The Americas ðŸ‡¨ðŸ‡º Protests in Cuba

The media might not be spinning it and have a point here. Medical care is something the Cuban Communists actually got right. If the people are protesting because of vaccine shortages it's because the Cuban government can't import enough due to trade embargos.
Ironically yes. Cuban healthcare is a good balance of quality and price... if you are paying in USD that is.
Courtesy of best educated slaves in history.
If you don't pay in USD and aren't an important person in Cuba, unfortunately you get the communist healthcare experience instead:
If you're going to a hospital, don't forget to bring your own antibiotics and... lightbulbs.
You think that was the case in Hong Kong too, when the protestors there were doing that?

Yes. Not universally and probably not among the majority of the rank-and-file (which will be the case with cuba too) but there were definitely people among their organizers and leadership who were involved with the cia or other DC intelligence.
In the long term the Cuban communist government is not long for the world.


As you can see Cuba as a naval base has the ability in theory to cut the US's missippi trade from the rest of the world. The united states thus has a very good reason to never allow a hostle regieme to exist on the island. The fact that they have been allowed to exist after the end of the cold war was an act of generosity. As the US withdrawls back to its back yard its going to pay more attention to its back yard and getting rid of the commies is just good fincial sense.
Yes. Not universally and probably not among the majority of the rank-and-file (which will be the case with cuba too) but there were definitely people among their organizers and leadership who were involved with the cia or other DC intelligence.
Current woke CIA which is fighting bad white male christians? really? They could start something in Poland and Hungary,but not Cuba or Hongkong.
Shout out to NYT for letting the mask slip:

Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years

Freedom: a anti-government slogan. A self aware individual might have taken the time to add the context of how Cuba government considers it anti-them and anti commie. But no such clarification. Freedom is a dangerous insurrectionist dogwhistle don't you know?
If someone is waving an American flag at a protest in another country it's a cia gayop.

If they're legitimately acting in the interests of their own country, they're waving their own countries' flag, or their waving the flag of their movement, or their waving an alternative to their country's flag. Or another regional flag of their nation. If it's an American flag the point is to give neocons the optics and pretext for involvement.

Not necessarily at all.

There are plenty of Cubans with family in Miami who would love for Cuba to have better relations with America.
Current woke CIA which is fighting bad white male christians? really? They could start something in Poland and Hungary,but not Cuba or Hongkong.

tbh this just feels like willful blindness to me. The spook community was heavily involved with creating many of the endless middle eastern wars. They backed the "arab spring" destabilization campaign that became the Syrian Civil War. The cia is known to have ties with the muslim brotherhood. Those are not White Male Christians. The spook community has an ideological bent for sure but Nationalists, Christians, and other normal White people are not their only targets.

Not necessarily at all.

There are plenty of Cubans with family in Miami who would love for Cuba to have better relations with America.

Yeah, 'cause when people at a protest in America wave a mexican flag your first thought is "I bet they mean they want better relations with mexico!" Waving another countries flag at a protest is generally abysmal optics if you are trying to win over support in your country. The purpose is optics in America, which means glow in the dark involvement and color revolution.

United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) putting Biden on full-blast over Biden's lack of strategy on the Cuban protests.

Why the hell should anyone in America have a "strategy" over some foreign protests?
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Hear about those Cuban protests???

It's all due to the poor WuFlu response of the Cuban government or something. Which I guess... is totally in line with all of these Cubans waving American flags and shouting Freedom a lot in chants. 💩

Be interesting to see how these protests develop and if they can actually gain any traction in a heavily militarized Communist Dictatorship like Cuba.
If someone is waving an American flag at a protest in another country it's a cia gayop.

If they're legitimately acting in the interests of their own country, they're waving their own countries' flag, or their waving the flag of their movement, or their waving an alternative to their country's flag. Or another regional flag of their nation. If it's an American flag the point is to give neocons the optics and pretext for involvement.

tbh this just feels like willful blindness to me. The spook community was heavily involved with creating many of the endless middle eastern wars. They backed the "arab spring" destabilization campaign that became the Syrian Civil War. The cia is known to have ties with the muslim brotherhood. Those are not White Male Christians. The spook community has an ideological bent for sure but Nationalists, Christians, and other normal White people are not their only targets.


United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) putting Biden on full-blast over Biden's lack of strategy on the Cuban protests.
Why the hell should anyone in America have a "strategy" over some foreign protests?

🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
I mean yes obviously the DC government does have a strategy over it's own op, if that's your point. rubio making that accusation isn't indicative of any lack of strategy - a washed up neocon accusing a neolib of not having an aggressive enough strategy is how the global American empire operates.
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The discourse around Cuba seems to highlight a lot of rather skewed priorities. "Yes, it's a repressive authoritarian state where your fundamental rights are restricted. Yes, you can't legally leave the island or emigrate. Yes, your ability to make decisions about how to live your own life is very limited. But, and this is the part that makes up for all that other'll be pretty healthy."

I very much doubt any of Cuba's defenders would actually take that deal.
not sure what the point of the media focusing on the corona angle is, but it'd be funny if it turns out to be because being Very Concerned about corona is such an idol with liberals and the left that it's how they start shilling wars to them.

can't fucking wait for when we go to war with wherever-the-fuck-istan because they don't have mandatory vaccinations or something
not sure what the point of the media focusing on the corona angle is, but it'd be funny if it turns out to be because being Very Concerned about corona is such an idol with liberals and the left that it's how they start shilling wars to them.

can't fucking wait for when we go to war with wherever-the-fuck-istan because they don't have mandatory vaccinations or something
I suspect this is actually to downplay the real reasons they're protesting.

People will hear vaccine shortages and eat that shit right up.

The people trying to usher In a new socialist/communist era really don't want their supporters hearing about how masses of people are protesting against communism pretty much right in their back yard. Cuba is supposed to be an example of communism working.

They've got to keep that propaganda going. People in this very thread were arguing that Cuba got healthcare right. It's a major propaganda op.
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The discourse around Cuba seems to highlight a lot of rather skewed priorities. "Yes, it's a repressive authoritarian state where your fundamental rights are restricted. Yes, you can't legally leave the island or emigrate. Yes, your ability to make decisions about how to live your own life is very limited. But, and this is the part that makes up for all that other'll be pretty healthy."

I very much doubt any of Cuba's defenders would actually take that deal.
They wouldn't; but they do want you to take it.

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