Cancel Culture and Progressive Iconoclasm: The #Blackout Edition w/ extra "Guidance"

its not about actually fighting racism its about lording over other people and pretending your better then them as you fuck over their lives.

Their sadististic assholes who think their gods gift to the world dont expect actual inteligence out of them.

When you have no talent, you can simulate talent by destroying something. That's why the big cancellers are usually mediocrities. Its a way of projecting a kind of power for people who have little talent and no realistic way to join the elite.
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Cool, so what is this?
It's a live-reading of a new episode of an anime series called Digimon Tamers. These tweets were about some sjw getting butthurt over the japanese people calling out their bullshit, portraying an evil digimon as a Social Justice tard with a special attack called "Cancel Culture". Needless to say, the sjwtards are reee'ing pretty hard over it and claim that the writer of that live-reading is an "alt-right conspiratist" and other pleasant sjw terms.
It's a live-reading of a new episode of an anime series called Digimon Tamers. These tweets were about some sjw getting butthurt over the japanese people calling out their bullshit, portraying an evil digimon as a Social Justice tard with a special attack called "Cancel Culture". Needless to say, the sjwtards are reee'ing pretty hard over it and claim that the writer of that live-reading is an "alt-right conspiratist" and other pleasant sjw terms.

When you go looking for offense your going to be offended all the time.
And the new host of Jeopardy! is canceled before his first episode and stepping down. I'm not even sure what he actually did or said that's causing the furor.

He's not as Black as Levar Burton I hear.

Nor as awkward as him.

Or as bad a host as him.

What a difference a deep dive into your back history provides.



The mob will find something if your of the wrong demographic.
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I don't get how my lefty friends all jumped on the Trans bandwagon. How they literally began denying reality to the point some of them just cannot handle jokes about trannies. How did this happen?


Now you understand how we feel about marxists having so much power and influance after murdering over a hundred million people. Who will die in the next attempt at utopia no one knows.
I guess I got lucky. Only one of my friends really became Trans, and considers themselves non binary. The other friends in that group are a bunch of libertarians who hate the government holding more power then it should. They used to be die hard bernie bros, but after working a decent job, they understood.
I guess I got lucky. Only one of my friends really became Trans, and considers themselves non binary. The other friends in that group are a bunch of libertarians who hate the government holding more power then it should. They used to be die hard bernie bros, but after working a decent job, they understood.
Did they have any queries about their gender before all this social insanity began, or have they just joined the ranks of the trans-trenders?
Ah, that's sort of a tell as to what happened. I feel empathy for them because the next decade or two is going to suck for them, once realization sets in. :(
I don't think they ever took hormones until after highschool.
Yeah. Knew it. Sudden onset gender dysphoria.

Abigail Shrier writes about it. Or maybe it was Deborah Soh. Perhaps both, they kinda overlap for me. But anyways, there's a few interesting things to know about it.

First, gender dysphoria has been documented for like the last 100 years. It's almost always, the vast majority of the time, been biological men who experience it.

Now, we are experiencing a new phenomenon where groups of peers are all suddenly coming out as trans. That's called sudden onset gender dysphoria. This is, the vast majority of the time, teenage or young girls. Almost always after one of their peers does it. One starts it and then others follow.

They're a good chunk of the trans trenders that the people earlier were talking about.

These are typically the girls who are more likely to in the past be goths/counter culture, cut themselves, have small friend groups, can be outcasts, get bullied, etc. Suddenly they or one of their friends becomes trans, and is SHOWERED with attention, approval, and praise. Which is EXACTLY what these types of girls are lacking in their lives. So they see this easy answer to get all this stuff. They can be trans too!

What they really need is therapy. Not from a therapist that's going to just accept that they're trans though. And what they get instead is encouragement from groomers and prescription hormone blockers.

It's no wonder they have a high suicide rate. They rapidly and massively change their lives, and once the rush and appraisal wears off they left with a mutilated body and the same depressed feelings they started with.

Did you know in some places, teens can walk into clinics and get hormone therapy and not even inform their parents?

When history looks back on this era, this will all one day be seen as utterly barbaric
Yeah. Knew it. Sudden onset gender dysphoria.

Abigail Shrier writes about it. Or maybe it was Deborah Soh. Perhaps both, they kinda overlap for me. But anyways, there's a few interesting things to know about it.

First, gender dysphoria has been documented for like the last 100 years. It's almost always, the vast majority of the time, been biological men who experience it.

Now, we are experiencing a new phenomenon where groups of peers are all suddenly coming out as trans. That's called sudden onset gender dysphoria. This is, the vast majority of the time, teenage or young girls. Almost always after one of their peers does it. One starts it and then others follow.

They're a good chunk of the trans trenders that the people earlier were talking about.

These are typically the girls who are more likely to in the past be goths/counter culture, cut themselves, have small friend groups, can be outcasts, get bullied, etc. Suddenly they or one of their friends becomes trans, and is SHOWERED with attention, approval, and praise. Which is EXACTLY what these types of girls are lacking in their lives. So they see this easy answer to get all this stuff. They can be trans too!

What they really need is therapy. Not from a therapist that's going to just accept that they're trans though. And what they get instead is encouragement from groomers and prescription hormone blockers.

It's no wonder they have a high suicide rate. They rapidly and massively change their lives, and once the rush and appraisal wears off they left with a mutilated body and the same depressed feelings they started with.

Did you know in some places, teens can walk into clinics and get hormone therapy and not even inform their parents?

When history looks back on this era, this will all one day be seen as utterly barbaric
From what I understand, they were the first, out of two people who actually did it.
You still may be right, but they were not any kind of goth our that kinds culture.
One was a Band and theater kid, the other just a theater kid.
My friend, who is Male non binary (idfk) is the older siblings if the person I am talking about.

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