Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022

Thread Pruning Mark SIXTEEN
More Iraq War Discussion Pruned to the Donb Ass Thread. Nothing else major to report really.

Found this amusing however...

Russians back in Irpin where amazingly some buildings still stand.

Video allegedly of British volunteer sniper and his unit.

Rest in Peace Julia Zdanovskaya, a 21 year old Mathematician who earned a Silver Medal at the European Olympiad in Mathematics for Girls in 2017. Apparently killed by a Russian Missile in Kharkov during her liberation.

Streetview of the Mariupol Evacuation Route

Chernihiv in Northern Ukraine looks positive idyllic by comparison... Not Really.

Unconfirmed Reports of Threatening Emigres and other Russians abroad.


Isn’t that the same “Kraut” whose video series aimed at pwning “the alt-right” with the help of his “youtube academics” couldn’t even get basic facts right? The guy who set up a “discord war room” with his fellow enlightened skeptics to try and devise false flags to start internet drama? The guy who calls every form of government not Democratic “fascist”? Very trustworthy source indeed. Watch out Putin, don’t wanna anger the YouTube academics.
Isn’t that the same “Kraut” whose video series aimed at pwning “the alt-right” with the help of his “youtube academics” couldn’t even get basic facts right? The guy who set up a “discord war room” with his fellow enlightened skeptics to try and devise false flags to start internet drama? The guy who calls every form of government not Democratic “fascist”? Very trustworthy source indeed. Watch out Putin, don’t wanna anger the YouTube academics.

No idea. It showed up in my feed. I'm sure it's comparably as trustworthy as Russians With Attitude, ASBNews (Rest in Peace), Oliver Stone and the Gaslighting Pedarast ex-Marine people keep citing without much issue or pushback though. 🤷‍♀️

Only I stated the allegations were "unconfirmed" of course. ;)
If anyone else is a fan of Nicholas Moran (aka The Chieftan), he put out a video calling out a lot of the bullshit.

"Where are the large Ukrainian maneuver units...Ukraine has entire brigades...."
Yeah, this is something almost no one in the West is asking and there has been a blackout on whatever is happening with that army the Ukrainians had amassed in the east.
While I disagree on his opinion on Russia and Russians, I respect the guy for staying above the fray and not grifting like 90% of youtube that has even the smallest relation to politics and warfare.
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More prisoners taken.

All Female Unit of Ukrainian Soldiers taken captive. These surrenders are picking up.

Repair Depot western Kyiv Front.

Bit by bit, Russia eliminates the main threat to bringing its Strategic Bombers in for carpet bombardments.


Tell me,why your idols still do not moved then,if their enemies are mass surrendering and running?

Russians back in Irpin where amazingly some buildings still stand.

Interview with Mariupol Resident.

UkA running out of weapons and gas. What isn't blown up is captured.

The Comrades taking time to prepare themselves spiritually for the upcoming struggles.

So,russians do not destroyed all homes in Irpin.How noble of them.

Mariunpol residents say how bad Azow is to dudes which destroyed his city.Very logical.
And yes,the same Azow who according to you is running from Mariunpol.Could they bilocate?

Ukraine have no weapons and gas.Got it,why your nazirussians idols do not taken Ukraine then?

Russians are going to church.WHY? russian church is part of KGB Mafia ruling there.With KGB officer Cyril leading them.
They belive in KGB,why bother God?

Low flying CAS. If the UkA really did attempt encirclement, it wasn't very successful and busted quickly as the Russians launch vastly more sorties in Drones, Rotary Wing, and Fixed Wing craft in a day than UkA manages in a week.

Another UkA officer captured.

Bit by bit, Chernihiv-Nizhyn pocket is being reduced.

More surrenders.

Russians have issued a final Ultimatum to Mariupol Defenders to surrender by midnight (5 hours approximately as of posting this) or no quarter will be given. Given the number of Thermobaric Weapons they brought up, they mean it.

Hit the media limit and time for me to get ready for work.

So,again,ukrainains are surrendering or destroyed,and their attack failed.

Another ultimatum to Mariunpol defenders.And you say that your russonazis would use thermobaric at mass.

Your idol Putin just creating martyred heroes for Ukraine.If he do not start WW3,Ukraine would be full of Azow heroes monuments.All thanks to your idol stupidity.
Or not,if Putin planned from the start to kill russian army.Then what he is doing is logical.

Its clearly Russian, because the photo of the badly burning ship looks most like an Alligator class, and Ukraine sold theirs in 2004.
In their video you can also see other landing ships GTFOing from the port that were parked close to the messed up one, so they probably did take some damage. One of them also has a lesser fire onboard.
Seems like yet another step in Ukraine's plan to focus on attacking Russian logistics.
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Lotta speculation on the fire in Berdyansk Port. Initially it was speculated a Ukranian ballistic missile, Tochka-class, struck an Alligator-class Tank Landing Ship. But then it was reasoned that it was more likely a fire on the ship occurred resulting in the detonation of munitions on board. Also reported of three other ships being damaged.

Other ships are departing the Port in the past few hours though.

Ship was already unloaded:

Frankly, it is hard to tell what happened exactly:

Sabotage of the ship, somebody getting lucky, or something else at the port like storage tanks blowing up.

So apparently this guy, and the MIA Defense Minister Shuigo, were the only people besides Putin with nuclear launch authority in Russia.

Yeah, so right now Putin may have sole launch authority in Russia.

Edit: Nevermind, this guy is a different Gerasimov; the one with nuke launch authority is Valery Gerasimov, who is still MIA like Shuigo.

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