Transgender Rights

They're suing the same damn cake shop... this is what, the fourth or fifth time LGBTQQIP2SAA people have sued this guy to force him to make them celebratory cakes? Is this guy the only baker in all of Colorado or something? Man, they really just can't take the L.

They're suing the same damn cake shop... this is what, the fourth or fifth time LGBTQQIP2SAA people have sued this guy to force him to make them celebratory cakes? Is this guy the only baker in all of Colorado or something? Man, they really just can't take the L.

This is where it all goes wrong.

Fr'ex: my youngest likes rainbows. She thinks the TQ+ part of LGBTQ+ are "a bunch of n*****s"* when she's being polite.

Me or Princess ordering a rainbow cake for her birthday has zero connotations beyond "Lucille likes rainbows".

* My daugeters are colorblind when it comes to tossing slurs and very creative when using them.
So I think it's fair to say the Left has went fully from "No one is transitioning children" to "We are transitioning children and it's a good thing" as per usual. The difference this time is that they are actually losing ground, both in public opinion and legal standing. I think we can thank Matt Walsh and his documentary and other efforts for these positive developments.
So I think it's fair to say the Left has went fully from "No one is transitioning children" to "We are transitioning children and it's a good thing" as per usual. The difference this time is that they are actually losing ground, both in public opinion and legal standing. I think we can thank Matt Walsh and his documentary and other efforts for these positive developments.

It's more like "We're transitioning half the children and the other half will be groomed and verbally molested until they ID as something other than straight."

There already are state-funded rape camps if what happened in Loudon county is any indication.
It's more like "We're transitioning half the children and the other half will be groomed and verbally molested until they ID as something other than straight."

There already are state-funded rape camps if what happened in Loudon county is any indication.
The only ‘good’ news is that it’s going to be near impossible to hide the inevitable spike in suicides due to the increase in transgenders. Poor, poor bastards. :(
Stanford University doctor: chop 'em off while they are young!

DAVID STROM 8:31 AM on October 12, 2022

The invaluable Christopher Rufo has outed another ghoulish doctor who is anxious to mutilate children. This time, the offender is Tandy Aye, who is a professor at Stanford University’s Children’s Health Specialty Services.

As you would expect, the deeper you dig into the child mutilation business, the more troubling the results.

But the more clarifying as well, since Aye admits what other gender bender doctors refuse to: putting kids on hormones to block puberty is a decision with permanent, not temporary ramifications. Once you start the hormonal “transition,” children are rendered sterile and can’t turn back the clock. None of that ridiculous argument about “putting a pause on puberty” that other hormone pushers are claiming.

Put your kid on hormones, say goodbye to any chance at a normal future. And kids are being put on hormones prior to puberty–meaning that children who have just turned the corner into using double digits for their age are being encouraged to make decisions that will change their lives forever. Just as young pubescent girls are getting their breasts removed to aid in “transitioning.”

Stanford Children's doctor says "the demand for transgender surgery has increased by five-fold" and suggests that if a boy takes hormones and "her testes are non-functional," doctors should surgically remove them—even if the child is a minor.

11:41 AM · Oct 11, 2022

Christopher F. Rufo

Oct 11, 2022
Replying to @realchrisrufo
We now have medical doctors saying "her testes" with a straight face.

Christopher F. Rufo


I'm sure most of these gender doctors are otherwise intelligent, humane people, but radical gender theory has turned them insane. They're blocking out basic questions like "why has this increased by 500%" and "is it really a good idea to surgically remove a child's genitals."
11:59 AM · Oct 11, 2022

Aye’s argument in her TED-x talk is pretty simple: since we have already rendered a child sterile, why not chop off the offending organs? Removing a “girls” non-functioning testes while still a minor just makes sense, in the same way removing an inflamed appendix does. The organ does nothing useful anyway, so chop those testes off. And since they have been sterilized anyway, they already are informed about the consequences.

If you have the slightest doubt that these doctors are going after kids who are even younger than 10, watch this video I found at Stanford Medicine’s Children’s Health Specialty Center’s Pediatric and Adolescent Gender Clinic. Please take a moment to get a sense of how sick these people are. The child narrator is clearly in the 4-6 year-old range, so nowhere near even 10 years old:

As you would expect given how topsy-turvy our world is today, Stanford Children’s is ranked one of the best hospitals in the country for their specialty.


At every step along the way the goalposts keep moving. “Gender Affirming Care” specialists have gone from “we don’t do anything permanent” when kids are minors to “we don’t do surgery on children” to “sure we do surgery on children, but not on genitals,” to “of course we should do genital surgery on children” because we permanently sterilized them already, so what is the point of having genitals anyway?

As Aye notes in her talk, children identifying as gender dysphoric have increased in number by 500% over the past 5 years. She acts as if this is perfectly normal and as proof that we should accelerate the rate at which we sterilize and mutilate children, rather than as a huge red flag that something other than a medical condition is involved in this trend.

That something, by the way, is the systematic recruiting of children by doctors, educators, corporations such as Disney, and the entire Leftist establishment. Children are not being treated, they are being lured. And there are big bucks at stake, and of course locking in a whole generation of voters for Leftist politics is a nice bonus as well.

If you are not yet committed to stopping these child abusers, it’s time to start rising up. An entire generation of children is being harmed permanently. We failed to stop the COVIDiots from harming kids’ educations; the least we can do is save them from genital mutilation as well.

And no one important is doing anything about it except for Robert Kennedy Jr. Corporations all got on one knee and started sucking the inclusivity transgender industry dick. $2.1 billion of dick to suck is a lot of dick for them. Politicians are trying to avoid that too, out of fear of cancel culture, or they support it and just don't want to say it.

I am so disheartened to hear all the political ads in PA lately and not one republican talking nailing democrats to this depravity....not one commercial about the forced injections or the stifling of free speech either! Instead it is the same freaking tax cut bullshit! As if this is still 1983 or something!

Libs of TikTok


Librarian at Groton Public Schools shows off a book for elementary students which promotes drag queens and drag queen story time for kids.


People tried to warn the left and civilization in general that this would happen but nooooo, we’re just being transphobic hate-mongers….
I've said it before numerous times, and I'll say it again: JKR, who is accused of being "transphobic" because she doesn't drink their brand of Kool-Aid, was correct.

Women are being raped or exploited in female prisons by "transgender" inmates (California especially). Women's spaces like bathrooms and changing rooms are being overrun. Women in sports are being pushed out of their own fucking leagues by dudes in wigs.

Women's rights are basically being eroded, but because the perpetrators are men in dresses, no one says anything in fear of being canceled or ripped apart by the woke mob.
I've said it before numerous times, and I'll say it again: JKR, who is accused of being "transphobic" because she doesn't drink their brand of Kool-Aid, was correct.

Women are being raped or exploited in female prisons by "transgender" inmates (California especially). Women's spaces like bathrooms and changing rooms are being overrun. Women in sports are being pushed out of their own fucking leagues by dudes in wigs.

Women's rights are basically being eroded, but because the perpetrators are men in dresses, no one says anything in fear of being canceled or ripped apart by the woke mob.
It ends when enough women stop providing social cover for them. The trans 'community' is microscopic, all their political protection comes from useful idiots.
I've said it before numerous times, and I'll say it again: JKR, who is accused of being "transphobic" because she doesn't drink their brand of Kool-Aid, was correct.

Women are being raped or exploited in female prisons by "transgender" inmates (California especially). Women's spaces like bathrooms and changing rooms are being overrun. Women in sports are being pushed out of their own fucking leagues by dudes in wigs.

Women's rights are basically being eroded, but because the perpetrators are men in dresses, no one says anything in fear of being canceled or ripped apart by the woke mob.

Its kind of women's fault. We are here because of feminism, and the majority of feminists support women being pushed out of women spaces, its why they label the minority of feminists who disagrees with transgender ideology as TERFs.

Edit: So really if we want to push back against insane transgender ideology, we also have to push back on the slightly less insane feminist ideology.
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