The War in Afghanistan

And it's over folks. The President of Afghanistan will allegedly abdicate shortly, bringing in an interim Talibsn government to oversee the likely cease fire.

Farewell President Ghani...

Ghani? I hardly knew ye... :sneaky:

Oh and as of a few hours ago the US Intelligence agencies stated Kabul could fall in 72 hours when just four days ago they said itd be 90 days.

I guess now they'll have to revise those estimates to zero hours.


Thankfully it seems the Taliban have announced they aren't going to attempt to storm Kabul. Why evoke a US retaliation when you've already basically won and the US said they're bailing already?
Afghanistan of all places? That's more of a belated rolling back of imperial overstretch. The whole nation building effort there was a mistake, no reason to keep pumping blood and money into it. This should have been a hunting expedition all along. And once that objective was done, fuck the whole place. And if it becomes a shithole again? Look who's at its borders and will suffer the bulk of that. Enemies, treacherous frenemies, and client states of enemies. Fuck them too.

Should have could have, blah blah. You can't turn the wheel back, no matter how hard you try. Once you have gotten involved, there is no running away without consequences, certainly not the way it's being done right now. We'll see how your kind of thinking pans out for American interests in the next decade or two.
Should have could have, blah blah. You can't turn the wheel back, no matter how hard you try. Once you have gotten involved, there is no running away without consequences, certainly not the way it's being done right now. We'll see how your kind of thinking pans out for American interests in the next decade or two.

Given what we're seeing now, while withdrawing was a mistake, staying clearly wasn't an opition. We spent 20 years trying to build a functional government and military there, and it collapsed the moment we left. It collapsed twice, actually, given how badly they got routed by ISIS.

After a certain point, staying just becomes a sunk cost fallacy, at best. At least with a sunk cost situation you eventually get something out of it, just something that cost far more than it should have. This was just us throwing away time, money, and lives for absolutely no gain.
Should have could have, blah blah. You can't turn the wheel back, no matter how hard you try. Once you have gotten involved, there is no running away without consequences, certainly not the way it's being done right now. We'll see how your kind of thinking pans out for American interests in the next decade or two.
Hey, we are the most powerful military in the world.
What and how awful the ANA are is not our fault.
Should have could have, blah blah. You can't turn the wheel back, no matter how hard you try. Once you have gotten involved, there is no running away without consequences, certainly not the way it's being done right now. We'll see how your kind of thinking pans out for American interests in the next decade or two.
Yeah, they should have withdrawn by May, like the deal suggested, the optics would have been much better than now.
Are they trying to flee from the Taliban?

No they're trying to get free vaccines. Hopefully the CDC mandated everyone that wants a flight out of Afghanistan requires a proof of vaccination. So they're getting their first or second jab most likely, or a third booster. Regardless its a two week minimum wait on the tarmac before they get a C-17 flight out of the country. Last thing we need in Central Asia is a super spreader event and the needless loss of life.
Meanwhile, to clearly illustrate how absolutely coddled and soft and lacking perspective the West is, "American Taliban" is trending on Twitter.


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