United States US presidential election 2024

Ramaswamy Took Soros Money Then Tried to Hide Truth

Vivek Ramaswamy didn't tell the truth about the real reason he took money from the family of George Soros.

After criticism for receiving a $90,000 grant from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship to attend Yale Law School, Ramaswamy claimed that he did so only because he "didn't have the money" pay for it.

But in 2011, the same year he started Yale, Ramaswamy reported he made $2.2 million in income, according to his tax returns reviewed by Fox News.

His returns also show for the three years before 2011 he made over $1.1 million income working as a hedge fund analyst.
Ramaswamy's connection with Paul Soros, the brother of the controversial George Soros, has raised eyebrows in Republican circles.

In a recent interview with Real America's Voice, Ramaswamy explained he took the money out of need.

"There was a separate scholarship that I won at the age of 24-25, when I was going to law school in my mid-20s, in my early 20s," he said. "When I didn't have the money and it was a merit scholarship that hundreds of kids win, that was partially funded, not by George Soros, but by Paul Soros a relative, his brother."

Ramaswamy also claimed in the interview that when he received the fellowship a decade earlier George Soros had not "gone of the rails" pushing leftwing politics.

But that isn't true either.

George Soros had been a prolific funder of leftwing causes since the 1990s and was the leading billionaire donor opposing George W. Bush from the early 2000s.

Ramaswamy's campaign spokesperson Tricia McLaughlin gave Fox a similar explanation.

"Vivek won a generic scholarship that hundreds of students win to attend graduate school," she said. "It was funded by a relative of George Soros who is long dead."

"Vivek would have been a fool to turn down that scholarship – Anyone who would have shouldn't get anywhere near the White House doing trade deals."

Still, Ramaswamy appears to be nervous about the association with the Soros family.

The 38-year-old businessman had long touted his Soros connection on his Wikipedia page before he ran for president.
But earlier this year attempts were made to remove the Soros scholarship reference.

In May Mediaite reported that "Ramaswamy himself has made an intentional effort to conceal his own biography, even paying a Wikipedia editor to remove potentially politically damaging details about his past from his page."

According to Mediaite the changes to Ramaswamy's Wikipedia page were made just weeks before he announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president.
Google Revs Up Election Interference Gambit Before GOP Primary Debate, Buries Republicans

Google's election interference is just getting warmed up as we head into 2024.

MRC Free Speech America researchers searched Google for "presidential campaign websites," but the search engine did not display a single Republican candidate on its first page of results the day before the first Republican Party presidential primary debate on Wednesday. President Joe Biden's campaign website, of course, showed up as the second search result along with a Democratic Party challenger Marianne Williamson's campaign website, which came up as the fifth result.


Google even displayed results for past failed Democratic Party presidential candidates who aren't even running this cycle, including: Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-VT) website, which showed up as the ninth result; Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) campaign website, which came in twelfth; and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's campaign website, which appeared twenty-ninth in the results.

Notably, 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., did not appear in Google's search results even though he is, at present, the biggest threat to President Joe Biden's nomination.

"Google has erased every threat to Joe Biden," said MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider. "We know that Google pulled out all the stops to put Hillary Clinton in the White House, and it has continued to interfere in our elections ever since. Compared to other social media platforms, it is harder to document what Google does in secret, but we at MRC Free Speech America have caught them red-handed again."

Schneider continued, "Google has consistently stood apart from all other search engines, and not in a good way. We have repeatedly seen Google and Big Tech social media platforms treat Republican candidates harshly compared to their Democrat opponents."

Google's election interference, shilling for Democrat candidates at the onset of the 2024 presidential election season, is unsurprising.

Just before the 2022 midterm elections, MRC Free Speech America researchers analyzed Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo search results for 12 Senate races and found that Google buried 10 of 12 Senate Republican Party candidates' campaign websites while highlighting their opponent's campaign sites. This bias did not carry over 36 top House races, which did not hang in the balance. Google even went after its fiercest critics in Congress, burying all 10 Republican Party Big Tech critics that MRC Free Speech America researchers analyzed.

The search giant again favored the Democratic candidate in the December Georgia senate run-off election. Google's search results favored Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) in a swing precinct, where greater proportions of undecided voters likely reside.


For this report, MRC Free Speech America analyzed the Aug. 22 Google search results of presidential campaign websites. MRC Free Speech America created an algorithm to automate this process in a clean environment. A "clean environment" allows for organic search to populate results without the influence of prior search history and tracking cookies.

MRC Free Speech America researchers searched the innocuous words "presidential campaign websites" using the algorithm. To determine bias, our researchers looked at Google's results and recorded the rank(s) of each candidate's campaign website on the first page of results.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Google at 650-253-0000 and demand it be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack's contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.
That’s not all of NATO.

And that’s according to the MSM, who I trust as far as I can afford a aircraft carrier.
And what is your reason to doubt that the citizens of Poland and Finland, seeing Russia invade a neighboring country unprovoked despite that country making various concessions to Russian security concerns, would support rearming themselves while also giving material aid (short of troops) to that other country's defense?
All Republicans, including Trump, who claim to oppose illegal immigration still support legal immigration. I can’t hope for a realistic candidate who would be as draconian on immigration as I would be. Vivek has said that he would go after businesses that hire illegals, which is a vastly more serious and effective strategy than anything I have heard the other major candidates say.

As for accepting Soros money for a scholarship, I don’t have any issues with it. It’s not like there were strings attached and a privately funded scholarship is far more moral than one paid for by the state.

I support Vivek in large part because the is the most strongly anti-war candidate in the running. He is the guy, aside from Trump himself, who would continue with Trump’s America First movement instead of destroying the world with needless war to enforce a globalist empire. His positions on the Russia/Ukraine conflict are a bit weak in my opinion, I would rather he sounded more like Kennedy and point out that the real bad guys are the rulers or the USA who are the ones really behind this war that have killed so many innocent people and threaten to drag us into a world war. He isn’t as strong as I’d like, but he is on the right side of that issue.

Being anti-war would be enough reason for me to vote for him even if he was worse in every other regard - though he’s not.

He has been the strongest defender of Trump among the GOP candidates and the one who stridently promises to pardon Trump and the one most willing to point out that his prosecution is political 3rd world level corruption.

He also points out the huge role that business, like Black Rock, play and turning virtually every corporation woke.
Being anti-war is horrible.
You just get Jimmy Carter 2.0 and get Americans held hostage and killed.
Being a warmonger is also bad.

Be someone who knows war is often mandatory and needed, but do ones nest to resort to peace.

Also know when there is no peace available and be prepared to support the ones doing such things
Weird that we have to go back nearly 50 years to find something so pathetic as supposed evidence for the dangers of being anti-war. The Iranian Revolution wasn’t caused by Carter’s alleged peacefulness. It was a result of the USA overthrowing the Iranian government and installing the Shah - something that the Iranians were right to be pissed off about.

Neocon/neoliberal/globalist madness has caused millions of deaths in the last few decades with our adventurism in the Middle East, plus made millions more destitute or into refugees, and cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars along with costing the lives of thousands of US citizens and crippling tens of thousands more. It’s also eroded our rights and freedoms, justifying the weapons our authoritarian rulers now use to oppress us with.

The same people who lead us towards ruin, death, and destruction for decades now are flirting with WWIII in a conflict that they have created in Ukraine costing hundreds of thousands more innocent lives and inspiring nations around the world to join together in an economic alliance against us - BRICS.

The USA helped overthrow the president of Ukraine in 2014, creating a civil war within Ukraine and leading to this conflict and anybody who would hide that fact, which are most mainstream political and media figures, are nothing less than evil monsters. This war could have been ended or prevented with a simple agreement to keep Ukraine out of NATO which the west has prevented so that we could have a proxy war against Putin because he won’t bend the knee to the GAE.

Thankfully, a few people in the GOP are on the right side if this issue - Tucker, Trump, and Vivek.
This war could have been ended or prevented with a simple agreement to keep Ukraine out of NATO which the west has prevented so that we could have a proxy war against Putin because he won’t bend the knee to the GAE.
Of all the apologia for Russia's war motives, this is perhaps the most annoying. Yanukovich in 2010 extended the lease for the Russian naval base in Sevastopol to 2042, arguably cementing Ukraine's conflict with NATO's territorial integrity principle. Parliament then passed a law preventing him from getting into new foreign alliances just to make sure Russia got the point.

But Ukraine's efforts to cozy up to the EU, along with some "interesting" political developments, meant Russia became paranoid that Ukraine was just itching to betray it. So they (there is reason to believe) issued some pretty dire threats to Yanukovich, which led to him demanding suspiciously large loans as part of the EU deal, which led to negotiations collapsing, which led to pro-EU protests because this was the opposite of a major campaign promise, which led to crackdowns, which led to a political crisis that Yanukovych was unable to solve because anything other than complete brutal suppression would be interpreted by Russia as betrayal, which led to Yanukovych fleeing the country and Russia invading first Crimea, then the Donbas.

NATO officially refuses to countenance anyone dictating to another country that it may not join NATO. But in practice, with the exception of the Bush administration, everyone has been very careful on the matter of expanding the alliance to former Soviet/WP states. The idea that Russian leadership was wholly unaware that NATO and Ukraine were realistically speaking not in fact on a path to military alliance in the forseeable future is a fantasy.

And I mean ... the big war didn't even happen then. It happened in 2022; Russia had been occupying Crimea for over seven years by then, which definitively ruled out Ukraine joining NATO.
All Republicans, including Trump, who claim to oppose illegal immigration still support legal immigration.
Empty truism.
Yes, no one wants North Korean immigration policy. But only some candidates explicitly want *more* legal immigration.
Being anti-war would be enough reason for me to vote for him even if he was worse in every other regard - though he’s not.
"Anti war" is a code word for anti-western leftist idealism, always was, always will be. This foolishness has no place on the right, anywhere, ever. We don't need to be useful idiots, that's the left's thing. The part of the right that things there is any sense in catering to the hippy vote has taken a full turn into the clown town.
Empty truism.
Yes, no one wants North Korean immigration policy. But only some candidates explicitly want *more* legal immigration.

"Anti war" is a code word for anti-western leftist idealism, always was, always will be. This foolishness has no place on the right, anywhere, ever. We don't need to be useful idiots, that's the left's thing. The part of the right that things there is any sense in catering to the hippy vote has taken a full turn into the clown town.


You know, I have nothing else to add to this. Because there's nothing I can come up with, at least at the moment, that could better accentuate the stupidity of what you just wrote.

You know, I have nothing else to add to this. Because there's nothing I can come up with, at least at the moment, that could better accentuate the stupidity of what you just wrote.
Likewise. Do some basic research on historical ideological connections of anything remotely resembling the US "anti war movement" before you reply. You cannot deny the long running leftist connection, so you don't, instead of just trying to act as if you are obviously right and your fellow travelers will hopefully back you up.
Likewise. Do some basic research on historical ideological connections of anything remotely resembling the US "anti war movement" before you reply. You cannot deny the long running leftist connection, so you don't, instead of just trying to act as if you are obviously right and your fellow travelers will hopefully back you up.

Tell me something I don’t already know.

Also, nice association fallacy. You’re literally at the ‘Hitler Leftists ate sugar’ levels of cope.
Marduk is unaware of the entire existence of the America First movement and the Old Right, it seems.

Regardless of how one feels about the matter: such smugness, rooted in historical illiteracy, is utterly misplaced.
And for reasons of own ignorance, they are wholesale robbing idiotic leftists of their trademark "chest beating" arguments for the sake of the "anti war" cause that include apologia for every shithole that went into conflict with the West, like abovementioned Iranian islamic revolutionary regime.
Remind me, who was whining about neocons, globalists and warmongers 20 years ago?
Was Code Pink "Old Right" or "America First"?

We both know neither Old Right nor America First movements came up with these arguments. Some useful idiots in these movements indeed repeat them, but i consider that a case of leftist propaganda doing its job - being spewed by all media and cultural institutions in every direction at such high pressure and quantity, that often few drops get even into places where they would be absolutely unexpected.
Tell me something I don’t already know.

Also, nice association fallacy. You’re literally at the ‘Hitler Leftists ate sugar’ levels of cope.
No, you are at "Leftists acted like this for a century and it was retarded, but now we are acting exactly like this and you're supposed to think its smart and has nothing to do with leftists" level of grand delusion.
We both know neither Old Right nor America First movements came up with these arguments. Some useful idiots in these movements indeed repeat them

You "know" that.

I, on the other hand, know that you're a habitual liar who comes up with insane bullshit and pretends that it's a fact because you say it a billion times. I know that essentially every opinion you have on history is wrong to the point of debilitating retardation.

The only thing I don't know is why I'm still arguing with you. When a donkey brays, I don't care to listen to it either. And it's probably better-informed than you are...
It is kinda hilarious how people insist the right must be pro war always as soon as they got a pet issue they want a war over. Founders wanted to avoid foreign entanglements for a reason. the top 3 republican candidates don't support expanding aid to Ukraine. Trump and Vivek believe they can force a peace and end the war quickly. DeSantis also tentatively raised his hand when asked if he would not support expanding the aid and said we got Issues we need to focus on at home. while there are times you can't avoid a war there are wars you can that aren't worth fighting either.
You "know" that.

I, on the other hand, know that you're a habitual liar who comes up with insane bullshit and pretends that it's a fact because you say it a billion times. I know that essentially every opinion you have on history is wrong to the point of debilitating retardation.

The only thing I don't know is why I'm still arguing with you. When a donkey brays, I don't care to listen to it either. And it's probably better-informed than you are...
Mostly it's because he's a Mod, which sadly means we can't add him to our ignore lists where he belongs.

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