Yes, I know I sometimes make joke announcements. This is not one of them.
We take violations of the TOS, especially surrounding potential illegal NSFW content, very seriously. While we may and do discuss topics related to such material, and may refer to the existence of said material, actually posting it on this site will lead to a very serious response.
Our TOS is very specific in what is never acceptable content on this site, and while we will try and give the benefit of the doubt in borderline cases, there are red lines that we made explicitly clear. I explicitly refer to TOS 3d and 3e in this regard. For those who may not have read the Terms of Service, I will repeat it here.
3. Banned Content. The following content, advocacy, speech, images, audio files, or any other form of interaction with The Sietch webforum is explicitly prohibited:
d. Anything that may be construed as child pornography, even if not already banned under 3.a. or 3.b.
e. Any kind of erotic literary work involving children, even if not already banned under 3.a, 3.b., or 3.d.
We take violations of the TOS, especially surrounding potential illegal NSFW content, very seriously. While we may and do discuss topics related to such material, and may refer to the existence of said material, actually posting it on this site will lead to a very serious response.
Our TOS is very specific in what is never acceptable content on this site, and while we will try and give the benefit of the doubt in borderline cases, there are red lines that we made explicitly clear. I explicitly refer to TOS 3d and 3e in this regard. For those who may not have read the Terms of Service, I will repeat it here.
3. Banned Content. The following content, advocacy, speech, images, audio files, or any other form of interaction with The Sietch webforum is explicitly prohibited:
d. Anything that may be construed as child pornography, even if not already banned under 3.a. or 3.b.
e. Any kind of erotic literary work involving children, even if not already banned under 3.a, 3.b., or 3.d.