Who else dreads this year?

Apparently the folks at another board think things will be fine when I mentioned stuff getting lost or actual bad acting about this. Claimed their was nothing to worry about because the US military has had mail in voting since the ACW.

Worse comes to worse the Supreme court will decide.
Apparently the folks at another board think things will be fine when I mentioned stuff getting lost or actual bad acting about this. Claimed their was nothing to worry about because the US military has had mail in voting since the ACW.

Worse comes to worse the Supreme court will decide.
3 million people in the military.

153 million registered voters in the US.

The postal service couldn't even keep up with the covid rush. To think they can handle this kind of volume is absolute lunacy.

There's also just how fucking easy they make it to commit fraud. Of course the other side will argue that there's almost no fraud, and will send you sources to cite that.

This ignores that we have never done mass Mail in voting like this. Previous numbers are irrelevant. This also ignore that those numbers were already irrelevant to anyone arguing that fraud was too easy with no voter ID.

It goes like this:

Sane people: no ID means fraud is easy
Lefties: there's no evidence of fraud, look at these links!
Sane people: but that's exactly the point, isn't it? If Fraud is super easy, then people don't get caught, so those numbers are bullshit.
Leftists: that's racist!

We need in person voting, with ID. Oh but according to the left, that's racist because black people are too poor and stupid to get ID
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So if they do claim a win....the other side and most of America will scream Bullshit.
Eh... There are three main interpretations I've heard.

They know they're going to lose so they're saving up for the next one.
They know it doesn't matter so they're planning for the inevitable civil war.
They know that everyone has basically picked their side a long time ago.

Take your pick.
Has anyone heard about any campaigning the Dems have done? I mean I have seen a few adds but that's it.

They aren't trying to win. They know trumps got it.

So they are sacrificing biden to lose, which given his mental health is no great loss for them, and are doing everything in their power to make the election as much of a disaster as possible.

It's part of their long game. If they can they want to get rid of how elections are currently done and make it pure popular vote.

So they advance their electoral reform agenda and get 4 more years of claiming trump is a illegitimate president, he didn't really win, we were robbed, the Republicans cheated, we would win if the system wasn't rigged against us.

Thus them losing isn't really their fault and they keep inflaming their base and more chaos and riots and stuff.
So if they do claim a win....the other side and most of America will scream Bullshit.
This is why they are attacking the very integrity of the upcoming elections. The mail-in voting is rife with abuse, and the dems are denying any and all of it. They know Biden is a shit of a candidate, but if they make enough of a mess with the elections, they can pretend Trump cheated when he wins, and grace the world with 4 more years of impeachments and stuff.
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If trump wins he can take a lot more risks and being jammers down, as since he cant be reelected, he can get a little more risky

If Trump wins, I think he'll do more than get 'a little more risky.' I think he'll throw optics out the window, and use the legal powers of his office to the maximum degree that is possible.

People want the violence to end. People want the Coronavirus BS to end. People don't want to be living in fear anymore.

And anything that people try to claim he's gone too far, too hard? He can eat that to his own reputation, and whatever he does that's bad in the first two years, will be old news by the time his successor is running.

I fully expect him to crush the Tech-Giants by the end of first quarter 2021. I expect that the riots will explode all over again after Trump wins (again, barring sudden last-minute reversals), and be put down everywhere they try to do anything to federal property by Christmas.
If Trump wins, I think he'll do more than get 'a little more risky.' I think he'll throw optics out the window, and use the legal powers of his office to the maximum degree that is possible.

People want the violence to end. People want the Coronavirus BS to end. People don't want to be living in fear anymore.

And anything that people try to claim he's gone too far, too hard? He can eat that to his own reputation, and whatever he does that's bad in the first two years, will be old news by the time his successor is running.

I fully expect him to crush the Tech-Giants by the end of first quarter 2021. I expect that the riots will explode all over again after Trump wins (again, barring sudden last-minute reversals), and be put down everywhere they try to do anything to federal property by Christmas.
Oh it will be a comepltly diffrent situation should he win. The left will be destroyed and the only way that they would be able to come back is through a civil war.

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