I've said it before, but I honestly I would respect the position more if they were just honest about it coming from Nationalist grounds and cut out the fake moralizing. Like, I do not get along at all with @Marduk, but I have said before I can respect his position more than I can the others, simply because it's pretty obviously motivated out of Eastern European ethnic grievances. Honestly kinda based, if wrong and fool hardy in my estimation. The Ukrainians I interact with never shy away from this aspect, don't do the fake morality stuff, and it's why I get along well with them; otherwise it's just an insult to my intelligence to pretend Russia invading Ukraine is bad when we invaded Iraq as I was growing up.
Well, TBF, I do think that there is a moral distinction between these two invasions: The US invaded Iraq in part in order to spread freedom and democracy (something that Iraqis themselves apparently wanted when they previously rebelled against Saddam in 1991, at US encouragement) while the Russian invasion of Ukraine was in large part to secure Ukraine's human capital for Russia. The US invasion of Iraq was at least theoretically meant to also benefit Iraqis in a considerably larger way than the Russian invasion of Ukraine was. (Yes, Ukrainians would be better off economically as a part of Russia, but they'd also become less free, and in any case, unlike with the US and Iraq, Russia could have had open borders with Ukraine without any wars.)