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United States The Left Can't Meme

Captain X

Well-known member
What is it with the lefty trend to just repeat stuff like that? What purpose does it serve?


Someday we will win, no matter what it takes.
Staff Member

I've noticed a lot of this sort of "thinking" in the dumber (and disturbingly, more viral) arguments leftists make. "Let's contort existing facts until we end up with logic that addresses this one narrow case and pronounce it solved, and then never consider what else is justified using that sane logic".

For example, if declaring non-citizens on American soil to be invading soldiers that must be removed by force is supposedly a valid solution to abortion, it's certainly far more applicable to, say, illegal immigration. And since in this scenario is using "non-citizen = soldier", then this invasion is an act of war, which means the military can be used to remove them and we have an open ended excuse to meddle in South American affairs since by this logic, they declared war on us.


Someday we will win, no matter what it takes.
Staff Member

I'm pretty sure this counts. Also, Michael Moore is still around, apparently.


The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.

"A right to be free of the fear of X". Safetyism in it's purest form.

Congress shall create a mandatory system of firearm registration and licensing for the following limited purposes: (a) licensed hunters of game; (b) licensed ranges for the sport of target shooting; and (c) for the few who can demonstrate a special need for personal protection.

All who seek a firearm will undergo a strict vetting process with a thorough background check, including the written and confidential approval of family members, spouses and ex-spouses and/or partners and ex-partners, co-workers and neighbors. A mental health check will also be required. There will be a waiting period of one month to complete the full background check.

Let's just have a random, never ending list of random people weigh in on if they think you should have a gun. That will surely never be used by the authorities to fish around for someone who says "no" so they can deny your application.

Also, we'll still have a waiting period despite all this other vetting that should ensure you're totally safe to give a gun, because we can't possibly just run all these tests and then just give you the gun when it's done, no. We must enshrine every single bit of leftist dogma into the law, no matter how little sense it makes.

Those who meet all the requirements for the restricted gun owners groups and successfully pass the background check must take a firearms safety class and pass a written test on an annual basis.

Annual testing, for what? You've already had every single person you've ever spoken to approve of you having a gun, gotten a psychic evaluation, a criminal background check, etc. What purpose does this serve?

The minimum age for the restricted groups who can own a firearm is 25 years old. Renewal and review of the firearms license will occur on an annual basis.

You already said the license has to be renewed annually. Why are you repeating it?

Congress will stipulate and continually update the limited list of approved firearms for civilian use, including weapons in the future that are not yet invented. The following firearms are heretofore banned:

• All automatic and semi-automatic weapons and all devices which can enable a single-shot gun to fire automatically or semi-automatically;

• Any weapon that can hold more than six bullets or rounds at a time or any magazine that holds more than six bullets;

• All guns made of plastic or any homemade equipment and machinery or a 3D printer that can make a gun or weapon that can take a human life.

Also, if you can get a gun, it's going to be some 19th century design, because ever after the most intense background check ever, you still can't be trusted with the awesome power of a 1911. This notably still applies even if you proved you genuinely have a need for self defense, you still can't get a gun that's actually good for that.

And worse, any machine or printer that can make a "gun or weapon" is illegal now. Which is basically every single one of them, and even if interpreted to mean just "guns" this basically bans the vast majority of modern machine tool. Lathes, presses, mills, all gone.

Congress shall regulate all ammunition, capacity of ammunition, the storage of guns, gun locks, gun sights, body armor and the sale and distribution of such items. No weapons of any kind whose sole intention is the premeditated elimination of human life are considered legal. Congress may create future restrictions as this amendment specifically does not grant any American the “right” to own any weapon.

So even if you are allowed to own a weapon for self defense, it can't be one that's designed to kill people, somehow. You can't even use this as a framework for what you'd like gun laws to look like, because Moore has ruined it by crowbaring in every single bit of gun grabber rethoric he can, at the direct expense of the document itself.

How would this even work, does Moore think that there's really all that much difference between a bolt action hunting rifle and a bolt action military rifle of the same era?

Police who are trained and vetted to use firearms shall be subject to comprehensive and continuous monitoring and shall be dismissed if found to exhibit any racist or violent behavior.

Also let's bring police regulation into this, for some reason. And demand they be fired if they're "racist", which we won't bother to define. Because really, who needs sweeping federal mandates to be clear about what they demand?

Persons already owning any of the above banned firearms, and who do not fall into the legal groups of restricted firearms owners, will have one month from the ratification of this Amendment to turn in their firearms for destruction by local law enforcement. These local authorities may organize a gun buy-back program to assist in this effort.

Molon Labe, fatty.

The comments are, somehow, even more concave brained than this (I guess they'd have to be, since they're only open to playing subs and you have e to be really dumb to give Michael Moore any money). Some highlights:

1. We don't need hunters, we should be past the age where we go out and kill animals.
1a. Ok, so maybe we do need to control wild animals populations. We should just use wolves, because letting loads and loads of carnivorous animals run wild literally everywhere won't backfire.
2. This can't be the 28th Amendment, because the ERA actually was ratified, and no I don't care that the deadline to rarity expired decades ago.
3. We should also ban the NRA, because why get rid of just one Amendment when you can get rid of two?
4. We should also make gun manufacturers liable for damages, like we do with cars and other dangerous products (we in fact do not do this), and even though in this case the liable agent is the state, since they explicitly said this person was deemed safe and allowed to use a gun.
5. We should send the guns to Ukraine instead if destroying them, because this will totally pass in time for that conflict to still be relevant.


Well-known member

I'm pretty sure this counts. Also, Michael Moore is still around, apparently.

"A right to be free of the fear of X". Safetyism in it's purest form.

Let's just have a random, never ending list of random people weigh in on if they think you should have a gun. That will surely never be used by the authorities to fish around for someone who says "no" so they can deny your application.

Also, we'll still have a waiting period despite all this other vetting that should ensure you're totally safe to give a gun, because we can't possibly just run all these tests and then just give you the gun when it's done, no. We must enshrine every single bit of leftist dogma into the law, no matter how little sense it makes.

Annual testing, for what? You've already had every single person you've ever spoken to approve of you having a gun, gotten a psychic evaluation, a criminal background check, etc. What purpose does this serve?

You already said the license has to be renewed annually. Why are you repeating it?

Also, if you can get a gun, it's going to be some 19th century design, because ever after the most intense background check ever, you still can't be trusted with the awesome power of a 1911. This notably still applies even if you proved you genuinely have a need for self defense, you still can't get a gun that's actually good for that.

And worse, any machine or printer that can make a "gun or weapon" is illegal now. Which is basically every single one of them, and even if interpreted to mean just "guns" this basically bans the vast majority of modern machine tool. Lathes, presses, mills, all gone.

So even if you are allowed to own a weapon for self defense, it can't be one that's designed to kill people, somehow. You can't even use this as a framework for what you'd like gun laws to look like, because Moore has ruined it by crowbaring in every single bit of gun grabber rethoric he can, at the direct expense of the document itself.

How would this even work, does Moore think that there's really all that much difference between a bolt action hunting rifle and a bolt action military rifle of the same era?

Also let's bring police regulation into this, for some reason. And demand they be fired if they're "racist", which we won't bother to define. Because really, who needs sweeping federal mandates to be clear about what they demand?

Molon Labe, fatty.

The comments are, somehow, even more concave brained than this (I guess they'd have to be, since they're only open to playing subs and you have e to be really dumb to give Michael Moore any money). Some highlights:

1. We don't need hunters, we should be past the age where we go out and kill animals.
1a. Ok, so maybe we do need to control wild animals populations. We should just use wolves, because letting loads and loads of carnivorous animals run wild literally everywhere won't backfire.
2. This can't be the 28th Amendment, because the ERA actually was ratified, and no I don't care that the deadline to rarity expired decades ago.
3. We should also ban the NRA, because why get rid of just one Amendment when you can get rid of two?
4. We should also make gun manufacturers liable for damages, like we do with cars and other dangerous products (we in fact do not do this), and even though in this case the liable agent is the state, since they explicitly said this person was deemed safe and allowed to use a gun.
5. We should send the guns to Ukraine instead if destroying them, because this will totally pass in time for that conflict to still be relevant.

Looking at the numbers the right is closer to being able to pass amendmnets then the left right now and are being pissed off to the point where they might just use that power.


Local Degenerate
Staff Member
I've noticed a lot of this sort of "thinking" in the dumber (and disturbingly, more viral) arguments leftists make. "Let's contort existing facts until we end up with logic that addresses this one narrow case and pronounce it solved, and then never consider what else is justified using that sane logic".

For example, if declaring non-citizens on American soil to be invading soldiers that must be removed by force is supposedly a valid solution to abortion, it's certainly far more applicable to, say, illegal immigration. And since in this scenario is using "non-citizen = soldier", then this invasion is an act of war, which means the military can be used to remove them and we have an open ended excuse to meddle in South American affairs since by this logic, they declared war on us.
My issue isn't looking at the edge cases (IMO, that's important). My issue is them ignoring the consequences of where those edge cases lead, and that frequently they don't see that there are other solutions to the edge cases they propose.


Well-known member
Also, if you can get a gun, it's going to be some 19th century design, because ever after the most intense background check ever, you still can't be trusted with the awesome power of a 1911. This notably still applies even if you proved you genuinely have a need for self defense, you still can't get a gun that's actually good for that.

And worse, any machine or printer that can make a "gun or weapon" is illegal now. Which is basically every single one of them, and even if interpreted to mean just "guns" this basically bans the vast majority of modern machine tool. Lathes, presses, mills, all gone.

Someone that stupid shouldn't be writing any sort of policy.

The difficulty in manufacturing weapons is needing the skills, not the parts or equipment. Your average bicycle repair shop has the equipment needed to make a decent gun, let alone any actual manufacturing facility.

Any decent mechanical engineer or chemical engineer should be able to make decent weapons with a basic refresher and a few thousand dollars in equipment. What prevents this from happening is that most people with the skills just don't have the desire or motivation to do so.

Thread tax:


Great grandpa got off the boat in 1913.


When leftists used to be respectable.

Bear Ribs

Well-known member
Today's theme is more top leftist logic, going with memes that are not actually poorly constructed but fall apart the second you consider the logic behind them.


What's the problem with this?

Yeah, gender reassignment surgery is exactly like getting a hair transplant. What an own.

Oh holy smokes, they're putting Abe Lincoln and George Washington as Equivalent to Mao and Stalin. I thought the Left had decided that Lincoln wasn't really a Republican and was secretly a Democrat all along but I guess not.


Well-known member
Abe Lincoln has Schrodinger's political party. He's either just another racist Republican, or a saint who has nothing to do with the Modern Republican party (which is true regardless, but contradictory with the other narrative).

However based on Obama being in that picture the person who made it is really far left.


Well-known member
Abe Lincoln has Schrodinger's political party. He's either just another racist Republican, or a saint who has nothing to do with the Modern Republican party (which is true regardless, but contradictory with the other narrative).

However based on Obama being in that picture the person who made it is really far left.

Going through the list.

Washington was a flawed man but helped create a functional republic that lasted more then 200 years so yeah the man deserves respect. Jefferson was flawed as well but saw he was flawed and worked to grow the republic and lay the foundation for future reforms. Also did his best to keep us out of the cluster fuck that was the napolonic wars. Also deserves respect.

Lincon was thrust into a shit situation, yes there are some fuck ups under his belt but he kept the country together and laid the ground work for it becoming a great power.

Reagan insituted some seriously needed reforms with the tax base and helped push the soviet union into an early grave which needed to happen because fuck communism. Also spent too much money.

Obama did some shitty things like spying on reporters, and siching the IRS and other groups on his political enemies. Kind of a disaster on the domestic front but he was actually pretty decent when it came to running a global war on terror. Man loved his drones and while there was plenty of collateral damage his efforts helped to put an end to some serious awful people.

A real mixed bag.

On the other side

Stalin and Mao were among the biggest mass murderers in human history. So yeah evil genocidal mass murder fits.

Castro and his fuck boi Chi were mass murderers but not genocidal ones.

Sadam and the Kim regieme were evil sons of bitches.


Internet Wizard
Kind of a disaster on the domestic front but he was actually pretty decent when it came to running a global war on terror. Man loved his drones and while there was plenty of collateral damage his efforts helped to put an end to some serious awful people.

Obama is directly responsible for the rise of ISIS, and the failure to crush them. Notice how it was just a matter of months after Trump took office that ISIS was effectively crushed.

Further, Obama's insane appeasement and paying off of Iran caused a region-wide surge in terrorism, as well as enabling the progression of their nuclear program.


Well-known member
Obama is directly responsible for the rise of ISIS, and the failure to crush them. Notice how it was just a matter of months after Trump took office that ISIS was effectively crushed.

Further, Obama's insane appeasement and paying off of Iran caused a region-wide surge in terrorism, as well as enabling the progression of their nuclear program.

Obama fucked up a lot of stuff, and yes he wasn't as good as trump, but he was better then biden.....

Sorry thats all I got.


Well-known member
My issue isn't looking at the edge cases (IMO, that's important). My issue is them ignoring the consequences of where those edge cases lead, and that frequently they don't see that there are other solutions to the edge cases they propose.

The problem is that, first of all, most people have to be able to live with it, and not be pushed too far. Edge cases always have to take a back seat to the main, or it's not worth looking at.

The law can't cover all the edge cases. And, any real attempt to do so, runs head long into the shear complexity makes it insane. (The massive sizes of current laws mean that for those who have the time/power, they can find ways to murder without issue, and those without can be arrested for not walking fast enough.)

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