China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

Forget the trade deal and the tariffs, the virus is doing that.

Chinese share markets are going to take a crash.
Its getting worse apparently:

North America is in big trouble if this CoronaVirus reaches LA, San Fran, Portland, or Seattle. Poor sanitation and an excess of homeless for it to cut through and mutate into more deadly strains along the way. Even ignoring the rumblings that the Chinese are hiding how bad this really is. As for what might happen in South America, Venezuela is doomed, and the potential rush of refugees into Columbia/Guyana will make things even worse. Definitely worth paying attention to.
Funny you should mention Seattle.
Nurgle's pleased.


Beer is made from yeast which is made from
fungus, fungus can grow off dead bodies
North America is in big trouble if this CoronaVirus reaches LA, San Fran, Portland, or Seattle. Poor sanitation and an excess of homeless for it to cut through and mutate into more deadly strains along the way. Even ignoring the rumblings that the Chinese are hiding how bad this really is. As for what might happen in South America, Venezuela is doomed, and the potential rush of refugees into Columbia/Guyana will make things even worse. Definitely worth paying attention to.

Thing is um as bad as that would be.

LA, Sanfrancisco, both of these cities would probally be better off in the aftermath of a plague.

Sure a lot of people would die, but it would solve our homelessness problem and the oversized expense of those two cities. It would also increase the wages for the survivors. I mean yes like I said large amount of death but it also kind of solves a lot of our current problems in the long run.

Which is why I think we would 'fail' to do a quarenteen.
Its getting worse apparently:

Now up to 40 million, more than ever, at least in modern times.
The effectiveness of attempting to cordon off the epicenter of the disease -- an area of roughly 40 million people -- will probably be scrutinized far into the future.
It's too big a quarantine, it's going to fail.
Probably a case of "too little, too late", wanting to show a better response than during SARS.
But they were too slow with such heavy handed measures, it already went international, it happened at about the worst part of the year for China possible (lots of travel), and quarantaining almost 3% of the population is just unlikely to work.
If this turns out to be a government mistake well then they have a duty to reign it in quick.
Because if millions of people die from this screw up that's some thing that topples governments.
This is already beginning to be China's Chernobyl.

I can believe the possibility that they have a chemical research facility because both the US and Russia played around with viruses too in the cold war.

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