Turkish-backed attack on Armenia by Azerbaijan with formal declaration of War

Karabach had own goverment abd are pro-russians.
That government is even less independent than those two in Donbass, it is just a fig leaf for Erevan, before the international community. They are just as pro-Russian as the current Armenian government.

He is making example
No he is not, he is simply doing realpolitik. Quid pro quo is a thing you know.
Looks like the two sides have been trading bombardment of cities today, which is an exception to how Azerbaijan has typically just been bombarding cities in the NKR and then acting shocked and indignant when their own cities are targeted.

This time Azerbaijan shelling destroyed Stepanakert's maternity hospital (as well as targeted NKR's other main city Shusha) while the Armenians allegedly shelled the Azeri city of Berda in Central Azerbaijan, apparently killing over twenty civilians.

Has Russia come to the rescue at last?

Russia's position on this has been rather clear for a while.

It does not recognize the territory that Armenia took from Azerbaijan as legitimate. Therefore, it is not required or interested to defend said territory. They will however, keep Azerbaijan from trying to press any attacks into Armenia proper. Azerbaijan has an edge in this in that Turkey recognizes its right to retake the lost territory.

And Russia snickering because if I recall, they were the ones who drew the lines where lots of Armenians would be living in Azerbaijan from the get go. This is really just a part of Russia's divide and rule strategy.
Russia's position on this has been rather clear for a while.

It does not recognize the territory that Armenia took from Azerbaijan as legitimate. Therefore, it is not required or interested to defend said territory. They will however, keep Azerbaijan from trying to press any attacks into Armenia proper. Azerbaijan has an edge in this in that Turkey recognizes its right to retake the lost territory.

And Russia snickering because if I recall, they were the ones who drew the lines where lots of Armenians would be living in Azerbaijan from the get go. This is really just a part of Russia's divide and rule strategy.
That's back in the time when they were the Soviets?
When it collapsed, yeah.

Soviets were famous for drawing new state lines to ensure future conflicts.

Not as much future conflicts, they certainly did not plan for the Union to collapse, but to draw borders in a way that would force all affected groups to look up to Soviet government to protect them.

Armenians in Azeri territory, Azeri in Armenian territory, both groups would have to look to central Soviet power for security, and in doing so make common cause with said power.

This allowed the Soviets to play various groups off each other.

Same with vast over-representation (at times over 60% of positions of authority while being about 1% of total population) of Jews in Stalinist security apparatus in Poland for example, they knew once the protective umbrella went away they could / would be made to account for their crimes, so they were extra loyal and over-diligent to avoid just that. Which of course made them even more hated, so they were even more loyal and diligent, which made them even more loyal and determined, which...
And so forth and so forth.
British drawn borders in India were very much done with ''playing different ethnicities against each other'' in mind
It worked. Pakistan's never been the same after Kashmir and losing Bangladesh when it was still east Pakistan.

Gandhi's killer is promoted as a hero.

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