liberal movements of 1950 if not earlier. While it was not as easy or crowdsourced as it is now, the Cancel Mob is a pretty old tactic for the Left to weaponize against members of the right they want removed, I mean, consider what happened to Robert Bork when he was put forward for the Supreme Court, and then later what happened with Justice Thomas... and note how similar those efforts were (that happened in the 80s and early 90s) to what was attempted to be done with Justice Kauvenaugh and the wider Cancel Culture efforts. The Left leaning anti-war movement was always a sham part of the Democrat's legacy, the Anti-Vietnam war movement which was idolized by many on the left was explicitly pro-communist in origin and was very much an agiprop effort to undermine US morale in Vietnam... and it was propped up by a complicit media that was seeking ways to damage the war effort. The anti-war effort in the 00s was similarly just an astroturfed movement meant to rally people against Bush, it was never honest. Bill Clinton did numerous military actions and interventions... but you never saw massive anti-war protests... and then when Obama took over... well, it disappeared. I understand you truly believed it, but, well, I hate to say it that just means you were a useful idiot to the Democrats in their quest for power.

The upsurge of SJW speech policing is also nothing new. In the 80s there was a rash of it, you might recall the idea of "Political Correctness" that was mocked throughout the 90s? Well, it was exactly the same as all the speech policing that SJWs do now, except that without the Twittermob that amplified the idiots to make them look bigger and scarier than their actual numbers likely are, nobody took it seriously and instead just mocked it until it functionally disappeared as a concern in the late 90s / 00s until it reemerged from Academia in the 10s, but this time with Twitter and Social Media to amplify it's impact, as well as another entire generation more indoctrinated by leftist ideology to echo the ideas.

These aspects were all there... it's just... the factions holding them were quiet in the 90s in many respects due to who was in power (after all, it's hard to push for gender based political correctness when the most powerful Democrat of the time was ol' Slick Willy, nobody takes your ranting about gender power dynamics seriously when you party leader is getting blowjobs from an intern in the Oval Office... talk about messed up sexual power dynamics... I think some strains of feminism would even label such things "rape"). They didn't want to rock the boat to much as infighting would have empowered the Republicans, who had already upset the Progressive's expected march through DC in the '94 Republican Revolution (oh related aside: want more evidence that "angry white men" have been a boogyman of the left for decades see this deconstruction of that claim: "MYTH OF THE ANGRY WHITE MALE - The Washington Post, published May 26, 1995").

Just... yeah. None of this was new to those of us who've been in opposition to the left for decades. It was always there, right under the surface, and, to be frank, we never understood how so many people couldn't see it.

Having grown up in the 90s, I thought that was how things always were.

When I was a kid, this was the Left:
  • More unionism and labor rights, as well as basic civil rights.
  • Ending the incarceration of non-violent drug offenders and the use of private prisons.
  • Ending wasteful and pointless wars.
  • Putting a stop to corporate colonialism and globalism and replacing it with alt-globalism that serves the interests of the common people.
And now, the most vocal elements of the Left are like...
  • It’s time to abolish whiteness!
  • The religious right wants to burn gays and they must be stopped!
  • That standup comedian’s act is extremely offensive and I’m triggered by it!
  • These books need to be burned because they contain fash beliefs! BAN DR. SEUSS!
Do you notice anything, here? All of the outlets for the Left’s anger have shifted away from governments, alphabet agencies, shady NGOs, and multinational corporations (the real centers of power) and towards ordinary people, and berating them for their personal choices and beliefs, or even simply for being too trad or too white.

I find it striking just how convenient this is for those in power. It’s as if they’ve pitted left-populists and right-populists against each other on purpose, to distract everyone while they plunder our economies.

Gary Webb was fundamentally correct. The CIA smuggled cocaine across the border in vans and turboprop planes. Worse. The CIA tortured people in Gitmo by shoving puréed food up their asses when they tried hunger-striking. Basically anal rape of detainees who were never actually charged with a crime. Many detainees in Gitmo were given to the CIA by warlords in exchange for bounties. Those warlords often grabbed random innocent people off the street to give to us. These people were then literally tortured and raped into making false confessions. That is our CIA. That is what they do to people.

SJWs would have you believe that the biggest threats to civilization are the racist imagery in old children’s books and the low necklines of Dead or Alive characters. Their worldview is remarkable for how it pirouettes off into a million different frivolities that threaten absolutely zero of the land pirates who run the kakistocracies we live in.
Congratulations for figuring it out.

Your not the first person to have this revelation, you sure as fuck will not be the last.

You have managed to get pass the first stage which is denile that there is anything wrong.

You are now at stage two which is anger, because yes you were lied to, about a lot of things and that is infurating. Next stage is barganing, at this stage you will try to convince other left wingers you know that there is a problem and try to fix the democrats and the left.

You might be able to reach a few people and get them to see the problem but you cant fix the party or the left, when you have that realization you will enter depression. Some thing you liked was either a lie or completely dead and that sucks being sad is normal at this phase but please remember male eyeshadow and bad music is completely optional.

Last stage is acceptance where you realize your now a part of the oposition and that you cant go back to the old world. Its not so bad here is ironically pretty diverse. I wish I could help you get through the stages faster but that is not possible we all move through them at our own pace.
When I was a kid, this was the Left:
  • More unionism and labor rights, as well as basic civil rights.

Oh they certainly were (and still are) for more unionism, but not because they cared about workers rights, but because Unions served as a massive money slush fund for the Democrats. You'll note that despite being supposedly pro-union and pro-American worker, the Democrats since at least Clinton have been all for selling out American labor's jobs to foreign powers like China (Clinton's ties to China were considerable) or via illegal immigration. The only unions they actually have consistently sided with have been the bureaucratic unions (Teachers and Federal worker's unions) both of which are key parts to their plans for building and maintaining power.
  • Ending the incarceration of non-violent drug offenders and the use of private prisons.

Yeah, this was only ever a "grassroots" issue for the left. When you look at the actual policies pushed by Democrats as far back as the 80s and 90s they were perfectly happy arresting huge swaths of people (see the 90s Crime Bill that was proposed by Biden). They would make rumblings about it from time to time to keep reformers from talking with Republicans, and I'll grant Republicans have never been very open to criminal justice reforms, but the main Democrat goal in regards to this issue has always been to keep the Black voters from considering Republicans.
  • Ending wasteful and pointless wars.

Sorry, there's just no other way to put this: you were duped. Democrats in the 90s were perfectly fine with military adventurism (see, for instance, Clinton's intervention in Bosnia), just so long as it was done by them and for reasons they liked.
  • Putting a stop to corporate colonialism and globalism and replacing it with alt-globalism that serves the interests of the common people.

"Alt globalism" was just about normalizing relationships with communist regimes and disrupting the system set in place since the Communist Revolution meant to contain communism. No, seriously, go look at what the WTO protestors actually believed: they are Communist Anarchists just straight up, and the Democratic Party's realignment of foreign policy under Obama was very much in line with appeasing longtime enemies of the US and making the world safer for anti-western powers. In fact, this entire phrase here is just a bunch of Communist doublespeak. "Corporate colonialism" was never really a thing in the 90s, and in fact Western Corporations entering markets like Africa led to some of the largest decrease in poverty and rising standards of living on that continent in centuries. "Alt-globalism that serves the interests of the common people", stop and think about that phrase for a moment... who is defining what are the "interest of the common people". It wasn't the local people in those nations that were opening to western trade and commerce, no, it was a bunch of elitists in western academia and their definition of "interests" seemed to align pretty squarely with Communist ideology for some reason...
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SJW globohomo ideology was cooked up with CIA support to create a progressivism that would not threaten capital in any way. Get people focused on sexual fetishes and manufactured identities to distract them from the fact their economies are being plundered and cultures annihilated by neurotic sadists and revanchists.

The SJWs themselves are drawn from two sources. Firstly we have bougie strivers who sense compliance with the new normal is the route to power and status. White Strivers in particular have no sense of identity and easily morph themselves into whatever they think will grant them power and status. They would wear clownshoes and put underwear on their heads if Kendi told them to, because they think this is will signal their status.

You also see this in Immigrant communities. People from bourgeois and upper classes in their own cultures sense that this stuff is the route to status in their new societies and become very dedicated SJWs, and the more caste ridden and class divided thier own socieities were, the more aggressive they become. They sense that intersectionality is a class and caste system like thier own cultures and desire to place themselves in a high position within it. This is why you will see alot of high caste Indians involved in SJW stuff.

Then we get the "Tranissaries". The intersectional caste system and SJW ideology depends on Bioleninism to keep order. Every society has people who due to various dysfunctions would never be able to function well in the society. The Bioleninist system takes these people and gives them power, especially the power to police. These people are thus very dependent on the system and become extremely militant and zealous defenders of this system. The more alienating they are the better. Thus they become Jannissaries for the system.

Trans people are the newest model and are the spearpoint of the online Lumpenstasi that zealously polices and informs on dissidents. They are used as an army of crowdsourced snitches, petty tyrants, doxxers and e-police.

There isnt much that can be done about them right now. And anti-SJW forces do not have a unifying body of theory they can craft an alliance around, and a great many of the anti-SJW types agree with the SJWs on most things. SJWs are backed by an endless ocean of money coming in from Billionaire financed fake charities and NGOs, and they have captured the institutions. You can start with the areas of your life you control. Reject thier ideology, reject thier definations, symbols, identities and theories. Then purge them from your life and the spaces you have power in.
SJW globohomo ideology was cooked up with CIA support to create a progressivism that would not threaten capital in any way. Get people focused on sexual fetishes and manufactured identities to distract them from the fact their economies are being plundered and cultures annihilated by neurotic sadists and revanchists.
Big ol' citation needed on this one.

Seriously, you can much more easily trace SJWism back through academia and the left wing social movements of the US. If there was a TLA involved in the creation of that ideology, it's initially were much more likely KGB than CIA, as we actually have records showing that the KGB had considerable infiltration efforts to subvert western academia going back to the 1930s and even earlier you had considerable Marxist influence in academia in the early 20th century.
Oh they certainly were (and still are) for more unionism, but not because they cared about workers rights, but because Unions served as a massive money slush fund for the Democrats. You'll note that despite being supposedly pro-union and pro-American worker, the Democrats since at least Clinton have been all for selling out American labor's jobs to foreign powers like China (Clinton's ties to China were considerable) or via illegal immigration. The only unions they actually have consistently sided with have been the bureaucratic unions (Teachers and Federal worker's unions) both of which are key parts to their plans for building and maintaining power.

Yeah, this was only ever a "grassroots" issue for the left. When you look at the actual policies pushed by Democrats as far back as the 80s and 90s they were perfectly happy arresting huge swaths of people (see the 90s Crime Bill that was proposed by Biden). They would make rumblings about it from time to time to keep reformers from talking with Republicans, and I'll grant Republicans have never been very open to criminal justice reforms, but the main Democrat goal in regards to this issue has always been to keep the Black voters from considering Republicans.

Sorry, there's just no other way to put this: you were duped. Democrats in the 90s were perfectly fine with military adventurism (see, for instance, Clinton's intervention in Bosnia), just so long as it was done by them and for reasons they liked.

"Alt globalism" was just about normalizing relationships with communist regimes and disrupting the system set in place since the Communist Revolution meant to contain communism. No, seriously, go look at what the WTO protestors actually believed: they are Communist Anarchists just straight up, and the Democratic Party's realignment of foreign policy under Obama was very much in line with appeasing longtime enemies of the US and making the world safer for anti-western powers. In fact, this entire phrase here is just a bunch of Communist doublespeak. "Corporate colonialism" was never really a thing in the 90s, and in fact Western Corporations entering markets like Africa led to some of the largest decrease in poverty and rising standards of living on that continent in centuries. "Alt-globalism that serves the interests of the common people", stop and think about that phrase for a moment... who is defining what are the "interest of the common people". It wasn't the local people in those nations that were opening to western trade and commerce, no, it was a bunch of elitists in western academia and their definition of "interests" seemed to align pretty squarely with Communist ideology for some reason...

The 20th and early 21st Centuries have been a cavalcade of horrors, from one end to the other.

The Boxer Rebellion’s aftermath extracted onerous reparations from China, collapsed the Qing Dynasty, and set China on a course towards Mao and then the autocratic, Orwellian monstrosity that they are today.

Gavrilo Princip’s pistol brought an end to years of relative peace in Europe. Then, after years of insane slaughter with cutting-edge technology that filled mud-slathered trenches up to the brim with the corpses of young men, we were all struck by the Spanish Flu.

The Bolsheviks murdered the Romanovs in cold blood, betrayed the Makhnovists, and starved millions in Ukraine.

Hitler invaded Poland, beginning yet another dark chapter that ended with the Imperial Japanese having two atom bombs dropped on two of their cities by America and hundreds of thousands of innocent people being instantly incinerated.

The CIA is formed, mainly to hunt down NSDAP gold and whitewash the records of their scientists so they could come work for us. Aside from Wernher von Braun’s rocketry work that led both to the Moon landings and ICBM development, many of the things they did involved unethical human experimentation under the CIA that slotted right in next to the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. Many of them went to work for Sidney Gottlieb, a man who was best described as a fucking ghoul in a human suit.

Then, after a Korean War that ends in a stalemate that persists to this day, JFK’s assassination sets the stage for an escalation of the Vietnam War, where the CIA’s MACVSOG and the Phoenix Program indiscriminately kidnapped, tortured, and raped thousands upon thousands of Vietnamese suspected of having Vietcong sympathies, many of whom were undoubtedly ordinary people who had absolutely nothing to do with the VC at all.

To quote those who saw what transpired firsthand:

Rape, gang rape, rape using eels, snakes, or hard objects, and rape followed by murder; electric shock ('the Bell Telephone Hour') rendered by attaching wires to the genitals or other sensitive parts of the body, like the tongue; the 'water treatment'; the 'airplane' in which the prisoner's arms were tied behind the back, and the rope looped over a hook on the ceiling, suspending the prisoner in midair, after which he or she was beaten; beatings with rubber hoses and whips; the use of police dogs to maul prisoners.

The use of the insertion of the 6-inch dowel into the canal of one of my detainee's ears, and the tapping through the brain until dead. The starvation to death (in a cage), of a Vietnamese woman who was suspected of being part of the local political education cadre in one of the local villages ... The use of electronic gear such as sealed telephones attached to ... both the women's vaginas and men's testicles [to] shock them into submission.


After the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, so many bones were left behind, people didn’t know what to do with them, so they stacked them up to make murals of skulls.

Then, after the Iran-Contra affair, the invasion of Panama and the removal of Noriega from power, the Gulf War, and the completely unnecessary intervention in Kosovo that actually ended up accelerating the genocides by giving Milosevic nothing to lose, we are treated to the spectacle of 9/11, an event that makes fundamentally zero sense from an engineering perspective, which was preceded by the owners of the structures involved taking out huge insurance policies for terrorism, and by various other parties with apparent foreknowledge shorting airline stocks.

This, in turn, was followed by a second Gulf War that eventually killed half a million people and pissed away what little goodwill the world still had for America.

This is just a cross-section of all the armed conflicts, genocides, and other indignities that man visited upon man in that time period. A slice of the whole. Even when people feign helping each other, it’s to extract from someone and exploit them. The IMF offers loans to impoverished countries, conditional upon them accepting Structural Adjustment Programs that are breaches of their sovereignty. These programs usually include austerity measures. Just slash some social programs to pay your creditors, and all will be well. The dictator builds himself a palace with an IMF loan. His people get bitten by malarial mosquitoes and he doesn’t care.

A sizable fraction of the world’s NGOs and charities practice fake philanthropy and essentially serve to exert the influence of their wealthy donors.

And then, to top off the cesspool of lies, degeneracy, murder, human rights violations, and corruption, along come neoliberals, telling you that, in spite of what you perceive as an intolerable state of affairs, everything is good. They tell you, with fake Stepford smiles, that the prosperity gospel is correct, endless growth won’t actually destroy our environment, Rousseau and Leibniz were accurate to say that mankind is essentially good, and that our institutions are fundamentally sound, so long as we can exclude the dreaded “populist heretics” from them. Things are good, they repeat like a mantra. Things are good, things are good. Smile. Look, over there! The Beatles!

The opposite is the case.

We know that things are bad, but whenever anyone expresses pessimism over our circumstances, people lash out at that person. You know why they lash out at them? Because people, by and large, are emotionally invested in our institutions. They are ill-prepared to accept that the institutions that we’ve come to take for granted, worse than merely being corrupt or flawed in some manner, are actually poisonous and actively inimical to human life.

We have a poisonous government no better than a criminal racket. Poisonous food that warps our bodies into corpulent sacks of lard. Poisonous consumer goods that addict us and bid us to become sedentary with their siren song of dopamine. Poisonous ideals taught in schools and colleges where teachers either knowingly or unknowingly poison their students on the regular.

People vote because they think that voting makes a difference. It doesn’t. It never has. No matter who you vote into office, small, wealthy, and powerful special interests will always win over the interest of the common man. Political candidates make all sorts of lofty promises, saying that they’ll put an end to military adventurism and wasteful spending and fix up our infrastructure and stand us back up on our feet, but do they? Do they ever? No. The new guy comes in and he does exactly the same things as the guy he replaced.

Our society has, over the past century, been converted into a vast engine of despair, the only purpose of which is to drip poison into people’s mouths.

A society should serve its people. It should actualize them and help them make their dreams become reality. It shouldn’t poison them in their bed.

Here’s a little spoiler. I’ll tell you what happens next, provided that the Elites manage to stave off disclosure for much longer.

Israel, impatient with a recalcitrant US that is increasingly falling under the influence of foreign powers other than them, takes all the billions of dollars and thousands of pieces of military hardware they embezzled from the US government and rams them through their neighbors’ intestines.

Then, China, realizing that they have no way to win a naval battle with the whole should everyone choose to embargo them and blockade their access to petroleum, will instead continue slowly colonizing the fuck out of Africa, Belgian-Congo-style; there are many natural resources for the taking and the locals have no capability to resist the Chinese, physically, mentally, or otherwise, making them ripe for exploitation.

This will eventually culminate in a resource war sometime by the start of the next decade, during which the world’s wealthiest people, after using the planet’s working people as a stepping stone for decades, will hide themselves away in underground bunkers, hoping to emerge to rule over what remnants of society still remain, Snowpiercer or Mad Max style.

Meanwhile, SJWs are here to save the day. During innumerable crises, the Wokescolds are here to tell you what movies you can and cannot watch, what games you may be allowed to play, what books are verboten, what slang you can and cannot use, what deplorables you must speak ill of and what sacred cows you must worship, and whose pronouns you must respect.

As if such meager measures are what is needed to make the world somehow more just and more tolerable to live in. As if their obsession with political correctness is anything more than a frivolous distraction from the crushing poverty, hunger, violence, and greed that has always consumed our whole world.

I can tell you how to make the world better. You need to utterly shitcan the banks, the special interests, the politicians, and all of our institutions and start over from scratch. The people who have presided over this farce deserve to be rounded up and exiled to a desert island where they can’t harm anyone ever again, but since no one has the balls to do that, we have another century of wallowing in filth to look forward to.

Behind every SJW, there stands a brain-dead neoliberal, holding their leash and spouting Panglossian inanities about the sanctity of our rotten institutions. SJWs are phony revolutionaries.
Wow. This really has hit you hard.

I suggest you get through some more of the stages of grief before you start seriously pushing policy proposals though, because, uh...

Anarchy is what you get when you just throw your institutions out and start from scratch, and anarchy is much worse than what we have right now.

As a piece of both good and bad news, you're only halfway out of the leftist propaganda cocoon. Things will look different if you manage to pull yourself the rest of the way out.
Wow. This really has hit you hard.

I suggest you get through some more of the stages of grief before you start seriously pushing policy proposals though, because, uh...

Anarchy is what you get when you just throw your institutions out and start from scratch, and anarchy is much worse than what we have right now.

As a piece of both good and bad news, you're only halfway out of the leftist propaganda cocoon. Things will look different if you manage to pull yourself the rest of the way out.

If you think our institutions are still salvageable, you should read National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon. That will almost certainly change your mind.

National Security and Double Government < Amazon Link

One administration after another, and always, the same exact policies persist due to bureaucratic inertia. Our governments are made up of faceless, soulless technocrats and "experts" who think the public is not entitled to know what they do or why they do it. Social justice as currently conceived is little more than a distraction from that. It's a circus act. Corporations and think tanks support it, and behind them, there sits an out-of-control intelligence apparatus that uses their connections to shape public opinion and evade oversight.

The deep state exists. It's not what people think. It's not men in robes holding candles and chanting occult heresies. It's a few hundred eternal appointees, thousands of bureaucrats, and millions of civilian contractors and advocacy workers who, either knowingly or unknowingly, conspire to tyrannize us while avoiding any and all responsibility for their actions.

Our places of higher education do little to help people understand how this system actually works. All they do is instill a sense of reverence and awe for governance, as though its workings were out of the hands of average people. Wrong. Government is a tool. We have every right to decide how that tool is used.
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Here's my take on SJWs, having come from within a hard D household and it having taken Trump and some friends to pull the blinders off.

First, most people who haven't come from that sort of background do not have a real idea what motivated the ground level of the Left and what creates SJWs.

Hearing people from conservative religious backgrounds lecture about SJWs and why they do things is...often an exercise in frustration. They keep layering over thier preconceptions, which often have religious overtones, onto people who usually aren't religious or care about religion, except when it impedes on thier life or is a source of 'oppression'.

So maybe religious conservatives should stop assuming they understand SJWs as well as they think they do.

Second, SJWs often do not care about the high level concepts so many people seem to blather on about when they do lectures about why SJWs do things or think the way they do.

Most SJWs just want people to be treated 'fairly' and try to correct what they see as past 'injustices', be they racial, economic, or ecological.

It really is that simple for most of them; their info sources are where most of the problems are, not thier hearts or heads.

I can also say the best way to reach, and change, SJWs is via finding the ones who are not as 'pure' on issues, and have gripes with other parts of the SJW groups, and show them the Right has better treatment when it comes to ideological diversity compared to thier 'fellows'.

Coming at SJWs with lectures or sermons about the 'virtues' of 'conservatives' and how the Left is 'degenerate', 'immoral', or the like will often just make them defensive and make it harder to reach them.

Same with thinking that labelling the moral panics about video games and MTV as a 'progressive' action will resonate with them. The Left simply do not see it that way and it very much seems like a conservative attempt to smear anything bad as being done by 'progressves' for narratives sake.

Finally, I must say that Horseshoe theory of politics is very true, and the Right has its own breed of SJWs as well, they just have a different set of justifications for thier desire for a utopia.
SJWs may claim to want people to be treated fairly, but their actions show otherwise, Likewise, their idea of correcting what they see as past injustices involve punishing people who had nothing to do with those alleged injustices. What it boils down to is discrimination based on things like race and sex, and that they are working toward a system of segregation based on those things, and undoing all the work people much better than them fought and died for to actually be treated equally. They insist on categorizing people based on stereotypes that they have decided on, and if anyone breaks with that, or otherwise just defies categorization (like filthy mongrels such as myself do), they treat them as subhuman and will even unironically use the kind of slurs they would attack others for using.

I agree with you that they have a lot in common with the religious right, though, which is why I've always made a point of comparing the two. It's been pretty fun, too. You can't imagine the screeching when I compared them to the moral guardians of the '80s and they had no come-back. It was glorious.

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