Trump Investigations Thread

So how far up did this move us on the Boogaloo Scale?

I personally think we’re at Boogaloo 2. Maybe 3.

I don't think this moves us up the scale honestly. If anything it mitigates it because it's gonna sow such institutional mistrust that the social pressure on government employees outside of a select few cities is gonna surpass Waco "literally shit in the Chili of an FBI agent." Tier.

Public shame and isolation does a lot to roll back the weak willed.

Now if they Kennedy him then smugpost about it...that's a different and alarming story.
I personally believe that there is nothing stopping a Civil War at this point. Even if Trump is voted in, do you think they will willingly stand by KNOWING he's coming for them? No, they know, and they don't care. They'll rig this Election too. Start prepping gentlemen, this is going to get uglier than a two hundred year old Russian Babushka. Get ready, because in the end either we win the election and they start the war or they "win" and the right states start the war.
Except...states like GA have fixed thier voting to a degree.
But fine,
Fedpost and doom.
When my son is born I will be on a fucking hiatus and this place will be on fire because none of you know how to fucking manage shit.
I will endeavor to make the fire as chaotic and fun as possible.
There is nothing substantive to say about the state of the nation that isn’t at least one of those things. I’m not saying we should do those, but words are wind at this point.
Basically, this is going to help more then hurt Trump.
I will endeavor to make the fire as chaotic and fun as possible.
At least it will be fun to read when I come back
I don't think this moves us up the scale honestly. If anything it mitigates it because it's gonna sow such institutional mistrust that the social pressure on government employees outside of a select few cities is gonna surpass Waco "literally shit in the Chili of an FBI agent." Tier.

Public shame and isolation does a lot to roll back the weak willed.

Now if they Kennedy him then smugpost about it...that's a different and alarming story.

The death of the Brothers Grachi did not bring civil war or revolution.

Likewise I don't think that killing trump will set off a civil war, but It will set the seeds for one and in death he will become a matyr and will become immortalized into the history books.

Honestly I think Trump knows he will most likely die, but also knows he doesn't have that much time any ways and has decided to go out in a blaze of glory.
See, some people here think they will kill him
That is because they aren't very smart.

One should ignore the opinions of idiots.

I don't think they plan on it. I just don't think they have full control of the mob they've whipped up into a frenzy. it only takes one crazy guy getting luck once and shit goes real bad.
Yeah, that's possible but I think it's unlikely.

I won't discount it, but the same thing was said in 2016.
I mean, the administrative state is evil and retarded, but martyring Trump might be a little too retarded even for them.
Depends on how much of their own hype they believe, and how deeply they've buried themselves into their echo chamber. They may very well be dumb enough to think they can tarnish his reputation to the point that nobody will accept him as a martyr, with blatantly-corrupt show trials and celebrities accusing him in the media of idolizing Hitler. Though, if they are that dumb, they'll probably screw up trying to kill him anyways.
I mean, the administrative state is evil and retarded, but martyring Trump might be a little too retarded even for them.
It wouldn't be the entire establishment doing it. Not like Biden gets with the dems and decides he needs to go.

It would be like one dude encouraged by the glowies.

Or just a crazy lone wolf, no glowies needed.

Don't forget how much people hate him.
Don't test me...
I personally believe that there is nothing stopping a Civil War at this point. Even if Trump is voted in, do you think they will willingly stand by KNOWING he's coming for them? No, they know, and they don't care. They'll rig this Election too. Start prepping gentlemen, this is going to get uglier than a two hundred year old Russian Babushka. Get ready, because in the end either we win the election and they start the war or they "win" and the right states start the war.
Cease this line of discussion!

As of now this thread is under zero tolerance for fed posting and derailing, keep the talk of a possible civil war out and only mention the upcoming election as sparsely as necessary as related to the investigation, this thread is about the trial and the investigation into Trump not a damn civil war!
I personally believe that there is nothing stopping a Civil War at this point. Even if Trump is voted in, do you think they will willingly stand by KNOWING he's coming for them? No, they know, and they don't care. They'll rig this Election too. Start prepping gentlemen, this is going to get uglier than a two hundred year old Russian Babushka. Get ready, because in the end either we win the election and they start the war or they "win" and the right states start the war.

I don't want the Sietch takes down.

I don't see you guys starting a CW over Trump...hope you guys don't at least.

Start prepping still remains a good advice regardless.
Be vigilant but don't let tje dems get under your skin.
Focus on the election. Focus on going out and voting, getting others to vote.
Call out election fraud, etc
Friendly Reminder for Ignoring Mod Directive For Posting About CW Instead of Trump Trial
Be vigilant but don't let tje dems get under your skin.
Focus on the election. Focus on going out and voting, getting others to vote.
Call out election fraud, etc
And this is part of the problem.

You and others like you still think this sort of thing will make a difference since you're trying to work in a system that no longer exists.

The Left and Democrats smashed this paradigm a long, long time ago. It's piss in the wind.

"Don't let them get under your skin" is the same as "turning the other cheek" when they're stabbing you out of ideological hatred.

"Focus on the Election" in which they will commit to every and any tactic, legal and blatantly illegal, to rig it in their favour. Their key goal at the moment is to stop Trump from running by any means necessary because this is your best shot at fixing things and ruining their house of cards.

Election fraud was called out. Nothing happened or those who called it out were dismissed/punitively punished. Protest? Jan 6th. 'nuff said. The masses in general are too brainwashed to not accept that their vote means as much as a vote did in Stalinist Russia, and they're brainwashed to believe that fraud didn't happen at all ("fake news" et cetera) because that's what MSM told them, like good little sheeple.

And I'll say this because it has to be said, regardless of the staff directive.

I genuinely believe most of what @VictortheMonarch is going to come true: Neither side will accept the results of the Election as legitimate, even if no foul play were involved (which is doubtful because the fucking Left is the fucking Left).

If Trump wins in November, there's going to be a significant breakdown in American society as the Left will riot against the Right. Socially and culturally, things will boil over from the over-stressed pressure cooker it is now. If the Left begin attacking people en masse? The Right is going to respond just to, you know, not die and actually live? [their jobs, protecting their families, et cetera].

The government as a whole is in on this -- police, Alphabet Letter agencies, you name it, they're bootlicking and have begun acting like the fucking Stasi. As for the military? That's pretty much your only hope that they don't basically take sides and escalate things into an actual Second Civil War.

If the Left/Democrats win again, legitimately (cough) or not? Trump's supporters and those who see how fucked your system is won't accept it, call out the bullshit, and things will cook off from there. And if they don't and believe they can still change things again from within a system that no longer exists? (Which I doubt, since even by then I think people will finally wake up). If they lay down and accept it and be subsumed, killed, or made second-class citizens? Your country would officially be a Banana Republic with a regime in charge; an abomination wearing the bloodied skin of the United States' principles.

Either way, November is going to be the cooking off point. Things aren't going to be pretty.

Start prepping, e.g. getting supplies, food, water, first aid training, et cetera, to keep your and your families/communities safe, and wake the fuck up. Stop being naive.
And this is part of the problem.

You and others like you still think this sort of thing will make a difference since you're trying to work in a system that no longer exists.

The Left and Democrats smashed this paradigm a long, long time ago. It's piss in the wind.

"Don't let them get under your skin" is the same as "turning the other cheek" when they're stabbing you out of ideological hatred.

"Focus on the Election" in which they will commit to every and any tactic, legal and blatantly illegal, to rig it in their favour. Their key goal at the moment is to stop Trump from running by any means necessary because this is your best shot at fixing things and ruining their house of cards.

Election fraud was called out. Nothing happened or those who called it out were dismissed/punitively punished. Protest? Jan 6th. 'nuff said. The masses in general are too brainwashed to not accept that their vote means as much as a vote did in Stalinist Russia, and they're brainwashed to believe that fraud didn't happen at all ("fake news" et cetera) because that's what MSM told them, like good little sheeple.

And I'll say this because it has to be said, regardless of the staff directive.

I genuinely believe most of what @VictortheMonarch is going to come true: Neither side will accept the results of the Election as legitimate, even if no foul play were involved (which is doubtful because the fucking Left is the fucking Left).

If Trump wins in November, there's going to be a significant breakdown in American society as the Left will riot against the Right. Socially and culturally, things will boil over from the over-stressed pressure cooker it is now. If the Left begin attacking people en masse? The Right is going to respond just to, you know, not die and actually live? [their jobs, protecting their families, et cetera].

The government as a whole is in on this -- police, Alphabet Letter agencies, you name it, they're bootlicking and have begun acting like the fucking Stasi. As for the military? That's pretty much your only hope that they don't basically take sides and escalate things into an actual Second Civil War.

If the Left/Democrats win again, legitimately (cough) or not? Trump's supporters and those who see how fucked your system is won't accept it, call out the bullshit, and things will cook off from there. And if they don't and believe they can still change things again from within a system that no longer exists? (Which I doubt, since even by then I think people will finally wake up). If they lay down and accept it and be subsumed, killed, or made second-class citizens? Your country would officially be a Banana Republic with a regime in charge; an abomination wearing the bloodied skin of the United States' principles.

Either way, November is going to be the cooking off point. Things aren't going to be pretty.

Start prepping, e.g. getting supplies, food, water, first aid training, et cetera, to keep your and your families/communities safe, and wake the fuck up. Stop being naive.
Because the dems would not be so worried about losing if they were guaranteed to win. They are scared of losing and want to stop Trump.
You can only rig an election so far, and it is a lot harder today then 2020

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