Who else dreads this year?

Prevent the abuse of Presidential power. Sorry, Nancy but Obama left that barn door open. No use closing it now.
What exactly did Obama do?

When the Republicans took back congress he refused to try and work with them in anyway and attempted to run the country via executive orders.

The constitutionally of this was questionable but the democrats ran cover for him so he mainly got away with it. This gave Obama a great deal of power to create laws more or less from thin air even though that should be part of the legislative branch.

Now that trumps president they are railing against him using executive orders to undo Obamas executive orders. Which is hilariously hypocritical.
When the Republicans took back congress he refused to try and work with them in anyway and attempted to run the country via executive orders.

The constitutionally of this was questionable but the democrats ran cover for him so he mainly got away with it. This gave Obama a great deal of power to create laws more or less from thin air even though that should be part of the legislative branch.

Now that trumps president they are railing against him using executive orders to undo Obamas executive orders. Which is hilariously hypocritical.

Dude the last 4 years has been filled with hipicracy and insanity on the lefts side, as In I am honestly surprised they haven't been pimp slapped for all of it, and more and more people around me are hitting their limit even the I just want to grill crowd isn't being left alone.
What exactly did Obama do?
Obama was a very Imperial president that spent more time writing executive orders than he did talking to Congress. He also used to IRS to attack right wing groups during the 2012 election, expanded the power of groups like the NSA to spy on Americans, stirred up race relations to cover his own ass, killed US citizens without trial, declared an unofficial war in Libya without congressional approval, ran guns to the Cartels in a poorly thought out sting operation that were then used to kill US citizens, lied frequently to the media about his actions, etc.

All of this would have been forgivable (in a realpolitik sense) if he could have been held to account for his mistakes and ill actions, but the media loved Obama more than they've loved any president since FDR. They functioned as an absolute arm of Obama's PR team covering up everything he did, misaligned any of his critics as racists and conspiracy theorists, and all around worshiping every step he took. Without this sycophantic coverage, Obama would have been roasted as an inferior copy of Bill Clinton and forgotten about as quickly as Carter once his term(s) were up. Instead, he's still the Democratic party's golden boy even though he's the one that ran the party through a minefield for his own, personal benefit.

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